Xbox live Gold not required. Stay in the Israel site to pick this game up for free. No need for VPN.
Full credit to Dealabs.
Xbox live Gold not required. Stay in the Israel site to pick this game up for free. No need for VPN.
Full credit to Dealabs.
They really have a tough time keeping GWGs away from accidentally becoming free again, hey.
Also, we need to get rid of this XSX, if it's a digital game it obviously works on XSS, should have XB1, XSX if it's a disc and only on XSX, and X|S or something if it's digital and works on either.
Edit: Also Metal Slug kicks ass, defo grab it if you've not already got it from Gold a couple months back.
That was a fun process
Great find! Thanks :D
Thanks Op. No idea what I was clicking but I think I got there! I really regret (20 years later) setting up my Xbox Live account on a different email to the my "proper" email address/Windows 10/Office 365 and having to deal with switching accounts.
In chrome you can right click blank space on the page and choose 'translate to english', works pretty well.
Also works on Edge, so may be a Chromium feature
God, yeah. I had that for a few years, until I had to abandon my then main email. Now the only Outlook, MS, Xbox, anything I have is the one on my Xbox. In and out-ing sucked aaaaaass, and if you tried to incognito it'd always want you to verify, it was a nightmare, and made MS Rewards more effort than it was worth. In the year since getting rid of the swap and stuff I've probably scored around a hundred bucks of Xbox $$$ via MS Rewards too.
Sucks ass man, I feel for you.
oy vey
good one
Goodbye weekend
Bring on more free game’s
This flying shooting game (Ikaruga) is also free.…
Thank you for listing this, great game on the Dreamcast!
Cheers, that's an excellent game.
Will this work on the 360?
Sorry for the dumb question I only just picked up a 360 I've pretty much only owned Sony or Nintendo consoles (well I had the OG XB)
EDIT - yes it worked - used Chrome desktop and I only have a 360 attached to the account.
Hmm, I tried to grab this on a Microsoft account with an Xbox 360 linked - no go - I guess even though this is an Xbox 360 game you still need an Xbox One or later?
You should be able to claim it directly through your PC web browser. No need to be trying to claim it on an Xbox 360.
Yes, I was using the PC browser - the error message when translated said no suitable device attached to the Microsoft account - however, I had attached the Xbox 360 to the account.
It could be a region protection thing also - from memory Xbox 360 consoles were region protected - not sure about the later models Xbox One etc models.
Yeah ok then. It's most probably because even through it's an Xbox 360 backwards compatible title it requires an Xbox One or Xbox Series S|X registered onto the account. It does state that in the available on section that it's only for Xbox One or Xbox Series S|X which you don't have.
@beebul: Strange. But nonetheless it won't show up in your Xbox 360 library because it specifically states that it's for Xbox One or newer. You'll need to upgrade to atleast an Xbox One to play this title.
The release for the Xbox 360 itself has its own seperate release version.
This one here is the Xbox 360 backwards compatible version which is an emulated version for use only on the Xbox One or newer.
You will be wanting the native Xbox 360 version. That would be showing up on marketplace where all other native Xbox 360 titles are so check there.
This is the native Xbox 360 version but it's not free at the moment. Released in the year 2009 and requires the Xbox 360 hard drive.…
Hmmmm I think I managed to grab them using Chrome on my laptop…. My Hebrew is a little rusty 👍
Yeah. I had to guess it too. The translator app on Firefox wouldn't translate the boxes you have to click to claim it.
These posts for free X360 games are quite spread out, so I went through the different locations and created the list below. Some of these games you can get in other locations (e.g., Microsoft AUS) but I wanted to narrow the list to locations that had the most available, hence USA rather than AUS.
United States
- The Walking Dead
- Dortios Crash Course
- The Walking Dead: Season 2
- Crackdown 2
- Crackdown
- Too Human
- Hexic HD
- Harms Way
- Sensible World of Soccer
- Stacking
- Costume Quest
- De Blob 2
- Ikaruga
- Metal Slug 3
Hexic HD is a great time waster. :)
Superb work thanks man! I didn't even have any games for the 360 except FIFA!
Thanks bro, I didn't know about Harms Way, but had all the other ones.
I genuinely enjoyed Crash Course back in like 2012 when I got it, half way keen to check out another from the Doritos Series, if you can call it that. Cheers!
Edit: Should also say Aegis Wing, a lil space side scroller shmup, is free on 360, but only on USA.
Further reply, yoooooo, Harms Way is like if Motorstorm had a baby with Twisted Metal, definitely gonna give it more of a shot when I have time, sweet as from the first race I did before. Cheers.
Thanks! Grabbed sensible soccer as well
Good work Wakrak. I've listed all the games below, to save people searching the stores.
The Walking Dead…?
Dortios Crash Course…?
The Walking Dead: Season Two…?
Crackdown 2
Too Human
Helix HD
Harms Way
Sensible World of Soccer
Costume Quest…
De Blob 2
Metal Slug 3
You're a star in my book
Thank you.
The bestest of posts. Thanks, mate.
Thank you. I grabbed Ikaruga!
I'd like to too… it's not letting me :-(
uoy knaht — how do you guys read Israel page? google translator doesn't translate pop up dialog…
You don't, just keep clicking next or the Hebrew equivalent!
try again, thanks!
The store also has an english language option without needing translate:…
Can a mod update the post?
Rawket Lawnchair
Any way to play this on PC?
You can't play the console version on the PC.
However there is a native PC version. It's available from GOG for $2.39 AUD at the moment.
Not worth risking getting your MS/Xbox account nuked to save a few bucks on some games IMO. They've done it before and they'll do it again.
does anyone get this error? trying to redeem via pc for my nephews and they don't currently have an xbox
"An Xbox Gamertag is required to complete this purchase. Create an account at or sign into your Xbox and try purchasing this again."
This web page says you can create a gamertag through the Xbox app on Windows 10. If you have Windows 10 try it.…
In the latest Windows 10 build it seems to be in the Windows Store under the app name called Xbox
But it seems you can also download the app through this web page.
Got it thanks heaps!!!