Hi Guys,
Thanks for looking into this one. I have moved to a property where the previous tenant removed the nbn box from the property. This is HFC one and needs NTD (network termination device) and usually people get an Arris CM 8200 from nbnco.
Due to this covid thing, they have huge delays and are not proividing new ones. is there a way i can buy something off the market and use for a new connection? The property has all the fitting required and nbn was working there previously.
Thanks for the help.
"8. Is it safe to purchase or receive an nbn™ connection box from a source other than nbn?
No. nbn does not sell or authorise the resale of any equipment via alternative means. If you were to purchase an nbn™ connection box through an alternative means, please be aware that it is only provisioned to work in the premises where it was initially installed. If you try to install it in a new location, it will not work.
Any nbn™ equipment purchased online through any other vendor may be faulty and fail to work when connected to the nbn™ network. nbn™ equipment is only available directly via nbn, our associated delivery partners or through a phone and internet provider. "