Coles Australia Day massive fuel discount save 16c per litre when you spend $100 in one transaction at Coles or Liquorland between Jan 24th and Jan 29th.
Coles 16c Fuel Discount Offer When You Spend $100 Jan 24th-29th

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Nice, thank you!
It's scary how easy the big petrol companys have conned us to thinking that we should be paying the current fuel price to start with. Aus doller record high, oil price no where near it's high's but I guess that what oligopoly gets you.
151.9 here which is the highest I've seen it in a few years.
bah I regularly get 155.60+ here at St.Lucia.
Just came back from the states and it's way cheaper there.
If you do the maths on the average US retail price, converting for taxes, gallons, etc. you end up with an expected fair price in Australia of $1.22 for unleaded.
Coincidently, if you take the current trough price and take off the 16c of this 'offer' you end up pretty close to that number.
Which shouldn't be a surprise, they aren't doing loss leaders; they are taking big default profit margins, then 'giving back' small amounts to confuse customers.
If this is truly the case, why aren't the other petrol stations which aren't affiliated with supermarkets (BP, 7-Eleven, independents, etc) undercutting Coles and Woolies? I mean you'd have a fricking flood of customers if you consistently stayed a few cents under the two big guys and they should be more capable of doing so as they don't have to account for fuel discounts, right?
You are assuming its not the refineries and distributors that are taking in the biggest share of the profits.
And a cartel that keeps everyone's profits up can be the best option, if you can get away with it.
There's this nice idea that a 'free' market drives down prices, but the alternative of setting up a price cartel and driving up prices is an equally plausible outcome.
Thanks for the info, that's $10 off if you buy 62 litres :)
Not bagging the deal or anything. Just wanted to say (and I know everyone here is smart enough to realise this), this is Coles attempt to get people to spend more than they normally would during the Australia Day week.
Obviously, this is a great deal if you were going to spend $100+ anyway during this time period.Let's say you have a 55L tank and the price at Shell today is $1.44/L.
With the discount you're paying $1.28/L.
This means if you were running near empty and had to fill up 54L worth, the voucher would save you:
($1.44 x 54) - ($1.28 x 54) = $8.64If you do a $100+ shop at Coles anyway, then happy days.
But if you're at $93 or less, I'd try to resist the temptation to get to $100 ;)
Agreed, but you can stock couple toilet rolls in advance to make it $100, you'll need them anyway :)
that's the sting in the tail, you don't see a lot of special offers like that in coles right now …
that's how supermarket marketing works, they don't have to sell cheap, they just need to convince the consumers that they price their stuff cheap.
..Spot on - Everyone kindaa needs the roll.
Just a quick point on your maths: it's irrelevant how much the price of petrol is, you'll always save the same amount PER LITRE. It's not a percentage off.
In this case, 16 cents x 54 litres = $8.64 ;)
Oh yeah… sheepish
Time to buy 2 cartons of beer for Chrissy = $100.
$10 off when you 60 litres of petrol. Win.
Err I dont think it will be any good by christmas
But perfect if you're giving it to your in-laws.
funny i was thinking the same thing !! but not for till chrissy
Chrissy is your beer drinking girlfriend?
lol buy some whiskey then :D
can I buy a pack of beer then include it on my grocery or is it the other way around?? to make it to 100$
This is a poor deal as currently anyone can get an 8c discount at Coles or Woolworths by spending just $30. With a 50L fill that's $4 off, or 13.3% off. A 16c discount with a 50L fuel purchase is only 8% off your grocery bill.
Got a massive fuel tank and can purchase 150L in one go? It's still 25% off versus 24% with the 16c voucher.
Many people would have trouble purchasing $100 of groceries consisting solely of great bargains, so there's going to be more than a couple full priced items in the trolley. That's what Coles is counting on.
You could split your $100 purchase instead into 3 x $30 purchases and end up with 3 x 8c vouchers instead. Seems worse, but is actually a better outcome over time provided you fill up regularly or have more than one car.
as below, the analysis depends ENTIRELY on your petrol and grocery expenditure patterns.
i spent $127 on groceries a few weeks ago, made up almost entirely of sale items to stock up on, plus some full price ("prices are down") items that we needed.
also, i live inner city and don't need to drive much, so i get about 3-5 of those 8c vouchers for each time i actually need to pour petrol.
so no, your analysis is not conclusive.
Indeed, a person who doesn't use their car much would benefit more from a one off 16c discount than multiple 8c discounts that may expire before the opportunity arises to use them. It's likewise true that the more litres of fuel a person consumes, the greater the benefit they will see, assuming the person's travel cannot be avoided in other ways.
You can get $5 off when you spend $100 or more by completing a survey.
Plus you get a chance to win $1000 worth of groceries.
Just need a Coles receipt to complete it, any Coles receipt.If i had to spend $100 at coles, I'd go through self check out and make sure I split my bill into 3 * $30 so that i'd get 3 8c vouchers instead…
depends how often you fill up petrol vs how often you shop at coles (whether you earn enough 8c vouchers to use one each time you fill up).
if you drive a lot, and need to fill up more times than you would spend $30 or more at coles, then yes 3x 8c vouchers would be better.
if you don't drive much and/or shop at coles a lot, and get more 8c vouchers than you actually need, then 1x 16c voucher would be better than 3x 8c.
So that's why petrol went from $1.25 to $1.50 in the last few days
If you want to see why petrol costs what it does, check out this web site:
It's the price of wholesale fuel at the terminal gate. Right now Adelaide's base price is $1.353, so add a margin to that to pay for transport/wages/insurance/rent/profit.
Anyone selling petrol at $1.25 over the past few weeks was selling it at a loss.
Thanks for that. I recall that most of the petrol "investigations" have come back saying that while we're screwed every other day of the week, we're getting a good deal because on Tuesdays and Wednesdays we're buying petrol below cost.
That Tuesday/Wednesday dynamic seems to have changed though. Prior to that it was Sunday/Monday. What it is now I have not been smart enough to decipher.
The price cycle is very annoying, and as you say changes duration or sometimes even disappears altogether. Diesel and LPG don't follow the cycle as they're a much smaller market, but it also means diesel users often pay a much higher price per litre than petrol.
I've been to a fair few countries over the years but only saw the discount price cycle in action in Australia. Why we're 'special' I'm not sure.
The prices are for ULP. What happened to E10 which is supposed to be cheaper? Price gouging I see.
Alcohol added to fuel currently does not attract the usual 38c/L fuel excise, so E10 fuel should be about 3c/L cheaper than standard unleaded fuel. Looking at local E10 prices on, is about 2.5 to 3c cheaper per litre.
E10 sold as 100 octane fuel is premium unleaded fuel blended with 10% ethanol, so it should be more expensive than ULP.
Don't worry people. Carbon tax will save us some money.
is there a way to force these supermarket fuel station to display non discounted price at the top?? I love to see a number bigger than $1.50! currently 8c discount translates to $1.42
Sounds good, but I think this is the reason petrol was so much cheaper in Gundagai etc. than in Melbourne or Sydney on the same day. (which is funny because there's so much competition in Sydney & Melbourne)
i read the terms it excludes coles myer gift cards also can you use your 4 cent off source card vouchers with this 16cent coupon? in the terms it says" Offer not to be used in conjunction with any other offer or receipt. Valid in conjunction with additional 2 cents per litre discount for in-store spend at Coles Express. Coles Express Fuel Discount and Save 6c Terms and Conditions also apply, see in-store or For Coles Express store locations, also see web. Fuel discount voucher valid for four weeks from date of issue. "
No wonder this week's fuel price is so high.
wondering if you can benefitted from COLES survey coupen ( save 5$) and save on fuel as well.
the way i look:
spend 105$ get coles 5$ off (using survey coupen) and use the docket to get 16cents off fuel as advertised above.
what u say?
Yep can do that. Just make sure the $5 doesn't get you below $100 or you'll just get an 8c docket. I also have used these dockets with the 4c source card discount and the 2c off when you spend $2 in store. Equals 22c off a litre. Not bad.
Wow, i never shop at Coles… but will be this week (if Woolworths dont match this!)
Woolworths (liquorland) have a 30cents off offer when you buy beer and some pre-mix drinks.
People needs to play it smart when something like this comes along. Coles is obviously wanting us to spend more as people have said but if you stock up for things that you need like toilet paper, tissues, meat and so on then you will not need to buy these things for a long time so you get a voucher and next few grocery bills will be cheaper aswell so win win. Don't go out and buy things like perishables because all you will do is eat more.
3 coles express sites in perth have petrol for 134.1 a lt
If you are quick you can stock up on Sorbent toilet paper which is currently $2.25 per 6-pack (50% off). This is better than Costco pricing….expires 11.59pm tonight.
Coles is a rip off. I only shop at foodland/IGA and fill up at liberty/independants
Generally if you shop at IGA, you shouldn't be here on OzBargain :)
If you don't want to spend $100 or more, you can get 12c per liter from Woolworths by spending $30+ at the supermarket and $5 at the servo.
Went to Coles tonight, didn't even make $30! Thankfully the previous shopper discarded their receipt and left it in the trolley. They spent over $120… :D
True Ozbargainer (yourself, not the silly person who left the receipt in the trolley, lol)
Funny how this comes out after the Iran Oil embargo by EU/NATO and the US… There is going to be more supply than demand soon which in theory should result in lower prices, but i doubt will we ever see a change…
I'm a bit dumb at this … but how is an embargo gonna result in "more supply than demand"?
Well when the oil contracts of America and some of the countries in the EU is up in a couple of months time there is going to be a lot of oil that no one is buying… And what happens when you have an over supply of something? The price drops to compensate for the lost demand.
You would save more by splitting it into 3 separate transactions, and you'd only have to pay $90. 3 x $30 = 3 x 8c vouchers = 24c savings in total.
ONLY if you pour petrol 3 times before the next time you spend $30 at coles!!!
If you pour twice (the same amount each time) then you'll save the EXACT same amount of money. If you only pour once you'll save LESS money.
Can we please stop making absolute statements based on poor analysis, when it's entirely dependant on one's own circumstances!!!
Edit: also, that's the third time this has been mentioned… I think we all know you can buy 3 lots of $30, for those that this would work out better…
Calm down and let people show their math skills please…for many it is the only time we get to display such skill :)
2 + 3 = 6…. doh!
s = 8a(2-b)
s = saving by doing 3x$30 rather than 1x$100
a = tank size
b = no. of times you pour before the next time you do a $30 coles shopassumptions:
-petrol is poured when tank is at a similar level.
-you spend 3x$30 or 1x$100 on things you actually need, not "buying up" to the minimum (NB: your inability to spend the minimum doesn't make the deal bad per se, just bad for you).
-the extra $10 (less, given you are likely to go over the minimum by a few dollars each time) you put towards 1x$100 instead of 3x$30 isn't going to put you out of cycle with your regular coles/petrol cycle (ie. spend $10 more this time isn't going to prevent you from making $30 next time).
oops wrote it the wrong way around:
s = saving by doing 1x$100 rather than 3x$30
I thankfully do not own a car :)
Enjoy your metal coffins
make sure that you don't use a 'metal coffin' to transport yours when you pass away in the future… because the irony would be laughable.
doesnt own a car…. but I bet mooches off anyone who does :).
yeah I had friends like you once. carebears and unicorns until "oh crap, I need a lift!" ;).
i think you are replying to the wrong dude. ;)
think about people
Thanks for the heads up!