Recommend Cheap Running Shoe for Newbie

So, I want to start to get fit and take myself from the couch to run.

Any recommendations for a cheapie, but decent running shoe?

Trying to stay under $80.00

Once I get myself on the habit of running, will look at a more expensive pair.

Outdoor running on roads and footpaths.


  • I want to start to get fit and take myself from the couch to run.

    Go for a brisk walk/jog first, if you can keep that up, then invest into a decent pair.

    • That's the plan, hence the $50 - $80 range.

      • +1

        Maybe I should be more specific. :)

        Just go outside for walk/brisk walk, in whatever shoes available to you, then what I said above in buy shoes :)

        It's about creating the habit first.

        • I already walk a little, but really want to learn to run. The current shoe is ok for walking, but I'm 95kgs, and the soft cloudfoam doesn't seem to handle any jogging that great.

          • +1

            @smigglejiggle: For technique, I suggest landing on the front mid foot underneath the hips, with a cadence of 180-190bpm (you can find music in 180bpm to run along to with the beat). You'll feel like you're shuffling initially but you'll become faster with time.

  • +4

    My suggestion would be to find out if you need a neutral or stability shoe first. This could prevent further injuries that could stifle progress. A podiatrist would be the best but somewhere like Athlete's Foot could provide a quick, free analysis (and politely decline a purchase if there is nothing there in your budget).

    All the best… the first few weeks will be hell but stick with it!

    • Thanks, will do. I think will need a stability shoe, as I to pronate a lot, but will go to AF

      • Another advocate of going to Athlete's Foot here. They're not podiatrists but it's sufficient for deciding on what initial running shoes to get.

        I have quite flat, wide feet so I was recommended the Asics GT2000 2E or Kayano if I wanted to spend the extra money. If they give you a few options, ask them to write the model/size down so that you can have a think about it and come back.

        I went to my local DFO which had the shoe for cheaper but in limited colours. After a week of testing, I really liked the GT2000 so, based on my own principles, I went back to Athlete's Food and bought one pair from them in a colour I liked that wasn't available from the DFO as thanks for their help. Kogan also stock ASICs and cheaper than B&M stores last I checked..

  • -4

    Try running barefoot first before wasting money on running shoes.
    You can always buy running shoes later if it is not right for you.

    • Do you run barefoot?

      • Yes, lots of times at the beach.

  • +2

    Not relevant to your post, but check out the couch to 5k program if you haven't already.

    • +2

      That's what I am planning on starting. :)

      • +1

        Awesome. It got me literally from not being able to run for more than 30 seconds to running a 5K. Good luck. It won't be easy but it will be worth it!

      • Once your stamina gets up to speed, look at Parkrun in your local area. Some of my ex work colleagues started C25k a few years back after work. Never, ever was a runner. Now doing Parkruns most weekends. Good luck.

  • You might be able to find a pair of Adidas Ultraboosts for cheap, as they often go on sale. If you're patient enough, wait around for an Adidas shoe sale like on Culture Kings or Foot Locker and you'll most likely be able to snag a pair for ~$110 or so (RRP is $260). I use my pair of Adidas Ultraboosts 20s as my daily shoe, and they are very comfy.

  • +1

    Find a good oval with nice grass and run barefoot, saves a fortune and you will run faster and develop more leg muscles. When i run barefoot, i go 1-2km\h faster.
    I only use shoes on very cold winter days. Try in the rain, even nicer being barefoot ;).

    • Maybe one that also doesn't allow dogs off the lead - if you're going barefoot :)

      • And one with fewer discarded hypodermic needles :-(

        • and no prickles

  • +2

    You can get a top of the range Asics Kayano/Nimbus (from last season) for $100-$110 at DFO's/clearance outlets which would be markedly more comfortable and last longer than a 60-$80 pair.

    Thats my suggestion

    • Agree. If you can get Kayanos at that price you'll be thanking yourself later. Last couple of pairs I got ran me $130 :(

    • +1 to this
      You'll get yourself a $150-200 pair of shoes for $50-100.
      Try Nike or Asics outlets (DFO, Birkenhead) especially when they have the extra discounts.
      Try a few pairs on and see what you prefer in terms of lighterweight vs sturdier

    • Limited colours (two from memory) of Asics GT2000 7 were on sale (clearance) for $80 at DFO Essendon a week or so ago.

      • That's a good price. Take that all day long.

  • my mum got a pair of decent mizuno runners from the Salvos recently, might be worth a look.

    otherwise nike renew run are probably about the cheapest decent running shoes - have enough cushioning to be comfortable for short runs, just a bit heavy for longer runs.

    stretch your budget a little more and athletes foot have the Nike Pegasus 37 for $130 at the moment in black

    edit: just saw you're a pronator… you'll need something else like the react miler, asics kayano, should be able to hopefully shop around and get a decent deal. Personally i'd just spend the money straight up on something decent to start with

    edit2: just saw these on Amazon UK if you have prime for just under 100 - one of brooks' stability shoes, the Beast:…

    I have these, bought them at $52. My feet don't hurt when I run, so guess they're good enough.

    A newer version seems to be available at $65 (plus shipping)…

  • +1

    Dunlop KT26 Only $39
    I love these. Very under-rated
    Always been a great running shoe for the price…

    • The Dunlop KT26 were one of the first popular running shoes on the market in the early '80s, before running/trainers became all the craze as both a casual shoe and as trainers. There were few options for running shoes back in those days, before jogging and walking as a means of getting fit became popular with the masses. Back then joggers were quite happy wearing Dunlop canvas sandshoes/tennis shoes.

      Then the fitness boom kicked off and today's big brand marketers moved in, and have been making a killing ever since. I bought a pair of the KT26s back in those far away days and I remember they were super comfy and lasted quite a few years. I doubt they are of the same quality now at $39, but would be OK for someone wanting something cheap.

  • I just go to DFO (or equivalent), go to either Filas (probably cheapest), or Nike, or any other brand, and just buy the cheapest running shoes that has your size, generally $50-$60 would get you a decent pair.

  • K Mart

  • You're in Perth, so have a gander at the Jim Kidd outlet warehouse:…

    Some great discounts if you know what you want.

  • Running shoes are very individual as some have already said, also as has been mentioned DFO's are great for finding last years model which is much cheaper and can be under $100, don't skimp on running shoes and make sure you buy a reputable brand.

    I started out originally with Nike and always had knee pain, I just thought it was from an earlier injury, a few years ago I tried Asics on someones advice and my knee pain disappeared. For me Asics are really good shoes. I did try one pair of Mizunos but they did not work for me and I was getting a lot of foot pain.

    I have been running for a long time off and on, my advice is find a good local running club as they will put on regular runs that will really help you with the motivation when its cold in the winter months. If you find the right one then they will have all levels of members so you will not be out of your depth.

  • Get a barefoot shoes
    I own a pair of TSLA trail shoes and it's great…

    learn to do forefoot running, with a short stride and faster pace. (eg 160-180/min)
    I've seen many ppl are heel strikers, this will be quite painful for a heavyweight person like you and not only knee pain but your lower back can hurt like hell as well. (I used to be over 90kg and bad posture running hurts like hell) it doesn't matter how good the cuisine is, how expensive the shoe is, without your core strength and correct running pose, pain alone will make you stop running.

    I walk and commute with barefoot shoes now, and run with normal runners. (Nike Pegasus) but always concentrate on my running style and posture. took me over an yr to get here, so don't give up and keep that c25k (or c23k) plan going.

  • So how did you go? Pick any shoes or just went barefooted?

    • Went with an ASICS running shoe, got it for $49. Very happy with it, just need to get my fitness up. Aim is to run 5k. Currently running around 1km,and walking the rest.

      • How's your journey now? Hope you kept at it.

        I did the C25K, and got a Garmin 6, and now progressing to the 10K program. Plus you earn badges which motivates me.

        • +1

          Did ok until around June 2022, got the covid, followed by flu and what seemed to be every other virus for at least 3 months. Haven't been motivated to start again. Hopefully soon.

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