Bankwest have a cool ring which can be used to make payments with, however you don't need to be a Bankwest customer to receive a free ring sizing kit.
Bankwest have a cool ring which can be used to make payments with, however you don't need to be a Bankwest customer to receive a free ring sizing kit.
They’re about to get a ton of email and physical addresses for marketing to though.
Pro tip, use your parcel collect address from Auspost, they'll forward the letter to your residential address for free and you'll just receive it a few days late.
What’s parcel collect address?
Now OzBargain is getting RingSizered
Well well well how the turntables…
Killer beat DJ
Besides the cool ring is bankwest any good?
will this be of any use if you don't want the ring though? does it tell you your actual ring size? or just your halo ring size?
It's a general purpose sizing kit and the ring is just your normal run of the mill ring.
Besides the cool ring is bankwest any good?
Its the commonwealth bank with a different colour scheme
Its the commonwealth bank with a different colour scheme
The app isnt the commonwealth bank with a different colour scheme
Besides the cool ring is bankwest any good?
For business accounts… excellent… no fees at all.
apparently CBA also doesn't charge a monthly fee now for business accounts that don't need teller transactions - wish they had that earlier as it's a hassle to change bank details on invoices etc.
Bankwest is generally good but the Payid/Osko ability sucks
yeah they're decent. Also because they're based in WA you can normally get support well past 5pm AEST
Why? What's the time in Scotland?
Lack of branches kills it for me.
They're pretty good. The Bankwest Platinum Zero Mastercard with no fees gives you free international transactions (same as 28Degrees Mastercard) and free basic travel insurance. I've claimed on the insurance before and they were good to deal with, no hassles and paid out. That was when it was full insurance unfortunately they downgraded it now, I think it's medical only or maybe one other inclusion. Still good for free, makes it superior to 28Degrees for your foreign transaction card (I have both).
No it won't - it is basically just a zip-tie with measurements on it.
Customer service was good and fees were reasonable when I had a business account with them for a few years.
Yes. Very good customer service. We have our joint account, business accounts, family trust and SMSF accounts with them. Wouldn't go anywhere else.
Their credit card provides for 0 transaction/currency conversion fees on foreign purchases. So yes for buying things from overseas or for use when traveling.
But now Coles credit card does the same. So…
Depends entirely what you're looking for. Owned by CBA so should have solid systems, etc. and they have all the standard range of products. Whether or not their products are superior to others or suit your needs, who knows, but there's nothing "wrong" with them.
banknorth is better
what if you want to bank east?
bank south is better than bank east
If you don't mind a $1000 per day PayID/Osko transaction limit and $10 fees if your account gets overdrawn, yeah they are ok
There's plenty of other banks with much better deals, some with no foreign transaction fees on the debit cards too
Hey Bank West are Awsome if you have the contacts and I dont No many banks you can get over 10k cash through atms on easter sunday to buy a car….
No Fees cant beat that and used to have awsome Kids accounts paying 3 percent
Just another big bank owned by another big bank. I'd suggest going with someone like Bank Australia. Seem to have their ethics in order…
Yeah awesome
i was with them until they closed my local branch. they were ok - same as any other bank. I moved to suncorp though and am extremely happy with them
Owed by CBA. Depends what you want from a bank. I've had a couple of mortgages with them, but generally move on once I get some equity, as their rates are not terrible, but not that competitive either.
Plenty of branches around if you are based in WA. Their app is somewhat limited in functions, customer service is OK though.
I bank with them for Qantas points (3pts every debit card transaction regardless of amount and points for daily balance as well).
Bankwest, just going to say it now.. but you did this to yourself.
paying with your ring though is pretty frigging liberating.
Sorry, what ring are you paying with…?
The ring works just like NFC on a phone, so basically pay for stuff via paywave etc by positioning your hand in a certain position.
@[Deactivated]: Not sure why this was negged, I have the ring and you don't need to activate it with a phone. Unless it was a bad joke that went over my head?
@Mokr: nah you just gotta fist bump the machine to pay, it's pretty cool - particularly good if going for a run and you don't wanna bring your wallet but want to pick up a coffee or drink on the way back.
@SupeNintendoChalmers: My apologies, I read ring & liberating & instantly thought of something else…
I'm still on the fence on whether this is the best or worst superhero movie around.
Thanks I'll take the free ring sizing kit.
You would not believe it, I actually need to get my finger sized for a ring next week! Crazy timing.
This will be really helpful for you 3 weeks from now
I believe it, but I just don't care.
Only for thinger?
Sure it's not just a cardboard cutout with different sized holes?
please don't post your freakiness here
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Username couldn't be more perfect
For.. ring measurement..
Ah yes that'll do
Squat over your phone like everyone else.
I posted the same thing then saw yours.
It most likely is. At best, it's coated cardboard with Bankwest all over it.
If it's cardboard it'll end up becoming a ring of fire
I've seen a video that exact same thing… somewhere online
Which ring is this for?
Finger, balloon knot, nose, old fella…..?
nose of course
For joey in todays episode of Friends
I like being punched…. In the ____.
The ring itself is another $15
Most banks will stretch your ring without you even asking
You win
Is it a silicone ring?
Sounds cool to be able to use a ring to make a contactless payment, even when travelling overseas.
But wait, am I the only one worry about the possibility of being robbed and asked to "take off your ring or I will chop it off" after being seen using it (by Gangster when travelling overseas?)
Always carry some lube with you just incase that happens and you can't slip it off quickly!
That's what she said
How many times have you been robbed and they took your cards? I think you’ll be fine…….
I have one of these rings and it's the the most convenient thing I own outside of my car and smartphone.
How about inside your car?
Depends if your mum's busy
Sounds like a ringing endorsement…
can this ring be used to rule them all?
Im here for the comments
bankwest has now got all your contact details. get ready to bank with bankwest.
you gave real info?
Is this more or less secure than say, Google Pay/Apple Pay on my watch or phone which requires biometrics or a pin?
I think that's pretty easy to answer yourself.
It's literally exactly the same as a contactless card, except wrapped around your finger.
you can get a RFID blocking wallet for your contactless card but not if it is wrapped around your finger.
It'd be easier to cut off someone's hand than to RFID skim this ring while it's on them. People already have a hard enough time actually paying with it haha
Less secure than biometrics activated GPay, as secure as a regular debit card with paywave.
Wish ING had this…. oh well
It'd be called a rING
This guy markets
hahaha. Reminds me of Ross Hanneman (Silicon Valley) saying "this guy f%$ks!!"
Bought the ring then realised they finally work with garmin pay. Annoying
what do you mean by this?
Bankwest didnt work with Garmin Pay - It now does.
but when you use the ring, does it not just deduct from bankwest account?
why you need Garmin pay?
Or does the ring allow you choose from any other bank account and credit card
They're about to get Ozbargained