I'm going to buy a Dell XPS 8940 with RTX3060 Ti. I heard that the new version of the graphics card will have a hardware lock to prevent mining behavior. If I purchased now, will I meet the new version of the graphics card be used? Anyone who just bought it knows?
Will The RTX 3060 Ti in a Newly Bought Dell Be Restricted to Mining?

Last edited 16/05/2021 - 15:54 by 1 other user
The rumors were that any new stock from Mid-May will have the decreased hash rate and will require the latest driver to work. Any driver prior won't work, even if 3060 Ti drivers came out a while ago. So likely, yes.
So why are Nvidia munting their cards in this way? Shouldn't it be up to the buyer how they use their own stuff?
To satisfy the outcry from the gaming community that cannot obtain cards due to shortages and miners picking up what's available. There's mining focused cards being released too to satisfy them.
In reality, we all know any limitations will be unlocked by keen modders pretty quickly so it's futile.
No worries, makes sense that they would make a dedicated mining card range. Was looking to update the GTX 970 to one a 3060 but not at these prices. :)
Mining cards: https://www.nvidia.com/en-us/cmp/
Probably early next year at earliest for things to start going back to normal unfortunately. Keen for an upgrade myself…
maybe to prevent warranty claims too from cards being run 24/7 on heavy loads.
@highon2str: It's more damaging to run at high loads then idle repeatedly like gaming activity does.
To sell nubcakes overpriced "mining" cards.
Some people are morons and ruin the experience for everyone else though. Like how Coles/Woolworths had to restrict how much toilet paper people bought.
I'm wondering the same thing as I have an Alienware R11 3080 ordered 17 days ago, and still not in production yet. However, the mining limiter only affects ETH mining, which of course the most profitable at the moment for GPUs. But you certainly can do other mining algorithms, such as CFX and many others. They can still restore some cost of the PC anyways. The chance of any "Jailbreak" of the mining limiter is likely, remember 3060 rev.1, but we do not have enough information just yet.
Why would you consider the "Jailbreak" likely? The only reason 3060 was unrestricted is due to an Nvidia driver leak. Nobody was able to crack it.
you can run it at 40mh without the leaked driver now
I just asked Dell sales rep through live chat and he confirmed that 3060 Ti and 3080 that are currently shipping will be hash limited.
I am receiving R10 with 3060 Ti today so I'll check in person but it will be going back to them if it's hash limited.
They advertise it as having 3060 Ti without any disclosure of being hash limited so it's fair to say it's not fit for purpose under ACLInteresting that the live chat even knows what hashrate limiting is!? Must get a lot of questions about it? Does that mean that the 3070 currently isn't limited?
Keen to see what you find out! Also how the system peforms in general.Yes, keen to know myself too! I was about to pull the trigger on an XPS with the 3060 but the hash limiting is a bit of a turnoff tbh.
Received my Alienware R10 with 3060 Ti and luckily it's not hashrate limited.
Pulling ~60MH/s on NiceHash straight out of the box.
Don't think it's a guarantee every unit will be the same. I would think mine was built a while ago and was sitting in warehouse.
I ordered before the current deal was posted.
Chat told me just now that they are not using the hash limited cards….so much conflicting advice.
they have no idea what they are talking about. They will say different things every time lol
All my orders that have arrived weren't hash limited.
My 3070/3060Ti's are not limited from one that I bought last weekend. 15/5/2021
I imagine Dell will change the model of the card to show LHR when they are limited.
"Because these GPUs originally launched with a full hash rate, we want to ensure that customers know exactly what they’re getting when they buy GeForce products. To help with this, our GeForce partners are labeling the GeForce RTX 3080, RTX 3070 and RTX 3060 Ti cards with a “Lite Hash Rate,” or “LHR,” identifier. The identifier will be in retail product listings and on the box.
This reduced hash rate only applies to newly manufactured cards with the LHR identifier and not to cards already purchased."
Not sure when the new hardware locked are going to be released (or if they have already) but if was very recently or in the near future then ones that are "in stock for fast delivery" are probably safe since they've already been made and are ready to ship