Market day sale Friday 7th May only. While stocks last!
Better Than 1/2 Price, Save $4.20
Market day sale Friday 7th May only. While stocks last!
Better Than 1/2 Price, Save $4.20
probably great for kids
why ?
Don't like them.
They had an 'Artisana' range for a while and they weren't too bad but I haven't seen them around for ages.
Yeah I dump extra sugar over mine when cooking…
The peperoni one goes best with Demerara Sugar….
If we were worried about that we wouldn't buy Intel CPU's, Fords, GM's, Westinghouse and we certainly wouldn't be taking Merck and Pfizer products. :)
Who mentioned about being worried…
Just posting some relevant facts…
Meh so he delivered a few Pizzas to Hitler, it's all in the past now. :)
No relevent facts
Top job rehashing the news from 8 years ago
Don't get started on IBM either… They're awful even without the Nazi history
I thought it was a bit odd that I once found some ham arranged in a swastika on one of my meatlover pizzas.
The Dr Mengele pizzas are to die for.
Depends on what type of oven you cook them in…
Fauci's dad?
Used to be good years ago but not anymore, especially the thin one feel like eating the cardboard..i prefer aldi's one and cheaper as well
Some of the aldi ones afaik come from the dr
Which ones?
Can't believe they ever sell these normally at $7.90. They should be $4-5 everyday at the most. I find these to be overrated on OzB
I came here to verify that these are the ones everyone raves about. (I never see them on sale at Woolies.) Now I'm confused.
Yes, they are. People are usually raving about them as have I on here. I have no idea what happened this time.
Since they switched some of them from German made to Canada made, they haven't been as good imo.
Not as good as everyone here says, should be this price all the time.
I find its cardboard box equally as tasty!
Save $4.20 and save 'em for 4:20!
This pizza is the most greasy one I ever had won't buy anymore
I've never really enjoyed frozen pizzas except these ones. A lot of people here don't seem to like them. What better frozen pizzas are there?
I like these too. Usually most people on here like them too. I do not know what has happened.
This pizza is bland and stingy on the toppings.
How do these compare to Domino's?
Less greasier than Dominos, and much less toppings. I ALWAYS top up with my own toppings (depending on what I have in my fridge, mushrooms, tomatoes, spinach leaves, black olives, anchovies)
This is only applicable to NSW/ACT selected IGA stores only. Please state this next time, as there are Ozbargainers around OZ!
RIP me >;/