How Much Do You Pay for T-Shirts?

I think a good measure of thriftiness is how much a person would pay for T-shirts.

I acknowledge that shirts differ in quality in fabric and manufacture. However, on one end of the spectrum you can get one for less than a price of a cheeseburger, and on the other end, some designer T-shirts cost more than a pure wool Italian suit

Where do you sit on the spectrum? Let us know in the poll how much you would normally pay for T-shirts for going out (Edit: i.e. not for sleepwear or gardening).
And out of interest, also post in the comments the most expensive T-shirt you've owned/bought…

Edit: Also… for those who do spend big… what's your justification?

Poll Options

  • 69
    Under $10
  • 162
    $10 - $50
  • 8
    $50 - $100
  • 2
    $100 - $200
  • 1
    $200 - $500
  • 6
    $500+ (please hand in OzBargain License)


  • +6

    uniqlo supima cotton when on sale for $10 down from $15 purist here

    • Mine shrank too much after the 1st wash

  • +5

    uniqlo t shirts lol, when on sale
    dad here lolz

    wearing street fighter ones currently…. :P

  • Jay-jay Licensed T-Shirts when on sale 10bucks - 2 bucks

  • I'd spend around the $25 mark for something that was heavier weight and good quality. That's also about the max I've ever paid as I don't care about the label and that's all your paying for above that.

    Around the house cleaning, mowing, working on the car etc it's KMart/Target/Big W all the way. For around $4 you get a shirt that's 90% of the quality of a $40 Bonds one.

  • -3

    People wear a t-shirt when "…going out…"?

    • +1

      I assume they're talking about going out for groceries, Bunnings etc. Not out to a restaurant, club, event etc

    • +1

      Yeah sorry… as in not for sleeping or gardening… ;)

  • +1

    Uniqlo UT for some fun ones

  • Paid 90 dollars for a 70% wool/30% silk blend tshirt.

    • Interesting… was it worth it?
      Usually T-shirts are cotton… what was the difference?

      • yep, it feels a lot nicer on the skin honestly. cotton can't compare :(

        • Try a bamboo one, magical.

  • most of my recent (five plus years) have been op shop, or occasional heavy discount at big w etc
    max paid new would have been $35

    • +1

      I don't mind Op shops as well - some good bargains to be had.
      The good quality ones tend to hold up well and are good value.

  • +2

    AS Colour when on special or support some small t-shirt independent printers. Usually around $40 to support someone having a crack at small business.

  • +2

    I used to spend ~$100 on shirts with designs I liked from brands like Supreme, Brain Dead, Online Ceramics. These days though there are so many good designers on IG pumping out awesome designs for under $50 and a lot of the bigger brands are copying their style from them anyway. I foresee a major rejection of hype and luxury brands among young people over the next decade as they seek to differentiate themselves from the generation before and with the growing positivity/anti-consumerism trend. Currently I'm selling a lot of my stuff from hype brands on Depop and getting more than I paid originally so if I'm a sucker I'm at least not the biggest sucker.

    • Wow, thanks for sharing!
      Interesting that you are actually getting more than you originally paid.

      • Yeah that will only last so long. I've seen the writing on the wall and I'm offloading the stuff I have while it still has value and a market to sell to. Supreme really started the hype trend of the last decade and the resale market for their clothes is already quickly drying up.

    • Can you link me onto some designs on IG?

      • +3

        Redwood Press - Australian screenprinting company where all the trendy local brands print their stuff. They post a lot of the stuff they print so it's a good place to find new Australian brands.

        Repostees - curated gallery of tees mostly from small IG based designers

        A couple accounts I'm liking atm…
        Renaissance Man
        Cody DeFranco

        Not IG but a lot of designers I like will release tees through Everpress

        • +1

          Many thanks for the tips..

          I think I've realised I turning middle aged and can't pull off many of these designs! haha


          • @JimB: Here here mate haha. I’m getting more into quality clothes in heritage styles but trying to avoid the cookie cutter workwear vibe. I really like a company ATM called Dehen 1920, not cheap at all but timeless designs and well built so shouldn’t be too bad value when you look at it on the basis of cost per wear and how much enjoyment they bring. I figure a wardrobe with a couple expensive jackets that I wear with cheap white tees is cheaper than a wardrobe full of $50-$100 tees, plus jackets hold up a lot better over time.

  • Used to work in Laos and Thailand. You can buy very cheap shirts there - like copies of that Versace shirt. I found it worth paying a bit more for quality - say when Camel Active is having a sale. I've had one of those shirts for 15 years now, worn very often and still looks new.

    If you find yourself in a Korean market clothes are ridiculously cheap. I bought a suit for about $20.

    In Australia I find it's worth paying a bit more than say K-mart and going to Giordano - which hits that sweet spot between low price and quality. I've had those shirts for years and years now.

  • +2

    I have a stockpile of puma t-shirts for $10-15 from sale also under armour shirts from black Friday. Tend to buy 10-20 in one go then keep the rest sealed.

    Once t-shirt is not good enough for 'public use' it gets demoted to gardening/home tier. Eventually those get demoted to dusting rag tier. The cycle continues.

    Material wise I go pure cotton, or cotton poly blend. Also I like to update T shirts just before summer because during winter you're mainly wearing heavier clothing.

  • How Much Do You Pay for T-Shirts?

    About $3 at K-Mart.

  • You don’t have drawers full of band t-shirts from gigs?

    • Haha, Oppa doesn't wear t-shirts in Gangnam, only shirts and bow-ties.

  • Usually around $15 for an AS Colour staple tshirt.

  • I found several good sellers from AliExpress who sell Star Trek themed t's and the t's are pretty good quality. And you can find proper man sizes there as well.

    My latest find (which is sadly sold out):…

    Prices are about $15.

  • Get some good ones for cheap at the op-shop

  • +1

    Kmart bargain stand. Always $10 or less and I wear a T- Shirt every day.

  • Best T-shirts I have ever worn were purchased in a Hong Kong street market years ago for around HK$20 each. At the time that converted to about AU$2.50. Really gaudy graphics but still going strong after more than ten years of wear.

  • My last shirt purchase was at a thrift shop. $2.25 (half price) and the shirt has Deadpool on the front. Epic deal right there!

  • $5-10 at Kmart etc. Get maybe 2 years out of them before collars go out off whack. Most ever was $45 or so for Budgie’s 2009 Australian Tour. Tshirt still in top condition after many uses and print not faded.

  • +3

    $10-$50 is too broad
    I would usually pay $20-$30 but rarely $50

    • +1

      Agreed 10-50 is too broad

  • AS Colour Classic tee. Organise a coupla mates and buy in bulk for wholesale pricing. Depending on quantity you can get it down to around $12/shirt.

  • I'm not a small guy, so when i find a shirt that fits, I'll buy it.

    Places like uniqlo, kmart, Jay-jay's…. they don't have anything that fits, so they don't get my business.

    • +1

      Try Best and Less. Their sizes run larger than normal.

      • Thanks for the tip

  • Where can I find good quality plain coloured tshirts? Happy to spend a bit more for something better (higher GSM) than Target etc.

  • I pay more for ethically produced shirts and to support local artists. But otherwise, max out at $50.

  • great limited edition design t-shirts, from $5-10US.

    Hard to beat. Also, I usually wear a top over the T, if I'm leaving the house, so the 'cheap Tshirt' doesn't matter too much, as long as it's comfortable and decent fabric.

    • How does the sizing run?

  • +1

    Is there any good place to get good value tencel shirts?

    • What kind of Tencel shirt do you need? Men and women?

  • I buy Merino from Icebreaker on sale either online or at the outlet. They are long lasting and comfortable. Hold their shape much longer than cotton.

  • I bought a t-shirt from Rebel Sport for $1 once (you know the black t-shirts they put on the mannequins with bold white “SALE” on them).

    Apart from that I’ll pay $20-30 for something online with pop culture references (eg. LV426/Hadley’s Hope/Weyland-Yutani, Big Trouble in Little China “Pork Chop Express” etc). Has to be Gildan Ultra-cotton.

  • Ozb, the quality of T-shirts depends on the material and workmanship of the clothes. Generally, T-shirts are made of cotton, and the quality of cotton mainly depends on the origin and gram weight of cotton. The larger the gram weight, the tighter the feeling will be. The stitching place that makes work generally sees collar and clothes, every 10 cm sewed how many needle, needle number is more the better, general good T-shirt is 4 needle 6 line. Judging whether a T-shirt is hao from the above two points.

  • The brand T-shirts are okay, but Kmart's are not. Someone upstairs said that the T-shirts bought on AliExpress are of good quality. That's because China now sells T-shirts with a weight of 220-300 grams.

  • I was at a DFO over the weekend and couldn't resist and bought 3 T-shirts for $10 at Cotton On. Not just plain Tees but nice patterns and designs as well.
    I can't speak of the quality as they feel a bit thin to me, but meh.

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