What Are Your Driving Pet Peeves?

so starting off with mine, I hate those who can't drive at a speed limit when on the right lane or who don't follow slower traffic keep left rule.
and people who don't use an indicator on the turning lane or indicate early while turning.

Just hoping people become aware of road rules and whatnot.


  • +18

    I'm so used to double-flashing hazards as a "thank you" or "slow down behind me - issue ahead" warning or flashing headlights to let someone know you're giving them way, but apparently that's not a thing here.

    Biggest pet peeve is red light jumpers. There's a LOT here, especially in the city.

    • +16

      red light jumpers

      and sees no room to move forward then gets stuck in an intersection. 🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️

      • +37

        I'm surprised no-one's mentioned people with bad Driving Headlights.
        And no, I don't mean flashing the brights, but the normal night-time driving lights. I never needed to complain about this +10 years ago. Now, it's ridiculous. I'm driving a pretty tall car, and they're constantly blinding me from the front and back.

        Part of the problem is older cars getting new LED headlights, and they're not properly calibrated. The other problem is, there are some new cars which are designed with some "light leak" that gets thrown on other drivers. And apparently manufacturers scratched this under the for safety rationale.

        It's gotten to the point where I'm thinking of installing a big shiny mirror on my car's roof, to warn other drivers on my rear. And wearing sunglasses at night for those blinding me from ahead.

        • Auto-dimming rear view mirrors have been a thing for well over a decade. Modern cars also have a sandwiched film in the front windscreen that does a similar thing reducing oncoming glare. Doesn't help you specifically right now, but it'll be a non-issue over time.

          • +1

            @Hybroid: I push the dimmer on the rear-view mirror, but, that increase in safety (or decrease in annoyance) comes at the direct cost of annoyance and safety (can't see much of rear). I'm not sure if a dimmer function exists for side mirrors. But if they did, that would also have similar drawbacks.

            The best win-win scenario is if all the glass and mirrors could selectively block out light that gets aimed at the driver's face. So then you could potentially light up as bright as you like, and no-one is being blinded.

            • @Kangal:

              I'm not sure if a dimmer function exists for side mirrors.

              Yes it does

              The best win-win scenario is if all the glass and mirrors could selectively block out light that gets aimed at the driver's face

              How about headlights that don't shine at the car.
              We have that technology with active matrix headlights so that when high beams are on the car in front of you is driving in a shadow with your high beams around them.

          • @Hybroid: majority of cars on the road are >10 years old

            • @Nedward: Did you mean older than 10years?

              Given the average age of vehicles is close to 10.1yo, saying the majority is less than or greater than 10yo is cutting it pretty fine and if you round to the nearest year…

        • +1

          Part of the problem is older cars getting new LED headlights, and they're not properly calibrated.

          Pretty sure this is illegal. Would hope police actually do their job and take them off the road.

          • @CMH: Yeah it is illegal at least in NSW. Only cars with self levelling headlight enclosures can have LED. Sick of those Muppets "upgrading" to LED

        • i just purchased a 2021 ford ranger. it came standard with exceptionally bright headlights, being a high rider the vehicle is lifted and lower cars cop the blinding light from any direction. ive been flipped off and verbally abused at traffic lights. I do feel sorry for everyone as i also own a small 4 door and have experienced this annoyance myself. not sure what to do about it though.

    • +2

      You must be British. Flashing lights to give way - no one even knows how to gives way here! Haha

    • +1

      I moved from WA to QLD 2.5 years ago and am still amazing at how no-one seems to know that flashing your lights means that you are giving way to them. People just sit there stationary looking at you like stunned mullets.

      • +3

        I think it's not actually legal to flash headlights in QLD/NSW unless in emergency or funnily enough, when overtaking someone.

        Have often heard WA is more British-esque but yet to visit.

        • I’m sure that’s true. But for the simple purpose of alerting them to the fact that you are, say, letting them cross an intersection, you think it’d be pretty easy to understand.

    • +1

      I always thought that if you double flash multiple times it means "careful - police up ahead" as well.

      • +1

        When traveling at speed it means use caution as there could be livestock on the road, a broken down car, police, or other thing you may need to slow for.
        When traveling at lower speed it means that you are giving way or that you want the other car to approach your direction.

      • Yeah I usually flash oncoming traffic if I spot a mobile police camera on the side

        • Next they’ll be parking a patrol car down the road to catch all the headlight flashers.

          • @Euphemistic: That would be hilarious but unfortunately I cannot say that I would be shocked if that were ever to be the case in Victoria.

  • +11

    Those who drive seemingly 10 under especially in 80~ zones. Most cars are calibrated to have the speedo be around 10% faster so in reality it's often worse.

    People who use phones to text, browse etc

    Super bright headlights and SUV lights… Not sure if much can be done by the average owner as it's factory spec

    Slow reaction time for those with stop start engines… especially at the lights getting distracted or not paying attention

      • +7

        Really?? I thought you frequent driving/speeding threads.

        • +22

          A few percent maybe, 10% unlikely.

          Some reading on the subject:

          • +4

            @Master Bates: Most of my cars have been close to 10% above actual speed. Current vehicle is 107 on gauge = 100.

            • -2

              @Euphemistic: That's 7%. Very few cars would be at 10% unlike "most" that unorthodox is implying.

              • +3

                @MS Paint: It’s also more closer to 10 than ‘a few percent’.

                My wife’s car I set the digital cruise control on plus 10% minus 1 to get an accurate GPS speed to the limit. Also more than ‘a few percent’

              • +4

                @MS Paint: "Around" implies it falls somewhat within a range. Also, this isn't a scientific publication, I chose to put down 10 because it's an easy number to digest with the caveat of it being "around 10%".

                If I put around 6%, you'd zoom into the number again and try justify your response based on that. Similarly if I said 7%, 7.8%, 7.9% etc

                The point I said was that the peeve is when people drive 10 under in 80 zones or similar scenarios. That's the peeve. It's then reinforced by the assumption on my part but backed up by the above that calibration makes the outcome understated.

                It's an opinion to a question so you can continue to argue whatever.

                Note, haven't been negging any comments but can see this has people fired up lol

          • @Master Bates: One of the links is from 2002
            I have an above the dash speedo connected to the OBDII port & that is more accurate than the speedo if you are using the standard rims & tyres recommended for the car (or so I am told by a cop)

        • +1

          In my experience in at least 10 cars it is closer to 5%.

          ADR I believe allows up to 10% margin but this is not the majority.

      • +2

        New ADR 18 says speedos cannot indicate less that the true speed, and over-indication accuracy is limited to a maximum 10 per cent plus 4km/h. This means that at a true speed of 100 kilometres per hour the speedo can't be displaying 99, or under, but it could be displaying up to 114.

        It is a ridiculous leeway in my opinion, but it is there none the less.

        • +2

          I did a breakdown of that ADR in another thread (incidentally, cars are 10% + 6km/h.)

          Speedo reading 116km/h, actual tested speed is 100km/h

          0 ≤ (V1 - V2) ≤ 0.1 V2 + 6 km/h (for cars. V1 = displayed, V2 = actual)

          0 ≤ (116 - 100) ≤ 0.1 x 100 + 6 km/h

          0 ≤ (16) ≤ 16 (pass)

      • +2

        Real stat - Nissan Dualis MY10 - Speedometer=110 while on-road camera shows 103.

        I have tested this several times on the large camera screens installed when entering Victoria from NSW. I eventually found a TomTom GPS which was precise during comparisons so I started using that regularly on longer highway drives. I used to get alot of looks until I got the above solution.

      • not sure why u’re negged. My car certainly does lower than what’s shown in speedo compared to the gps.

    • Is Narva intense plus 30 too bright for a small hatch? 😬

      • +2

        No , but putting LED or HID kits in headlight housings not designed for it (aka halogen) is.

    • +9

      Those who drive seemingly 10 under especially in 80~ zones.

      Dude you live in Melbourne. You should understand why people don't speed or even go near the speed limit these days. 3kms over and its ~$200 fine + 1 point and about to be increased to ~$220 shortly.

      Most cars are calibrated to have the speedo be around 10% faster so in reality it's often worse.

      Not true, mine is 2kms out.

      • +3

        In 40,50,60 zones sure.

        In 80,100s constantly driving at 10 below or more is a hazard.

        Sure, dip 5 off in high traffic or if you're not super confident that day due to circumstances. If you're going going 10 under then you should do something about your confidence to maintain control and appropriate speed.
        - don't talk to your passengers
        - turn down the music etc
        - get off the phone call
        - become more comfortable on that route if it's going to be a common route
        Etc etc

        • Unfortunately confidence dose not change road conditions.

        • On most freeways when it's busy u are hardly going full speed due to traffic

        • +2

          In 80,100s constantly driving at 10 below or more is a hazard.

          Wow, if you call that a hazard hand in your license. You’re not fit to drive a car.

          10km under in a 100zone, assuming you’re not speeding you have around 30-40 seconds to drop 10km to avoid any accident, assuming you keep 3 seconds away from the car in front whilst driving (which is recommended for safe driving)

          So if cruise along a freeway, and see up ahead a slow (-10km) car you are much more than 3 seconds afar. The slow car can not be a hazard.

          If you can’t do that please get off the road

          • -1

            @cloudy: Ah your point is only valid in a controlled environment.

            You need to include the other variables that you normally see on our roads into the mix.

            There are so many questions you can ask:
            1) Given Melb has no enforced stay left unless overtaking, this poses the question of how you would treat the chain effect of a drop in 10km.
            1A) You're in the left lane and someone enters and remains at <90 where you now decide to either stay and reduce to that level or you try merge (and overtake). But the other lane is moving at 100.
            1AB) You realise the person in front is not only dropping below 100 but doing 95, 90, 92, 96, 88, 85, 90 etc. You now need to accommodate forward, back and side speeds.

            Now change it to being you in middle, or right lanes. Add in varying traffic conditions.

            If you pay attention to the traffic, you'll notice that a small break in the link can lead to fast reactions. A car slows and immediately the car behind will try overtake. A car slows to turn right, everyone tries to go left if there's traffic.

            • +1

              @Unorthodox: What a load of BS.

              On real roads cars are constantly travelling at various speeds, pick a 100cars on a freeway and I’ll graph a bell curve of speeds. Put that into perspective of the number of crashes on a freeway and you’ll notice it commonly doesn’t lead to any accidents.

              I speak real world. Calling my maths a controlled environment is laughable.

              • -1

                @cloudy: All I'm going to say is that if you decide to constantly drive 10 under and possible X more at the variable, you'll definitely be disrupting the operating rhythm of other drivers and the intended flow of traffic.

                I offer you the simple question, which is likely to cause more distraction or disruption to the rhythm. Everyone going at the intended speed with some variable or one person going at 10 under with some variable for even less?

                • +1


                  Everyone going at the intended speed with some variable or one person going at 10 under with some variable for even less

                  Sounds like you wish to conduct some controlled experiments.

                  No point answering hypotheticals when it doesn’t exist in real life.

                  In the real world, there are people driving all sorts of speeds between 90-105 on a freeway, and I’d argue that’s probably 2 SD from the mean, you’d find plenty of 3 or even 4 SD. And even though it could be a distraction, life is full of random, handle it. Driving in particular.

                  First lesson in driving is assume everyone on the road is an idiot, now 99% are not. But if you assume the rule you’d be a better and safer driver.

                  • -1

                    @cloudy: You didn't answer my question lol… The idiot is the one compromising everyone's operating rhythm.

                    Go out, drive at 10 under and report back and tell me no one had to react due to your action. Heck go to the right lane and drop even more than 10 for the whole duration.

                    • +1

                      @Unorthodox: Don’t forget that a lot of speedos are not accurate and that some drive via GPS speed. There’s plenty that will drive 2-3km/h under the limit to avoid a fine.

                      so now you’ve got those that willingly go a few over the GPS speed down to a couple under the already 10% low speedo display - that’s the majority going from 88-103. The outliers are also faster and slower than that.

                      Having everyone go exactly the same speed is not going to Gallen until self driving cars match the lead car for speed and we don’t have to care about traffic because we can browse ozbargain.

                    • +1


                      Go out, drive at 10 under and report back and tell me no one had to react due to your action

                      Why does one need to drive to such a manner that it pleases every single person? If you think that making someone “react” makes you a bad driver you have a weird sense of righteousness.

      • Not just Melbourne

      • Mines 2km/h out too. 2021 model. Previous 2019 car was 5km/h out.

    • Proof on the speedo claim? Whenever there's a cop car, all the tradie vehicles seem to magically drive at the speed limit! I use cruise control and have the needle right on the number.

  • +20

    People who don’t use signals, especially in roundabouts.

    • +2

      Watch their tyres.

      • +16

        But that's tyring…

      • +4

        I rather just wait for absolute certain of their direction then guessing based on their tires or signals even. Life as a motorcyclist has taught me to expect all drivers are idiots lol

        • +1

          I also ride and this is what I do as well but it sure gets annoying when more and more people turn left/right in roundabouts without ever touching their indicators.

          • @zonra: And is just about always 4WD's. I don't think even put indicators on Range Rovers. I never see them use them.

    • +6

      I have found that in Australia even those that do use them at roundabouts don't know how to do it properly.

    • +1

      Cars need a speed Meter showing they are slowing down or speeding up on the front

      So u can gauge

  • +73

    People who stop in the middle of a busy road to unnecessarily give way to someone, potentially causing serious accidents and hazards so they can tell themselves they will go to heaven.

    • -4

      But I do that at rush hour for example when I see many cars lining up to leave the school carpark. I slow down and waive through one car. Just keep your distance from the car in front of you and your eyes open and that won’t be a hazard.

      • +6

        What about all the people lining up behind you (who almost certainly had to wait their turn to get onto that road), while you're busy not following the normal rules? What about the cyclist you didn't see coming down your left, who now gets cleaned up by the car you waved through?

        Be predictable - follow the rules as written and everyone's happy

        • +3

          I think I could’ve explained myself better. Of course I would only do that depending on the situation.
          So when it is a one lane urban street and the speed limit is 40. And there is a constant traffic flowing in my direction because there was a roundabout 200m behind me and cars are coming from all directions. If nobody lets in a poor parent every now and then, it would take a few minutes for each car to find a gap. That does add up and it could take 30min for the 10th car in the queue!
          I wouldn’t do that on a 3 lane highway that has intersections with traffic lights where drivers can find gaps easier.

          Another example would be a car trying to reverse out of parking space in a busy carpark. You don’t always just blindly follow the rules because they are the rules. Where did common sense go?

        • +2

          Slowing down to create a gap for someone to enter makes negligible difference to a long queue of traffic no can allow the other traffic to free up.

          I do this all the time on one road. Long queue of traffic heading north. People traveling south waiting to turn right across, or people waiting to enter from rod on the left. Slow just enough to create a gap, flash lights so they know they can cross sometimes. Catch up to the car in front in a few seconds. No harm, stops the other direction from blocking up as well.

    • This happened to me last night, it was a 60kph road but a main one with lots of traffic.. A ped decided to cross on a side street and a car had stopped to give way.. Here in Melbourne giving way to peds while turning is the done thing which is generally good, but what speed does the main road need to be at before stopping at a turn off become a real danger. Yes you should never follow so closely you can't stop in time, but blocking a main road at full speed for a ped who could just wait until it's free seems like causing an unnecessary hazard.

      • +12

        Giving way to peds when turning is actually the law in most states. It is in NSW and Vic at least.

        • Applicable on all road types and speed limits? Up to about 80kph there are no slip lanes when exiting off main roads.

          I'm sure most people wouldn't appreciate a car stopped in the left hand lane fully in traffic while waiting for a ped to cross.

          • +8

            @peterpaoliello: It doesn’t matter if people don’t appreciate someone stopping in the left lane to give way to pedestrians. It’s the law to give way, you just have to suck it up.

          • +3

            @peterpaoliello: Applicable at every speed and at EVERY intersection type apart from roundabouts.

            It's interesting that some drivers are annoyed to give way to a pedestrian, but aren't annoyed when they are required to give way to another vehicle. What difference does it make if you have to give way to a pedestrian or wait for a car turning right or parking?

            • @Dutchy27: I'm talking about just usual T turn off without slip lane on main roads of 80kph, not intersections or gazetted or marked pedestrian crossings.

              A car shows its intentions by using their indicates, having breaklights, and turns off the road without stopping.

              In the case of a pedestrian crossing at the edge of the main roadway, a driver turning off gets comparatively little warning and is required to come to a complete stop with their vehicle stationary on a highway where there would othewise be no reason to come to a complete halt.

              Just look at Dashcams Australia on YouTube - right or wrong it IS the cause of accidents. That's the reality. Just because it's legal doesn't mean it's best practice or a safe thing to do. There's a reason can't park within 30m of side street entrance and peds on the road cause similar blockage to moving traffic.

              • +2

                @peterpaoliello: In the scenario you have described the vehicle is required to give way to a pedestrian crossing the side road.

                I'm not sure how giving way to a pedestrian when turning left is any more dangerous than giving way to oncoming traffic when turning right. Either way, you have to wait in the lane and vehicles behind you have to go around or wait. If you are unable to stop in time to give way to the pedestrian when turning you are probably taking the corner too fast.

  • +25

    Those panicky, hysterical, overly-cautious drivers who have the road mannerisms and reaction times of a pensioner or someone sh*tting bricks while driving 60km/h on a pleasant, sunny day in mild traffic.

    At some point in recent history, overly-anxious, highly-strung, easily-frightened drivers with no defensive driving skills became more numerous than dangerously reckless ones and as a result you now have drivers who apply their brakes fully while doing 100km/h on freeways because the brake lights of a car 500m ahead flashed for a split second, drivers who can't go past trucks without basically mounting the curb/shoulder as if the truck's gravitational field is going to swallow them whole, drivers who will slow down to 20km/h when they see some traffic cones by the side of the road with no situational awareness to deduce there aren't any actually any road works happening or drivers who cannot maintain a constant speed on a dual-carriageway/freeway without constantly braking because they don't understand the relationship between momentum, distance and resistance.

    A close second are those sickeningly, excessively polite drivers who will literally stop moving traffic to give way to entering vehicles, in violation of all known traffic codes, followed immediately by those d*ckheads who have their high-beams on while driving through dimly-lit suburban roads, so incoming traffic can have the afterimage of their headlights flash before their eyes for the next hour.

    Man, do we have some sh*t drivers in this country.

    • +2

      I've never seen anyone try a full ABS style stop for someone in front of them braking. If anything people actually speed up so they can overtake if you dare step off the accelerator.

  • +36

    Assh*Les that drive 15kmph under the speed limit that speeds up as soon as you change lanes to overtake. Then slow back down again when you have to go back behind them.

    Also assh*Les that rush to turn onto the lane/road im on when there's no one behind me and then accelerate like a turtle making me tap on the brakes. Like couldn't you have just waited 5 seconds for me to drive past ffs.

    • +1

      Also assh*Les that rush to turn onto the lane/road im on when there's no one behind me and then accelerate like a turtle making me tap on the brakes. Like couldn't you have just waited 5 seconds for me to drive past ffs.

      I usually speed up to let them have more time to turn in or expect them to floor the gas if they want to go before me.

    • +12

      Yep, a few weeks ago I was in a single lane following a car doing 90 in a 100 zone….then a new overtaking lane was added and suddenly they shot upto 110…. So naturally I floored it and overtook them and while passing them they gave me a death stare.

  • +9

    Indecisive drivers
    People who wait until the last second to get out of a lane

    • +3

      And flip that. Drivers who have to change lanes mediately they enter a road even if it’s kms to their turn.

  • +53


    • +9

      Tailgaters are 100% dipsh!ts

    • +2

      but they think if they tailgate you, you'll go faster!!!!

    • -3

      Maybe try not hogging the right lane (regardless of the speed limit) so they can pass
      It's not up to you to police them

      • +3

        For me it's nearly always (profanity) who do it on single lane roads, including cops once. It's while I'm doing the speed limit, as per GPS not my speedo that is out by around 10%.

        Next most common scenario is when I'm stuck behind other vehicles going below the speed limit.

        On rare occasions it happens on the freeway, but normally there's not much of an opportunity, I'm only in the right lane while overtaking, if there's a car approaching behind I'll use the few ks leeway and speed up a little so that I get out of the way sooner. Very few issues with tailgating in that scenario. Although them forgetting they were speeding is not unusual, they will speed up behind me then sit beside me for several minutes, often while I'm going even slower because I get stuck behind slow vehicles. No vehicles in front of them. Sometimes they eventually speed off, other times I just end up having to pass them when I eventually can.

        Given how little awareness most of these people have, they really shouldn't be speeding. I don't mind the ones that just go past competently when the opportunity arises, they're probably fine to handle going a bit over the speed limit. If they're incapable of navigating the situation when they come across a vehicle doing the speed limit though, I'm concerned about their driving in general.

      • +6

        Maybe try not hogging the right lane (regardless of the speed limit) so they can pass
        It's not up to you to police them

        But it's up to you to police "lane hogs" then?

        • +2

          In what way did he imply he was policing lane hogs

          • +2

            @asafasr: by tailgating them… That's what he implies he was doing to people going the speed limit.

        • Read again

    • +1

      I have a rear facing dash camera now because of these pricks. It's the thing that drives me more wild than anything. A red light runner, a person who doesn't indicate, all these things are moment-in-time issues. A tailgater can last minutes to hours.

      • +1

        A tailgater can last minutes to hours.

        If you’ve got a tailgater lasting for hours you’ve got some other problems. If someone tailgates me I’ll first assess the rest of the traffic and make a decision.

        If I suddenly realise I’m going too slow (speed limit change, just cruising) I’ll get back to the limit.
        If I’m to move left again soon while on cruise control, they can wait.
        If it’s a windy road and I’m below the speed limit I’ll look for an opportunity to let them pass.
        If they are right behind me with no other options at least drop back a bit from the car in front to allow more safety room for braking.

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