Saw this when searching the Big W "free delivery on thousands of items" section, (23rd-24th Jan, link below) and thought that under $14 delivered was a good price for a basic 40cm pedestal fan.
Abode 40cm Pedestal Fan, $13.48 Delivered from Big W

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Your jokes blow.
can't you just go with the flow?
I might air out this deal before deciding if I should buy.
I think some of the comments on here might be nothing but hot air
BigW web site is managed by incompetents.
I long time ago inquired about this fan (it was out of stock) and I put it in a wish list, meaning when it was available I had to get a message from the web site or an e-mail, but nothing happened.
My negative vote because Bigw didn't alert me about the available stock although I added the fan to a wish list.
Also hopeless fanboi negging my replay without a reason? How is your day other than using a mouse?
Kmart has fans like this for $12.
Paid $14 for mine at Kfart
Yeah this isnt a bargain
you are paying $1.48 for delivery
Using the one I bought at Kmart right this instance. It blows well.
Golo, crazy-clarks, sams warehouse sells the same thing for $10. But for online shopping this might be a better deal—no driving to get it.
these fans are nice to buy your mother in law but really dont cool too well
A 120mm Antec fan would have a better outflow of air than this fan.
Just throw a bucket of water over her to 'cool her off'. I mean, witches melt when you do that…don't they?
Is that like a "politically correct" modern day "trial by water"?
Never seen the wizard of oz?
Useful tool for trolling? Send someone an oversized fan.
I can just see their faces.Would it be something like 'Cool, someone paid for and sent me a brand new fan…sucker'?
Everyday price, they go on special to 11.97. Most big w's should have them.
This time last year these were 9 bucks delivered. bought 2 last year.
man the price seriously went up this year =/
and the carbon tax hasn't even had it's affect yet ;-)
Bunnings has 40cm fans for $9.90
I got a couple from Bunnings. They look nice and they're pretty powerful :)
I didn't see the Moretti fans that I got earlier, any more.
(I measured it, I think the cage is 42cm so I guess it's the 40 cm fan you got)
They now have Moretti 46cm pedestal fans, but they are about $33.
So that makes me even happier with my earlier purchase :)
Did anyone else read the name as "Adobe" instead of "Abode" at first glance?
Adobe fan boy? ;-)
Latest mitre 10 catalogue has these fans for $10.
i dont think mitre 10 charges $3.48 for delivery though.
yes but BigW wont deliver it before winter, so you can walk to Mitre 10 & back
Seen this exact fan for $9 at bunnings.
OK im off to Bunnings!
7 Day Maximum in Perth 38°C 40°C 40°C 39°C 42°C 40°C 39°C
I'd be buying a fridge with a seat in it! Melb has been hot enough recently, won't be going to Perth! I should've stayed in Sydney where it's cooler! ;-)
Well if you ever get your product from BigW delivered
Cheaper elsewhere.
goLo $9.95 - see page 5 of catalogue…You can get a fan for for $10 at Sams warehouse/Golo
Big W customer service is Crap as crap as their website where the edit cart function does not work.
If they want to be more competitive they need to pull their fingers out of their "W",
Introduce price match + free delivery like OW
It's "refreshing" to see a deal like this