• expired

Meritline - Toothpaste Squeezer USD $0.59 + 2pk Microfiber Car Towel USD $1.49 Delivered


1 coupon use per item per account.

[EXPIRED] 1 Pack Rolling Toothpaste Squeezer and Hanger Gadget, Random Color
Regular Price: $2.99
Final Price: $0.59
+ Free Shipping
Coupon Code: MLCK512DNL1
limit 200 users

2 Pack 23" x 12" Microfiber Car Towel,Random Color
Regular Price: $6.99
Final Price: $1.49
+ Free Shipping
Coupon Code: MLCK512DNL1
limit 200 users !
Select 2pk for coupon to work with towels

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closed Comments

  • +4

    Here we go again…

  • Can't get enough of them toothpaste squeezies!!!

  • Bought these 2. Very happy with it.

  • +2

    This will go great with my $990 chair

    • +2

      Toothpaste Squeezer? XD

      • Maybe it's the cloth to keep the chair clean :o)

  • Awesome, cheers mattgal! :)

  • can i buy 2 squeezers? or 1 per customer sorta thing?

    • +1

      I think it's one per customer, I got one of each on mine & the wife's accounts. Just create another account at Meritline for a family member, you can just use your own Paypal account & add the new name/address to Paypal.

      I've been hanging out for those & the microfibre towels too, this is the perfect post for me! :D

      • +1

        cheers, yer i just red the post again and "1 coupon use per item per account". im just thinking 1 for each bathroom :P

  • -5

    correct me if I'm wrong.. but isn't this a terrible deal? why are there so many positive votes ?

    A toothpaste squeezer???!! how about just using your fingers for free? This is a waste of money.

    And as for "two microfibre clothes" for $1.49 - come on, this is ozbargain. Surely people aren't buying this junk!!!!!? Are they…???!

    • +1

      "two microfibre clothes" What are you using to clean? Your fingers or your own clothes? Not cloths.

      • normal kitchen clothes?! they don't cost $1.49 for 2. What a rip off !!!

        edit - err… not sure why I have repeatedly said "clothes" instead of "cloths". woops…

        • You clearly need to enable cookies on whatever auto correct feature you are using!

        • sorry Tal_shiar - not sure what you mean there.

    • +1

      Tis true you can use your fingers, but if the device helps you get that little bit more toothpaste out, then over the long run you save more money.

      • +1

        Not just getting more toothpaste out. This also keeps the toothpaste tube less messy especially when it's nearing the end. Love them!

    • +1

      You clearly haven't tried the toothpaste squeezer. It's actually kinda fun.

      • +1

        I haven't tried it, but I've just watched the video. It looks like a nice novelty the first time. "ooh look at me, I'm using a gadget to roll my toothpaste tube". But it's obvious that the roller will either break, or get chucked in the bin, after 3 or 4 uses.

        waste of money.

        • $0.59….

        • -1

          ah yes. You're right. With such a low price, it simply must be a bargain, whatever it is !

          ha ha.

    • +1

      toothpaste is expensive

      • +1

        Not at Aldi..:)

        • +1

          i'll start buying again!

        • -2

          Prefer to keep my teeth in my mouth; not in a jar beside my bed! Hence I won't be using Aldi toothpaste :P

    • +1

      "A car???!! How about you just use your legs for free? Cars are a waste of money."

      That argument isn't worth a neg IMO. You pay 60c (I know this is ozbargain, but are you seriously that cheap?) for convenience. This way, you don't have to squeeze from the bottom of the tube, which requires slightly more effort than just squeezing from the top of the tube.

      Also, you might want to calm down with the punctuation. You look like a 12 year old who got their hands on a computer.

      • watch the video clip. By the time the toothpaste has been inserted into the roller, I've already squeezed my toothpaste out and I'm busily cleaning my teeth. How can you class that as convenience? I'd be interested to hear your response.

        ps - thanks for the tips on punctuation. I really appreciate them.

        • I've bought one already.

          If you're not incompetent, inserting the toothpaste is extremely easy. I didn't need to watch a video or read instructions, you just clip it in.

          You can't seem to grasp this, but it's function isn't that it squeezes toothpaste faster than conventional squeezing, it's purpose is that it will squeeze all the toothpaste out of the tube in a much more convenient manner. Whilst I'm twisting the gadget, you will either be squeezing the paste to the top of the tube/folding the tube/wasting the toothpaste by throwing it out.

  • well I've just watched the video clip. What a joke! From what I can see, using this gadget will actually take MORE time and effort than just rolling the tube yourself?!

    can anyone please explain, what is the point?

    • Read above ^^^^^

    • +2

      Try it and know for yourself is just $0.59.

      I got one couple of months ago, wife complained initially about buying junk, now loves it.
      Friends saw and liked and they bought too.

      best use is storage not the squeezie.

    • Haters gotta hate them toothpaste rollers!


    • +1

      From what I can see, using this gadget will actually take MORE time and effort than just rolling the tube yourself?!

      Umm, let's see: 1.take end off, 2.slide tube in, 3.end back on, 4.turn!

      Four steps in total. This does not appear to be rocket science. :p

  • Bought both. The toothpaste squeezer is more complex that I originally envisaged. Once set up, it is very easy to use. My mum was wondering why I didn't get one for her last time, so this one's for her. Only cost me $2.08 to get in her good books. :-)

    • How many hours does it take you to set it up for your mum?

      edit - ok no more comments from me on this subject. But i will be forever mystified about this "deal".

      • +1

        End cap off, slide toothpaste into roller, end cap on, start rolling. My record is 3 seconds, but it depends how hard it is to get the end cap off.

  • Got the towels.. why not?

  • This is the second time the code has expired whilst the toothpaste squeezer was in my cart. These deals are snatched up so quickly!

  • The toothpaste thing is NOT about rolling and squuezing - you can do that "by hand", like many people here are expert at!

    The roller is actually for keeping the 1/2 used tube NEAT. No more flaccid, limp, floppy partially-used tube that you have to try and prop up in the toothbrush holder!

    And no "re-squeezing either. The next day, you don't ned to rub and roll again, because overnight the Meritline Toothpaste Roller maintains your tube is perfectly rolled contition, ready for instant action the next day!

    • +1

      ok I'm nearly tempted to buy one now… ha ha.

      • LOL - but you are TOO SLOW

        Ya gotta spend less time typin' and more time buyin'!

    • -1

      maintains your tube is perfectly rolled contition, ready for instant action the next day!

      Indeed, my tube is always ready for instant action. :)

  • +1

    GRRR - coupon codes for both Towels and Toothpaste are expired :-(

    These battery checkers are good - I grabbed one from DX or BuyInCoins ages ago, and they really are good…


    They even load the battery a bit so you get a true reading. Really handy, and seem pretty accurate. Great for checking NiMH cells straight off the charger, also do button cells and 9V - highly recommended.

  • What is with this nickle and dime stuff?

    • You pay a dollar, and a month later a surprise arrives in the mail. It's a bit of fun - and the surprise is because you usually forget you purchased it.

      • yes i agree

        and for 59cents you cant go wrong

        free delivery as well

        its a bargain haha

  • -6


  • Do people actually think they need this stuff? lol..

    All I do is use the handle of the toothbrush, the wall, then flatten & push the toothpaste from the bottom of the tube to the top.

  • would recommend these

    meritline deals are alway bargains :D

  • If you need these sort of towels and missed out, K-Mart has a 6-pack for under $5 in the Auto section.

  • The roller hanging off the mirror is easy, right next to the brushes. Shame the quality of the one we bought was bloody awful - I used it, the kids had a turn, the wife broke it… didn't last long at all, although we still use it to hang the toothpaste up :-)

  • Grrr…missed out AGAIN.

  • Nooooo - I'm too late. I just love those toothpaste squeezers.

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