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[PS4] The Last of Us Part 2 $28 + Delivery ($0 with Prime/ $39 Spend) @ Amazon AU

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closed Comments

  • +1

    Matching Gerry Harvey if you want to pickup in store

    • +12

      Great input.

    • +13

      If by trash you mean AWESOME then I’m in complete agreement with you!

    • +9

      I really enjoyed it. Onto my second replay currently. Rarely do I do a replay but to do a second replay is a first for me

      I follow a YouTube channel who does Out of Bounds videos. It's quite interesting for those playing at home after finishing it. There are multiple videos so check the channel out

      Link -

    • +16

      This comment is trash. I spent 5 seconds reading it and 20 seconds replying to it and still regret it.

    • +8

      Then give it to me, I will give it a golf club treatment.

  • +22

    I don't get the hate on this game. I love the story and gameplay of this sequel.

    • +5

      absolutely loved the game! I paid $35 to get it and play when my ps5 arrived. Many times during the game play i was like wow this is really worth the money I paid.

    • +3

      People don't hate the game, they just fall into two camps and hate one of the two main characters. Team Abby.

      • +1

        Team Abby.

        There's dozens of us! :P

        But yeah couldn't look at Ellie the same way as I did in the first game by the end.

        Great respective story arcs.

    • +1

      I don't understand the hate either. I paid $99.95 for it on release (was worth every cent!), and recently claimed the price difference back via my credit card's price protection. The game is already brilliant but I can't wait for them to release a remaster for PS5.

    • Still hoping for a 60 fps update. 30 fps has been ruined for me after playing a few 60 fps ps5 titles 😢. The background stutter when panning the camera is pretty noticeable, even after tinkering with settings. Awesome game though!

  • +14

    glad I bought this game when it was $19 at big w earlier this year

    gameplay/combat/graphics wise: liked it more than last of us 1.

    The game just flows so well, combat is improved and graphics are obviously amazing on the ps5.

    story wise: I wouldn't be able to decide which story I like more, but the way the story in tlou 2 is portrayed is very nice, and special. I found tlou 2 to be much more gripping, I couldn't put it down.

    I can recommend it 100%.

    • +4

      Um, there is no PS5 patch on it (so it is essentially still PS4 Pro version). Surely Naughty Dog can at least do a 60fps patch for it.

      • +1

        aware of that now, but coming from the OG ps4, I played it on ps5 and was blown away.

        found out after finishing it that it was running on the ps4 pro patch, not upgraded to ps5 yet : /

        that's when I shall replay it.

        • +5

          Um… I played it on PS5 and honestly, I wish Naughty Dog would release the 60fps patch already. Don't try to milk customer again on this game.

          The story for part 2… I don't want to talk about it. I do hope Naughty Dog has something else in the works for PS5. Not looking forward to part 3.

          • @netsurfer: Is there a Part 3? I felt the story was well and truly closed (for better or worse), I imagine they'll be moving on.

            I'd be down for a spinoff adventure Uncharted style.

            • @Merlict: I’m conflicted on the story of part 2 but overall the game was good.

              However i do hope somehow they come out with a part 3. Maybe some story with Ellie. I’m sure Naughty Dog is planning and figuring out if they make a part 3 what story they could go with.

            • @Merlict: Naughty Dog sees TLOU2 as a big success as it wowed the reviewers and won game of the year award (though that's because 90% from the votes from juries and 10% by public voting). Also, the TV series. The Multiplayer expansion is in the works and that might include a PS5 patch. Part 3 is likely to happen.

              More Uncharted, while not completely out of the question, doesn't seem likely. You can tell Nolan North (the actor for Nathan Drake) isn't exactly in the good book of Neil Druckmann. While I would be happy for another spinoff with Chloe, I am so sure about Nadine again.

              • -2


                (though that's because 90% from the votes from juries and 10% by public voting)

                the sheer nonsense you people continue to spout is genuinely mind boggling. even in cases where TLOU2 did win "readers choice" GOTY awards you incels still do mental gymnastics to discredit it, all because you are too dumb to understand a decent story

              • @Lucille Bluth: Man that is such a typical tease article. They always have an outline planned for the next game, but the actual details will be fleshed out later. Personally, I think a Part III is basically guaranteed to happen. I have faith in the writers.

                • +1

                  @deadpoet: Yeah exactly. They would be silly not to its pretty much a cashcow

  • +8

    Mother's Day gift sorted.

  • +4

    awesome game in sense of gameplay and graphics, shittest story though..

    • +5

      The story is shit, it's emotionally driven by good actors, but actually analysing the events and decisions revelas how bad it is.

  • +4

    Loved this game!!!

    I enjoyed it more than part 1 too

    • +4

      ur crazy if you think it was better than the critically acclaimed and fan favourite part one. i teared up while playing part 1.

      • -6

        TLOU2 is the most celebrated video game OF ALL TIME, the neckbeard haters refuse to understand that they are very much in the minority

        • lol the negs speak for themselves, you are probably one of those SJW's defending the forced narrative and in your face approach of sexual misgenderfication TLOU2… most celebrated yeh rite.. by sjw groups who have not even played the game and only like the sexual misidentification aspect that had no place in the game at all and served no purpose but to seem relevant to todays ridiculous PC culture tbh. in any YouTube review you would see some gay or lesbian person saying how much they love that these things are in games now even though they have not played the game lol

          • -1

            @striker5950: considering half the most vocal critics of the game literally have not played it, this is a new (if dumb) angle ive seen out of the incel crowd

  • Still waiting for a 60FPS patch or a rerelease built for PS5. Tried playing it at 30 and just couldn't stand it, felt like it was running in slow motion. Can't believe they're still not saying anything about a new-gen upgrade for their flagship game .

  • +6

    This was actually such a great game. I fell for the review bombing that happened and gave it a hard pass when it launched but got the game with my PS5 and man, it was amazing. Compared to TLOU1, the story does fall off a bit as there's some issues I had with what they did with the characters given how they were portrayed in TLOU1 (inc. the massacring of my boi) but the graphics (played on a OLED with HDR), atmosphere and attention to detail make up for it imo. One of the best looking games i've played, including PC titles.

    • +2

      interested to see the reaction on this comment.

    • +3

      You've got the game at a discounted price I am guessing. Animations, graphics - top notch. However, why is TLOU2 the ONLY "first party" exclusive games released in the last 2-3 years not to have a next gen patch yet? It's not like Naughty Dog has done a few of them - so far it is a big 0 from Naughty Dog. That said, still top notch graphics, but 30fps.

      Story is an issue for quite a number of people. Bear in mind, a lot of comments are from people who bought the game early on (paying close to full price, if not full price). A couple of examples:

      • How come no one in Abby's group mentioned why that event happened (and the reason)? Simple, because that will break the story, especially Ellie held the view that she would have sacrificed herself to have the cure developed if given a choice.
      • Things Tommy Miller said and did made no sense, but we know why (coz. the game needs it). Also, what Dina said to Ellie later on (again, the game needs it).

      The whole thing is written more for a TV series where TPTB decides on everything.

      • -4

        How come no one in Abby's group mentioned why that event happened (and the reason)? Simple, because that will break the story

        ??? huh? the justification wasn't gonna bring Abby's DEAD DAD back

        especially Ellie held the view that she would have sacrificed herself to have the cure developed if given a choice.

        did you miss the part where Ellie despises Joel for saving her? and she is fueled by guilt for the entire game because she wasted her remaining years with him cos she was mad at him?

        Things Tommy Miller said and did made no sense, but we know why

        huh??? how 2 dimensional do you need characters to be? the only part that "didnt make sense" was that he didn't die after getting shot.

        Also, what Dina said to Ellie later on


        this is the sort of utter nonsense TLOU2 haters come out with, mostly proof they did not even play the game or at least played it without paying any attention.

        • Dude! Spoilers!

    • Dude. Spoilers.

  • +1

    I thought this game was a masterpiece. If you are buying it to kill zombies you will be disappointed. This game conveys Dickensian levels of regret, helplessness, fear and remorse. The way it plays off each character and makes you feel like their struggles and stories are all basically fading with the end of mankind. I was sad when it finished because I don't think Naughty Dog will invest so much time in storytelling when shallow review-bombers only want guns and gore. Ignore the haters, buy it and appreciate it for the piece of art it is. I would gladly pay good money to be able to enjoy it for the first time, a second time around.

    • +4

      The ending contradicted the line the story writers were trying to push & was logically disingenuous
      As for helplessness, I assume you consider season 7 of The Walking Dead it’s finest?

      • +2

        the ending only contradicted the story if you have shit for brains

        • -3

          Really? I can’t figure out what, because for one of them revenge & violence does pay
          It’s also funny that for all the savage gratuitous violence the other commits throughout their ‘journey’ they have a crisis of conscience in an instasecond of potential cathartic revenge. Rather laughable and there’s plenty more logic holes elsewhere

          • -1

            @Boogerman: it's been 21 hours and this comment is still so dumb it genuinely upsets me. everyone is entitled to an opinion but man are some of these opinions dogshit. you mustnt have even played it lmfao.

            because for one of them revenge & violence does pay

            this line just blows my mind over and over

            • @[Deactivated]: Sometimes dogshit for brains comes from people who are unaware in their simple world
              For those who think TLOU2 is ‘multilayered’ they are obviously the type who if they ever get to watch Donnie Darko or Se7en need the movie dumbed down to them after watching. The real example of shit for brains
              Oh & comparing to a movie is legit because that’s the direction games have gone with the inordinate amount of cut away scenes, of which TLOU2 was a prime example
              And as for nerfball target shooting (or whatever the F it was) makes a player engage with characters?
              Could go on & on

  • -4

    Rubbish game.

  • -5

    It's woke-tacular

    • I hurt some woke folk feelings, haha.

  • +1

    warning: if you value your brain cells DONT READ THE COMMENTS

  • -1

    This is still my favourite response to the angry neckbeards

    • +2

      Prefer this review:

      I don't get why people keep thinking people complained about TLOU2 are mostly about LTBGQ. Wake up guys, most people played TLOU (part 1) already. In fact, part 2 handles LTBGQ in an organic way, you really wonder why the rest of the story cannot be like that.

      • -1

        ah one of the other sellout videos lmao

      • An "organic" way?

        Please explain.

    • This is the most level headed in-depth analysis of TLOU2.

      It’s neither bad nor the greatest masterpiece of all time. It’s just a good game that didn’t meet some people’s expectations that they had after TLOU 1

      • -2

        the only way it can fail your expectations after TLOU1 is if you genuinely didn't understand the story of it and built your preconceptions under false pretenses. there is a reason the tlou2 hating crowd is also the "Joel did nothing wrong" crowd. it was clearly always written for tlou1's ending to be 'morally grey' - it's clear that what Joel did is morally horrible but we can empathise with the reasons he did it - it's a trolley problem with zombies, there's no correct answer. then the sequel unpacks what happened there. it really is that simple.

        did you watch the one i linked? like dunkey says regardless of anything else and any issues the narrative has it is memorable, gripping and FAR more engaging than almost any other story in gaming in recent years.

        unless you walked in expecting to hate it cos you heard daddy Joel dies to a girl with muscles there really is very little to dislike about it. they just took the first game and built on it.

        i love that this rando dude with no credentials except having a youtube channel thinks he is in a position to claim that the most awarded game of all time has "outdated" game design lmao

        • +1

          I don’t think you actually watched nakeyjakey’s review. He doesn’t say “Joel did nothing wrong.” Yes I watched dunks video a while ago. It’s okay. He doesn’t talk about the game as much as the impression of the story left on him and picks apart the easiest YouTube comments imaginable. Like watching a kid burn ants with a magnifying glass.

          Also are you saying TLOU2 is da best because the game awards industry (which is an arm of the marketing industry) gave it all the awards? Wow I guess I’m convinced.

          i love that this rando dude with no credentials except having a youtube channel thinks he is in a position to claim

          You mean like Dunkey? Just because he says things you agree with doesn’t make him any more correct than Jakey. They’re both expressing subjective personal opinions on video games.

  • +2

    Boring game. ‘Stunning visuals’ don’t make up for the slow drudge that this is. There is soooo much time spent doing absolutely nothing in this game, even considering how linear it is.
    Days Gone is a much better zombie game, especially considering they had nowhere near the funding of Naughty Dog

  • +5

    Loved this game, I don't understand the hate. The game play, graphics and story are exceptional. If you can handle two girls kissing I'd recommend! This is GOAT for me, although Ghost of Tshima might be my favourite game once I've finished it.

    • +3

      GoT is definitely GOAT. Looks amazing in the PS5 the multiplayer was awesome. Got it for $40 and resold it for $50 after I played the shit out of it. Phenomenonal game. TLOUS 2 is okay. I understand why the story panned out the way it was great visuals for the most part save the crappy motion 30 fps.

    • -2

      the hate literally only exists cos ND got hacked and a summary of the story got leaked. from there there was a community of angry incels that spread hate about a game that HAD NOT BEEN RELEASED, and now we have the awful, brainless droves that genuinely think their opinion on a game holds more water than people who have actually played it.

      if you actually have a conversation with TLOU2 haters you'll see that like in Dunkey's video, they don't even really know why they hate it, because the complaints they make do not even make sense.

      • +1

        Some people don't have much better to do than to vehemently hate a video game that objectively can't be called a "bad" game. If it's not your style, move on and play something else or find a more constructive hobby than trolling forums. It's pretty sad imo.

        • they even love to talk about the metacritic user score… as if a bunch of 0/10s from before the game's release actually have merit

  • +3

    Haha so many triggered snowflakes. Storyline and game play just amazing.

    • -5

      story sucks, snowflakes hate the fact that we say story sucked ass

    • one of if not the greatest of all time

  • +6

    I will give my personal opinion on this game without trying to offend anyone. This game was incredibly polished with incredible graphics and the best face capture I've seen in a game. The gameplay felt bad to me because it was 30fps and I still play the multiplayer on the first to this day, but if you don't mind that its basically the same as the first. The story is the main source of controversy and divisiveness amongst the fanbase. Personally, I didn't enjoy it at all and thought that it didn't make any sense. Characters constantly made dumb decisions to advance the plot. At this price, I would still buy it though, if you don't like the game you're not out much. I would say, if you enjoyed Game of Thrones Season 8 and the new Star Wars movies or if you don't care about the story and just want the gameplay you will probably enjoy this. If you want this for the story, you will probably end up disappointed as I was. Of course, YMMV and I am happy for you if you were able to enjoy the game. Whether you liked or disliked it, everyone's opinions are valid and no-ones opinions are stupid. Why can't we all just get along?

    • -3

      There are lots of books, movies and games where you are better off not thinking about the story too deeply, or questioning character motivations too critically. This is probably one of those occasions.

      That said, for the experience and the emotional ride it's a winner. Naughty Dog's secret sauce is here again and I hope to see it back again soon.

    • +3

      Great comment and 100% agree. The story didn't make any sense if you consider TLOU1. If people enjoyed the game, cool, but they shouldn't dismiss the opinions of the people who didn't like it.

      • +5

        Yeah, I found the knee jerk defence of the game to be ridiculous at times. A few people I know who love the sequel sincerely believed that the people who hated the game did so because they were anti-LGBT, or hated women, or were uniformly white male Trump supporters who were review bombing as part of some organised reactionary culture war…

        • Haha I know. As a woman it's interesting that because I disliked the game, I'm apparently a homophobic, women-hating, bigoted neckbeard. When really, I disliked it because I personally found the character development, pacing and story-telling to be inferior compared to the first game.

      • -7

        the story only didnt make sense to babies and neckbeards. it isn't perfect, but almost every complaint i see about the story doesnt make any sense.

  • +4

    Given how cheap it got and how quickly… I’d rather wait till it’s on PS Plus. I’ve got plenty of games and other stuff to do in the meantime. It probably won’t be that long either.

    • +3

      It sold poorly, due to the mediocre story. I mean it sold well generally but only 1/5'th the original game overall so far.

      • -3…

        why do neckbeards continue to push this narrative that it sold well? it is literally the most decorated video game OF ALL TIME

        • -3

          typo, it didnt sell well is what i meant to write, hence why i said it was the most decorated game ever and gave a link about how it is such…

        • Sales tapered off sharply, go look at the figures and get back to me. The initial 4 million was all preorders.

          Also see: Used value of the game.

          • -2

            @hamwhisperer: yep, dropped 70% after its first week, a commercial failure

            other commercial failures include uncharted 4 which had an 80% drop in its second week, and a little indie gem called grand theft auto 5 which had its sales drop 85% in its second week.

            i have had enough time arguing with incels over this so im not gonna bother responding to whatever mental gymnastics you people come out with next about how arguably the most acclaimed game of all time is in fact bad

            • -1

              @[Deactivated]: OMG you're amazing, with the insults. What a champ, lol.

              I'm glad you like the game, more power to you. You keep angrily defending it against your imaginary enemies.

      • +4

        The last of us (PS3): 8.15 million copies sold LT
        The last of us remastered (PS4): 11.78 million copies sold LT
        The last of us part II: 4 million copies sold in 3 days.

        Yeah…. it sold poorly!!!

        • +4

          So true. Sales were so bad that it also became the fastest-selling Sony game for PS4 ahead of Spider-Man. Yeah, how embarrassingly bad

        • Yep, now look total sales of the game, 6 months on.

          4.5 Million total.

    • Yup, this is gonna go even lower and it won't be long before they put it on PS Plus.

      But at this price, it's not a bad grab.

      • +1

        Seriously, it's a steal at twice the price it's so damned good.

  • +1

    already got platinum…and sold it..

    will wait for it to come to PS plus

  • +1

    Get it.

    Play it.

    It's effin amazing.

  • +2

    Going through second playthrough now for platinum. definitely money well spent regardless of who you root for!

    • so excited for a PS5 patch so i can play through again for platinum.

  • Available again

  • PS5 patch release with 60fps

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