This was posted 3 years 9 months 21 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Timemore Chestnut C2 Coffee Grinder US$57.42 (~A$77.18) Shipped @ Coffee Talk Store, AliExpress

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This hand grinder is currently on sale for US$55.20 from this seller.

Also, this item is eligible for 'Spend and Save' discount (US$3 off $30 spend) so total comes to $52.20 (without tax).

Total: US$52.20 + 5.22 tax = US$57.42

Can use coupon code to reduce the price further by a couple of dollars but usually restricted to new customers.

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Coffee Talk Store
Coffee Talk Store

closed Comments

  • Anyone good any feedback on this?

    • +2

      Grinds a lot better, more uniform, and much faster compared to my ceramic burr Porlex, gives better tasting V60 brew. I did try use it for espresso machine as well and it worked pretty well too!

      • Cool thanks I want cheap grinder for my aeropress

      • Which porlex are you using?

    • +1

      This kicks the butt of any porlex or hario ceramic burr grinder. It's machined form a solid billet of alluminium, and the central shaft is seated in ball bearings. If you pick one up you'll see the alignment of parts is on a different level and there's no noticable play. Produces gread, consistent grounds for pourover/aeropress/plunger.

  • Thanks I was in the market for a cheap grinder subscription, I got sick of paying monthly for their premium services.

  • +2

    I've had one of these for 6mths, grinds approx 20g of coffee in 20-30 sec, very good grind consistency - I use for stovetop, you could use with lower end espresso machines. Has very nice build quality and looks great to boot.

    Major step up from the entry level/cheapie hand grinders is terrific value at this price. You'd have to spend around double this to get any improvement.

  • +2

    I use one of these twice daily for my Aeropress brews at work. Excellent grinder. Highly recommend it

  • Love using this grinder. I've used this to replace my porlex tall (first gen) for the past few months or so now off Aliexpress.- use it predominately for v60 brews. highly recommended!

    Although that little screw base at the bottom holder is a bit of an annoyance as it comes loose once in a while and rattles.. I'm tempted to loctite it and be done with it.

    Don't know if I could improve at this price point before going to the next price bracket with stuff like the commadante/jx-pro/kinu

    And like with anything in aliexpress, be prepared to wait for it to arrive. My c2 took about 6 weeks to get delivered…

  • Bought this grinder a little while back and it's still kicking strong. Been loving it! Definitely can recommend it.

  • Thanks everyone for feedback and OP - I have purchased - now to wait.

  • What is this "spend and save", how to get the additional US$3 off?

    • never mind, it gets automatically applied during check out

    • It appears when you go to pay at the end

  • Does anyone know if the White version has the grooves as well? Or is it smooth?

    • Bought the black version last night, like you I was unsure if the white was grooved or not (or, indeed, if it was aluminium, as it looked like it could be different material to the others)

  • Has anyone received their grinder yet? I've not bought from AliExpress before…

  • I have been notified Auspost has it expected delivery next 1-2 days

  • I got the same email, last Tuesday. Not sure if the 2-3 business days (in my case) referred to start of shipping it from China or not?

  • Mine arrived yesterday and am loving it so far thanks OP.

  • Mine arrived yesterday, looks good, need to buy digital scales, any suggestions?

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