[SOLVED] We need a (steam) iron - has anybody seen any good deals?

Kids back to school tommorrow, and our lovely Philips iron decided it doesn't want to heat up any more.

I need help to find a decent one with a nice non-stick baseplate. The Philips one was great, but it doesn't need to be that brand. But I don't want a crappy $20 non-name Kmart one, I know that much.

I've got no idea re: our budget, I guess $50 or so is a reasonable mid-range price.? I usually chase "% discount" in these circumstances, and try to get a high-end one in a sale at 1/2 price or a damaged carton in the clearance bin or something.

Anyway, has anybody noticed such a deal on irons? Any brand/model recommendations?

I need to buy it in time for the other half to use it on Tuesday or Wednesday. See - we each have a role in this project LOL

Thanks heaps!


  • You could try 2nds World. I haven't used this website yet but it was recommended to me. I searched for irons

    One thing I have found with irons is that the ergonomics of them are quite variable. I think it would really be worthwhile doing some investigation into which one "feels" best for you (eg weight, manouverability - even cord length) before you set out and buy one. And as far as I can recall from looking for a decent iron about five years ago, $50 wasn't going to buy me much more than a very basic base model. Not that it makes much difference to me since I rarely iron, but it was a pressing issue (!) at the time when I was responsible for dutifully ironing my husband's work shirts!

  • I bought a new iron from Aldi for $30 some time ago and noticed they now have them for $25. They are as good an iron as my previous $100 iron with a variable steam setting as well as shot of steam/spray feature. Also self cleaning and has a stainless steel sole plate. They don't feel "cheap" as some similar priced ones from KMart etc. Has a long cord and auto switch off if you go off and leave it.
    I am tempted to buy one as a spare as if the original blows up you're never quite sure when they come back in again at Aldi.

  • Singer 2000W Steam STATION Iron, Only $89 - Delivered!

  • I have the Sunbeam Ultura. very happy with it. was less then $50 on sale a while ago. Im sure the current prices will be similar.

  • We ended up with a Russell Hobbs "Accusteam" RHC-905 iron with ceramic baseplate and auto-cutoff. A bit above budget at $59 from Target.

    The auto-cutoff was the decider, as we need that with a kid around who is likely to distract us (so the iron ends up being forgotten sometimes). Overall it seems about the same quality as the old Philips Azure that we've been so happy with. The ceramic baseplate on these more "upmarket" iron is excellent.

    Hint - if you have a sticky mark on your iron, get some of the Iron Cleaner from the supermarket. You use it as a sort-of polish on the hot baseplate, and the gunk just comes straight off.

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