I was walking back to the carpark at a small shopping centre with a family member recently, when someone tried to park next to us and hit my car. I've never seen anyone try to park a car before at that speed and in the rain! I was parked legally, within the allocated carpark and have the other driver's licence details. He also told me he was insured and seemed co-operative. I also took a few photos, but unfortunately do not have dashcam. I assume the shopping centre has CCTV but I doubt they would be willing to share it unless the police was involved.
The next day I visited a few smash repairers and the quotes given were all roughly around the cost of the excess (around $750). One of the smash repairers mentioned that car park incidents are often a grey area, which I found worrying and so I was hoping to settle for just under what the excess would be for the other party, so that there's no chance that I may need to pay for an excess.
I'm wondering what the procedure is to either attempt to settle privately with the other party or to involve my insurance company, but without this affecting future premiums or forcing me to pay an excess. Many insurers ask about past claims when you get quotes for new insurers, so I am also wary about this. Has anyone had experience settling such a matter privately?
If you have a quote for the repairs, why don’t you contact the other driver and ask them to pay it? If they give you the bullshit, you have their details, just file a claim with your insurance as not at fault. “Simples”