This titanium ring has the Lord’s Prayer engraved on it in Spanish with a small cross in the middle of it.
Diameter: 18mm 19mm
Colour: Silver.
Size: 12, 13
This titanium ring has the Lord’s Prayer engraved on it in Spanish with a small cross in the middle of it.
Diameter: 18mm 19mm
Colour: Silver.
Size: 12, 13
You know the thing Christians will love most about this ring? It's holy :-D
now that is a name fit for worship. Anyone care to point me towards the Titanium Bible Lord's Church?
I for one welcome our new Titanium Bible (over)Lords
Had to read it three times to get it straight. A titanium bible would be cool.
You still got it wrong after three times!
What percentage of the ring is Titanium?
i would guess it's really only stainless:…
Get the "Titanium Steel" version on ebay.
I would rather pay $1.58 delivered…. but i'm cheap like that ;)…
Downvote due to figarow's link showing this is a blatant rip off.
Lol. Meanwhile Sparkly's normal price is $25…
This is a titanium trash!
Play nice ozbargainers: I'm sure there are quite a few Catholic boys out there who would appreciate having a titanium ring…
When it's ~85% cheaper on eBay, it's still not a bargain.
keep trollin' trollin' trollin' trollin'
Umm, I clicked on the link, then clicked to zoom on the pic. Now I don't speak Spanish, so I don't really know if it is identical to English or not, but the ring looks to me to be clearly printed in English.
trolls gonna troll.
You realise this is Australia, not South America, yeah?