Any Banks That Aren't Completely Woke?

Seems like every Aussie bank has gone hardcore over the last decade with social justice/political bragging. It's becoming tiresome seeing them pretend to care about every vocal cause that gets pushed by the vocal media or Twitter mob.

CBA and ANZ seem to be the worst offenders. Do any of the big 4 banks NOT do this? Or is there a smaller bank worth giving my money to so I can expect they'll use it for meaningful shit instead of "we are funding this year's short-short's parade in Sydney!" or "fossil fuel bad".

Open to any suggestions from the enlightened crowd at Ozb.

EDIT - just to clarify, I know many people who work at various banks, and the cultural expectations they push onto their employees are equally disturbing. For their sake I don't want to support such organisations.


      • Hi Fred. How's it hangin'?

      • +6

        Look at you, redefining what LGBT means on the fly to suit your little narrative, because now they're all "pro left-wing". And, what's this we have here, promoting a "culture of promiscuity and sexual deviancy"? Sounds legit, citation needed.

        Unless you've got some actual metric that most of the homosexual population aren't aligned with the LGBT/Mardi Gras movement, then you're out of gas on this one. You're also out of gaslights, because Milo Yiannopolous (note the correct spelling) has announced he's "ex-gay"; just in case you try to fly the "hey, I found one" argument in future for how there's just ever so many conservative right-wing gays making equal time arguments in the mix.

        Do your research, be less smooth-brained, win critical thinking prizes. I'll give you a little hint, you're going to have to do a bit better than blurt out "the LEFT" or "WOKE LEFT WING" as though it was a policy document published by a secret cabal. Until you strap on the big boy pants and define some terms [for the others to then consider, debate and most likely, dismantle], you're a troll who should go back to Fortnite and Mum's chicken tendies.

        Your lack of meaningful response to the first part aside, let's see what else you've got:

        "You could also say that the majority of Australia is Christian, and even the niche cohort of fundamentalist Christians would be much larger than the 3% of the population represented by the gay community"

        I guess you could say that, and at the same time you could say "And because the majority of Australia is Christian, they would vote according to Christian values, and so the same sex vote will decisively be resolved with a NO", if you really want to double down on the assumptions and the being wrong thing. I mean, which had the higher turnout, the Mardi Gras or the protest against the Mardi Gras?

        • +3

          Look at you, redefining what LGBT means on the fly to suit your little narrative, because now they're all "pro left-wing". And, what's this we have here, promoting a "culture of promiscuity and sexual deviancy"? Sounds legit, citation needed.

          Homepage theme is a dead giveaway

          Find me Mardi Gras parade that doesn't contain glitter around someone's genitals and I might reconsider. Until then you're just questioning the obvious.

          Unless you've got some actual metric that most of the homosexual population aren't aligned with the LGBT/Mardi Gras movement, then you're out of gas on this one.

          Unless you've got some actual metric that most of the homosexual population are aligned with the LGBT/Mardi Gras movement, then you're out of gas on this one.

          You're also out of gaslights, because Milo Yiannopolous (note the correct spelling) has announced he's "ex-gay";

          I wasn't aware that someone can choose to be gay or not. Sounds like you're pushing opinions that are very contrary to those purported by the LGBT movement you supposedly support.

          Also, thanks for ignoring the rest of the ostracised gay figures I mentioned.

          if you really want to double down on the assumptions and the being wrong thing. I mean, which had the higher turnout, the Mardi Gras or the protest against the Mardi Gras?

          Hmm…major tourist attraction promoted around the world by the government and countless corporations vs an event which was probably removed from Facebook and would lead to people being fired for attending.

          Yeah, not hard to see why one has a higher turnout. It's mostly another facet of the ultra un-inclusiveness pracriced by the so-called queens of diversity.

          • +2

            @SlavOz: So your argument was that the LGBT narrative is promoting a culture of "promiscuity and sexual deviancy" and when I called you on it, the single picture you posted to prove your point is (checks notes), a man wearing a pink swimmers cap, pink Speedos swimmers and an inflatable Flamingo pool toy. All things which wouldn't look out of place at the beach or the pool. Is it the fact that they're all pink that's causing the sexual deviancy? Or is it the sinful glitter?

            If that picture is makes it "obvious" that it's all "pro left wing", and "a culture of promiscuity and sexual deviancy" you're either a prude, terrible at making an argument or a troll, or maybe all three.

            Then we get this gem: "Unless you've got some actual metric that most of the homosexual population are aligned with the LGBT/Mardi Gras movement, then you're out of gas on this one."

            You don't get to argue that the homosexual population (the L and G in LGBT, incidentally) aren't more likely than not to be aligned with the LGBT/Mardi Gras agenda. ("Look, you haven't done a survey and actually proven that point conclusively, it's just as likely that they AREN'T aligned with two things that were designed to push their interests").
            This is why people (correctly) call you a troll who argues out of bad faith.

            Pick points you can argue, make sense, stop wasting everyone's time. Like when you tried to call me out on the "I wasn't aware that someone can choose to be gay or not" thing. Look, Milo made an announcement that he's ex-gay and doesn't want to be associated with the homosexual movement, which is why I brought it up when you DID associate him with it. If you think he actually still is gay, or what he's said is ridiculous, take that up with him, that's not something you can argue with me on.

            "Thanks for ignoring the rest of the ostracised gay figures I mentioned" - well, I didn't, I made the point that identifying a couple of cases doesn't sway the overall argument. If you think you're going to trick me and tire me out identifying single individual examples, you're a worse arguer than you give yourself credit for.

            What did you think I meant when I said "try to fly the "hey, I found one" argument in future for how there's just ever so many conservative right-wing gays making equal time arguments in the mix."? It specifically identifies how ridiculous it is to cherry pick a few individuals and then extrapolate to an entire group from it. Look, you banged on about Christian mindsets before - what if I just namedropped five or six convicted Christian pedophiles and said "Speaking of sexual deviancy, why is it Christians are also either pedophiles or pedophile apologists/assisters"? Lazy, trash argument to derail a discussion. I spotted it, and I called it.

            I wasn't kidding about picking a new hobby or getting back to the vidya. If you really enjoy arguing ideas on the internet, why are you so bad at it?

            • +5

              @Crow K: Stop, he's already dead.

            • @Crow K:

              the single picture you posted to prove your point is (checks notes), a man wearing a pink swimmers cap, pink Speedos swimmers and an inflatable Flamingo pool toy. All things which wouldn't look out of place at the beach or the pool

              Thanks for backing up my point. The beach or the pool is a place where exposure is mostly unavoidable and tolerated as part of a functional approach to swimming. This attire would also be commonplace in someone's bedroom or sexual encounter, but when you try to force it down the public's throat by parading it needlessly on the street for the sole purpose of showing off sexual pride, it's impossible to deny that you're promoting promiscuity.

              You don't get to argue that the homosexual population (the L and G in LGBT, incidentally) aren't more likely than not to be aligned with the LGBT/Mardi Gras agenda.

              Ah I get. So I need to prove my claims with evidence whereas any claims you make are just gospel truth?

              I've already provided more evidence than you have. I've pointed to a few prominent gay figures who have notably criticised the LGBT community as an example to show that there are such people out there in the world. Douglas Murray and Dave Duben are proudly married gays who despise the LGBT movement. The world is a big place, there are likely many more like them.

              The only thing you've provided is a baseless claim that assumes all gays would support LGBT just because of a letter in the name. Shit reasoning.

              Look, Milo made an announcement that he's ex-gay and doesn't want to be associated with the homosexual movement,

              Thanks for proving my point. He is, biologically, gay. He is attracted to the same sex by nature. This makes him a homosexual. He can't choose not to be gay, but he can choose not to associate with the gay movement. This is exactly my point. There are plenty of gay people who don't support the LGBT or other such pandering movements. Thanks again for pointing it out.

              It specifically identifies how ridiculous it is to cherry pick a few individuals and then extrapolate to an entire group from it

              Yet you're the one who is assuming that an entire group of people must support a particular movement just because of the letter in a name.

              Talk about stereotyping. You really are a terrible person. The notion of individuality and personal choices is completely lost on you and your identity politics rubble.

              • +1

                @SlavOz: Weak, 0 points. Study the classics, learn from your betters. Trolling is literally a shit-tier internet skill and you're reaching for "you proved my point and you're a terrible person" already?

                What exactly are you meant to be good at, again? Trolls need to be switched on with baited hooks and engagement, you don't get a attendance certificate for showing up and saying "here's some buzzwords about the left and you're proving my points [that I hadn't made]".

                If I had the black box recording of how this all came crashing down, I'd say you missed your opportunity to walk back (or better still, abandon) the ridiculous, unproven line that "LGBT promotes sexual deviance". Anyone worth their salt would pin you on "alright, let's define what you mean by sexual deviance, then let's see how this group's stated objectives matches your (likely to be hilariously wrong) terminology". This is the christian "harry potter is wizardry, which is devils stuff" level argument, kid. That's what you're bringing to the table.

                Trash. Stop filling your brain with trash to pwn the left. It's beyond embarrassing.

                • +1

                  @Crow K: So instead of building a rational case against any of my talking points, you've decided to resort to the "you're just a troll" ad hominem tactic.

                  "Black box" "Harry potter", and "kid" are hallmarks giveaways that you have no idea what you're on about and would rather throw sub-crearive insults around to make up for your lack of constructive discourse.

                  Guess it's no surprise that you're such a stern advocate of the LGBT movement. Those guys haven't offered a constructive talking point since…ever.

                • -3

                  @Crow K: "LGBT promotes sexual deviance".

                  LGBT IS sexual deviance.

                  Would be OK if it was platonic as mother nature intended.

        • +1

          To be fair, the afterparty for the anti-gras involves much less chem-sex, I'd rather hit up the other shindig.

    • +1

      "LGBT adults are usually better savers (they're less likely to have children"


      • Wait, did you just claim natural selection over LGBT people not having kids?

        Holy crap

        • +1

          "did you just claim natural selection over LGBT people not having kids?"


          • @Gekov: Oh another one who thinks anything other than straight is a genetic thing…

            Yeah good luck with that 😉 I pity your kids/grand kids if they're different

            In fact you and the OP could make a cute couple

            • -2

              @spackbace: "anything other than straight is a genetic thing…"… and is UNNATURAL!
              i.e. not the way nature intended.

              Mother nature created two sexes for a good reason.

              Homosexual PLATONIC love is OK but that's as far as it should go.

              I try not to think of the disgusting things going on behind closed doors with homo's.

              Sorry (not really) to burst your woke bubble with facts.

              • +2


                Mother nature created

                Wikipedia - List of animals displaying homosexual behaviour

                There's way too many there to quote here…

                I try not to think of the disgusting things going on behind closed doors with homo's

                They're only doing similar things that a man and a woman can do… Ever been in the same room as 2 girls enjoying each other? It's rather enjoyable

                Gotta love another conservative using the term "woke" just because someone has a more open mind.

                What's the bet that both you and OP have gotten off to lesbian porn at some point in your life 😂

                • @spackbace: "What's the bet that both you and OP have gotten off to lesbian porn at some point in your life"

                  Yeah right … how could I "get off" on something I would try very hard to unsee if ever I came across it …

                • -3


                  What's the bet that both you and OP have gotten off to lesbian porn at some point in your life 😂

                  Bit of a weird correlation there. That's like saying if you've ever celebrated Christmas, you must sub-consciously support Christianity as well lol

                  I don't see the connection. I can enjoy hamburgers without necessarily supporting the questionable morals adopted by fast-food companies. I can also enjoy hunting or target shooting as a recreational sport without supporting the NRA.

                  • +2

                    @SlavOz: Thanks for the confirmation 😂

                    That's ok, you go and attack their lifestyle while enjoying their lifestyle… It's not hypocritical at all…

                    • @spackbace: Could say the same thing about you enjoying Christmas yet dismissing the religion it belongs to.

                      Not hypocritical at all right?

                      • +3

                        @SlavOz: Except the difference between you and I is I don't make whole forum posts about how bad Christmas is, or vilify Christians for their beliefs.

                        You, on the other hand, are openly attacking anyone who isn't straight all while enjoying what they do.

                        And that's just vile

                        • @spackbace:

                          You, on the other hand, are openly attacking anyone who isn't straight

                          I don't suppose you can point to a particular example of this, or is just another facet of your chronic shit-talking?

              • @Gekov: "Homosexual PLATONIC love is OK but that's as far as it should go"

                Why is homosexual platonic love OK? Does Mother Nature (also known as 'the Bible', I'm guessing) say this is OK?

                Who told you it was OK? Who told you anything further wasn't OK?

                I'd love to see some of these facts you're bursting spackbace's woke bubble with!

  • They are not woke for the sake of it (although they wouldn't use such a negative term about themselves).

    It delivers on their core purpose as a public company of delivering value to shareholders. They need to built a brand that appeals to their target customers, employees, and investors.

    Younger generations identify very strongly with wokeness and these are people are vital for both their present and their future.

    • +4

      "Younger generations identify very strongly with wokeness"

      Thanks to hard left indoctrination (as opposed to education) in our schools.

      A“Problem with Western education is they’re run by leftists. Focus on making dumb kids average, instead of average kids smarter& neglect smart kids.”

      • Spot on. We need royal commission into our universities using taxpayer money to push a blatant one-sided social agenda which not only breeds division and resentment, but also outright stupidity. Toxic levels of wokeness are a serious concern.

        That being said, most data points to these young indoctrinated wokesters snapping out of it as they get older and gain more life experience. Seems that most people here haven't cracked that elusive barrier yet.

        • +3

          A 30-something agreeing with a 60-something about the youngsters of today 😂

          Given the purchase of your mustang occurred over multiple forum posts, needing advice at every step, who are you to say you're full of life experience? 😂

          Hell you can't even find a bank by yourself without posting another post.

          If you're an example of life experience then god help us all!

          • @spackbace: or as the coagolition would say gott mit uns

  • +4

    It's the wrong forum to start a post like this given the leanings of the general OzB crowd. Even the banks that don't do what you're asking for will most likely start doing them soon to avoid bad PR.

    • +5

      I've been on Whirlpool and Reddit and can understand the majority of posters there were too woke for their own good, but for some reason I always thought a little more highly of Ozbargain.

      • I think you'll find most IT related forum are like that.

      • +4

        Ozbargainers have wives and girlfriends too, and the charade must be maintained lest the sex dry up any further than it already has.

  • +4

    Those gosh darn flat earth denying banks.

  • +12

    Usually stop reading as soon as someone uses 'woke'. Stayed today for the comments. Perhaps Sky After Dark would enjoy your comments as a fellow traveler.

    • +4

      The 'just asking questions' always ends in some defense of golliwogs, the N-word, some idiotic MRA talking points that just illustrate how fragile their masculinity is or some 'science' argument about race drawn from ideas in 1864.

      • I had a golliwog doll as a kid, and understood why that was contraversial in the 80s, but I loved it the same.

        And some of my favourite tracks just couldn't exist without that word. I might not be able to say it in good conscience, but I'll leave it to the most frequent users of the n-word and its most frequent targets of reference (the same group, obviously) to decide how that particular form of language should be used.

        • I'll leave it to the most frequent users of the n-word and its most frequent targets of reference (the same group, obviously) to decide how that particular form of language should be used.

          So, only one race should be allowed to use a certain word or decide how it gets used?

          +1 for equality and all that. I never thought we'd get to a point where words are only considered offensive based on the colour of the skin of the person speaking.

          • @SlavOz: Regarding the n word, yeah pretty much.
            Chappelle explained it.

            What did they get out of slavery?
            Now only they get to use that word.

            Do you even comedy?

    • +1

      Yes indeed. "Woke" + "Snowflake" + "Cancel Culture" = the Holy Trinity of Murdochist labelling…

  • The banks are private businesses. They can do as they please. Mostly.

    If they get 'too woke' whatever that means… that they lose customers…. it's their lookout.

    Let the market decide.

  • +6

    Just read the banking royal commission and choose the one with the worst crimes. Should be pretty easy, charging dead people was my personal favourite

  • Duh, just start your own bank, how hard can it be?

  • +1

    Keep your $10 under the bed.

  • +1

    For those who got triggered, just think of it how vegans don't want to support certain companies…

    • Vegans aren't interested in who you're bangin'. Also, vegans don't boycott companies, they boycott products.

      And anyway, the only triggered person here is OP.

      • +4

        What's the difference between telling someone who they shouldn't bang or what they shouldn't eat? Both are personal choices.

        And vegans boycott companies all the time. Seems like you're just trying to create a special class of offenders and put me in it because I don't agree with your point of view.

        This is truly a toxic mindset. The irony here is that you're clearly the more uninclusive intolerant person.

        • +1

          Vegans don't care what you eat, they care that animals aren't being exploited and killed for no good reason. Eating them is one such no good reason. Eat turds, eat grass, eat lab grown meat, eat (profanity), eat whatever you want, just keep it your own business and don't drag other sentient beings into it.

          • +1


            Eating them is one such no good reason.

            This is largely debatable and mostly untrue. Avoiding starvation/malnutrition is a pretty good reason to eat animals. Not everyone lives in an inner-city apartment with access to organic vegan stores and lab-grown meats. Most of the world's population relies on self-cultivation of food through agriculture and farming. Try telling a poor family in the Middle East that it's immoral for them to feed their starving children with the animals they own.

            Even for those of us living in the West, there is ample data to suggest that a diet high in carbohydrates (a staple on a vegan diet) can lead to all sorts of problems and has been the main cause of diabetes, tooth decay, obesity etc.

            For many people, a low-carb diet consisting of ample animal protein is the only viable option.

            • +4

              @SlavOz: You're uninformed.

              Harvard Medical School


                  Traditionally, research into vegetarianism (see context) focused mainly on potential nutritional deficiencies, but in recent years, the pendulum has swung the other way, and studies are confirming the health benefits of meat-free eating. Nowadays, plant-based eating is recognized as not only nutritionally sufficient but also as a way to reduce the risk for many chronic illnesses.

              British Dietetic Association


                  Well planned vegetarian diets (see context) can be nutritious and healthy. They are associated with lower risks of heart disease, high blood pressure, Type 2 diabetes, obesity, certain cancers and lower cholesterol levels. This could be because such diets are lower in saturated fat, contain fewer calories and more fiber and phytonutrients/phytochemicals (these can have protective properties) than non-vegetarian diets. (…) Well-planned vegetarian diets are appropriate for all stages of life** and have many benefits.

              Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics


                  It is the position of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics that appropriately planned vegetarian, including vegan, diets are healthful, nutritionally adequate, and may provide health benefits for the prevention and treatment of certain diseases. These diets are appropriate for all stages of the life cycle, including pregnancy, lactation, infancy, childhood, adolescence, older adulthood, and for athletes.

              Dietitians of Canada


                  A healthy vegan diet can meet all your nutrient needs at any stage of life including when you are pregnant, breastfeeding or for older adults.

              The British National Health Service


                  With good planning and an understanding of what makes up a healthy, balanced vegan diet, you can get all the nutrients your body needs.

              The British Nutrition Foundation


                  Well planned vegetarian and vegan diets can be nutritious and healthy … Studies of UK vegetarian and vegan children have revealed that their growth and development are within the normal range.

              The Dietitians Association of Australia


                  Vegan diets are a type of vegetarian diet, where only plant-based foods are eaten. With good planning, those following a vegan diet can cover all their nutrient bases, but there are some extra things to consider.

              The United States Department of Agriculture


                  Vegetarian diets (see context) can meet all the recommendations for nutrients. The key is to consume a variety of foods and the right amount of foods to meet your calorie needs. Follow the food group recommendations for your age, sex, and activity level to get the right amount of food and the variety of foods needed for nutrient adequacy. Nutrients that vegetarians may need to focus on include protein, iron, calcium, zinc, and vitamin B12.

              The National Health and Medical Research Council


                  Appropriately planned vegetarian diets, including total vegetarian or vegan diets, are healthy and nutritionally adequate. Well-planned vegetarian diets are appropriate for individuals during all stages of the lifecycle. Those following a strict vegetarian or vegan diet can meet nutrient requirements as long as energy needs are met and an appropriate variety of plant foods are eaten throughout the day

              The Mayo Clinic


                  A well-planned vegetarian diet (see context) can meet the needs of people of all ages, including children, teenagers, and pregnant or breast-feeding women. The key is to be aware of your nutritional needs so that you plan a diet that meets them.

              The Heart and Stroke Foundation of Canada


                  Vegetarian diets (see context) can provide all the nutrients you need at *any age,** as well as some additional health benefits.

            • +1

              @SlavOz: Well said SlavOz!

              Vegans: The Epitome of Malnourishment

              Vegans: “You don't need that much protein, trust me”

        • What you eat has an impact on others (notably the animals, but also society given the environmental impact of certain foods).

          Who you bang has no impact on anybody except the people involved in the sex.

          So there is a big difference.

          • @Deals For Days: "the environmental impact of certain foods"

            HMMM …

            So have you minimised your "environmental impact" by switching to a planet-saving eco-friendly insect diet yet?

            If not, why not, as recommended by your master the UN, if you're truly interested in "saving the planet"???

            No real commitment eh?

            But why stop at insects? If you REALLY want to fight so-called "dangerous globalwarming" … stop eating and die, so you’ll be one less person generating greenhouse gases.

            If liberals can’t figure out the basic human diet why trust them on other issues?

      • Vegans aren't interested in who you're bangin'.

        I think society as a whole do care about it. Some others also care about it on a moral level, and not just a legal one. Then again, everyone has different morals.

        I don't think the OP mentioned in his post that he is either for or against LGBT or climate change.

        Also, vegans don't boycott companies, they boycott products.

        Sure they do. Maybe I should have used climate activists as an example instead…

        • +2

          Really? What companies do vegans boycott?

          You seem to know more about being vegan than me - tell me who I should be boycotting.

          • -1

            @fantombloo: McDonald's or any fast-food company. Even if you buy their vegan options, you're still financially supporting them and their disgusting animal abuse and poor quality farming practices.

            If you don't boycott them you're probably a hypocrite.

            • @SlavOz: Really? I'm pretty sure colesworths animal product sales outdo Macca's by an order of magnitude, and come from the same farms.

              Vegans find all animal use disgusting abuse and don't buy into the animal welfare / abuse circlejerk. Maccas, your local farmers market, whatever - it's all animal abuse. But you keep clutching at things you don't understand and tell others how to do the things they already know how to do.

  • CBA and ANZ seem to be the worst offenders.

    Yeah, for loaning out money to the fossil fuel industry, so really you should just stay with them.
    The market forces website is aimed more to get people to stop banking with banks that contribute to fossil fuels but you can also use it for the opposite reason.

    • -2

      "for loaning out money to the fossil fuel industry"

      Go CBA, ANZ!

      I'm all for cheap fossil fuel energy, mainly because whacko misanthropic wokies are against it.

      “Giving society cheap, abundant energy would be the equivalent of giving an idiot child a machine gun.” Paul Ehrlich, Stanford University

      “The prospect of cheap fusion energy is the worst thing that could happen to the planet.” Jeremy Rifkin, Greenhouse Crisis Foundation

      “If you ask me, it'd be a little short of disastrous for us to discover a source of clean, cheap, abundant energy”
      Amory Lovins, The Mother Earth-Ploughboy Interview, Nov, Dec 1977, p.22

      “Somehow we have to figure out how to boost the price of gasoline to the levels in Europe” Steven Chu, Obama’s Energy secretary

      “If you ask me, it'd be a little short of disastrous for us to discover a source of clean, cheap, abundant energy because of what we would do with it.
      We ought to be looking for energy sources that are adequate for our needs, but that won't give us the excesses of concentrated energy
      with which we could do mischief to the earth or to each other.”
      Amory Lovins in The Mother Earth-Ploughboy Interview, Nov, Dec 1977, p.22

      The Climate Cult’s Blackout Brigade…

      • +2

        You've certainly found two quotes from the same person in 1977 which is [furious calculator sounds] 44 years ago, this is an excellent debunk of people saying things about fossil fuels this year.

        Could we persuade you to opt for solar panels on your cherry picker? I guarantee the left woke will be SO MAD if you do that, so let's pencil you in for Tuesday, 10am?

  • +8

    Imagine referring to equality and justice as nothing more than wokeness and left wing trends and refusing to bank with any bank that pretends to give a shit about it. God what a life you must lead. Here I was thinking that my gf who happens to you know female and not white should have the exact rights, opportunities and be treated by employers, corporations and society the same as my white male middle class ass and to have a just society like that was just good old fashion commonsense and logical but apparently I’m woke as (profanity). Good luck with finding an evil corporation that doesn’t even pretend to give a (profanity) about their customers or society to do your banking with I hope it brings you the happiness you sorely need.

    • +5

      Trigger confirmed. If you really think that a bank needs to be woke to care about customers or society then you're too far down the rabbit hole.

      This is the danger of getting all your opinions from the media.

      • +5

        'Woke' as a concept to criticise the left is entirely developed by 'the Media', albeit reactionary fascist-sympathisers on YouTube

        I don't know why you care about banks having CSR departments, or doing social and environmental governance in house anyway? Would you prefer the state to be doing it instead through formal regulation? I guess YouTube and Sky News has fried your ability to think clearly.

        • +5

          reactionary fascist-sympathisers on YouTube

          Ah yes, the old argument that YouTube and Facebook are hotbeds of extreme right-wing fascism because creators with different opinions are still allowed on there. I'm already tired.

          Curious as to who these fascist sympathisers are? Are they the people trying to impose restrictions on speech or force the populace to get vaccinated? Because that's almost exclusively coming from the left nowadays. Fascism tends to project well in a mirror.

          I don't know why you care about banks having CSR departments, or doing social and environmental governance in house anyway?

          They can go as woke as they want. As per my OP, I'm not demanding that they stop. I'm simply choosing not to support them with my money. It's my money, what's your issue with me pulling it out of a bank that I don't want to support?

          • @SlavOz: Good- move your money and STFU then. Quit being such a whinging crybaby repeating dumb talking points about being oppressed from conservative groups backed by the most powerful people in society.

            Citations on YouTube being a vehicle to fry people's brains with extremist and fascist content:

            • @dec1an:

              Quit being such a whinging crybaby repeating dumb talking points about being oppressed from conservative groups backed by the most powerful people in society.

              Never did I whinge about being oppressed. Have you ready anything in this thread?

              Citations on YouTube being a vehicle to fry people's brains with extremist and fascist content:

              Those aren't citations, they're opinion pieces with very little credibility or evidence. Bolsano getting elected in Brazil has nothing to do with fascism because he's not a fascist. Look up some history and you'll find that most fascists were huge on identity politics and keeping the population vulnerable to government force…Bolsano rejected social hiring quotas and gun control measures. The only people who call him a fascist are the same people who call Trump a fascist - mainly woke, uneducated tools who have been trained to believe that anyone different to them is the devil.

              Yes there is plenty of right-wing content on YouTube which can sway elections, just like there is plenty of left-wing content aimed at doing the same thing. It sounds like you're just not a big fan of the competition.

      • I’m confused by this are you trying to imply your generic and miscellaneous use of the term woke isn’t you referring to equality and justice as if it a bad thing that only left wing millennials care about? Or are you implying that females and POC are not customers of banks and members of society? Because for your statement to make any sense you have to be claiming one the above, if it the former than what is wokeness to you exactly? Cause you seem to be using it haphazardly in lieu of any real counter points. Same with other buzzwords like triggered. Like are you really some obnoxious sexist and racist with ignorant and wrong world views? or are you just some lonely troll trying to get attention? Either way are you okay?

        • +2

          wrong world views

          The wokeness is strong with this one.

  • The act of selecting the best mix of price and service for your needs is anti woke. Being anti woke as you put it is the equivalent of the pushy religous atheists telling you their religion

  • +1

    110% with slavoz. Women belong in the kitchen. /endthread

    • Surely women belong in a state of critical rationality where the identity-politics-minded among them would feel the most insulted of any demographic when movements like "times up" or notions like "girl-power" are co-opted and insincerely reflected by companies which are, essentially, insulting the intelligence of the very people they supposedly appeal to.

    • Where did I say that women belong in the kitchen? Does this fairytale have any sort of credibility outside of your imagination?

      • +3

        "Where did I say that women belong in the kitchen?"

        No surprise here.

        Leftie warminists have the art of grossly misquoting anyone they disagree with down to a tee.

  • Banks are woke until you ask them for a loan.

  • +3

    Woke shmoke what I'm sick of is companies pandering to the … I won't say lowest common denominator… I'll say most vocal and reactive elements of the "cancel culture" type of wokeness (rather than turtle saving plastic straw banning wokeness)… Until we gets advertisements like gillete's "man-bad" and the laughably regrettable ANZ campaign with the karate girl chopping down imaginary future male oppressors.

    Take my money, invest in fossil fuels, help money launderers, push increasing levels of debt, make mortgages 80% of your business, inflate house prices through questionable lending, be a bank, but don't treat me like an idiot i.e. don't directly advertise to whatever popular movement is going to have "good optics".

    "Old man yells at cloud" level rant but here we are… I think I have recently completed a midlife crisis so bear with me.

  • +1

    Regarding banks no longer investing in fossil fuel projects, this is more to do with banking rather than virtue. The future for fossil fuel assets is hugely unknown, and it would be a bad bank that invested billions of dollars in an asset that has a lifespan of 30+ years. Future foreseeable fossil fuel regulation could result in assets that are no longer profitable or no longer have a market

  • +1

    Just store in your cave

  • +7

    Do these anti-woke types ever stop to think that perhaps businesses are doing whatever is best for business, and executives have determined that ultra conservative misogynist types like OP are a dying breed and it makes more PR sense to please the many many plentiful consumers who do care about ethics in business and society?

    Seriously, big banks aren't 'woke' because they're pushing an agenda. They're woke because they realised it gets them more money in the long run to (at least ostensibly) care about social justice.

    • "ultra conservative misogynist types like OP are a dying breed"

      Wishful woke thinking …

    • ultra conservative misogynist types like OP are a dying breed

      What a strange thing to say in defense of banks pandering to the gay community, a group of people who's bloodline will most likely die out in the next generation due to the inability or unwillingness to procreate.

      Same-sex attraction is a random birth trait that is quite rare. There is no guarantee that a steady supply of gay people will continue into the next generation.

      While it is probable, there is no way to ensure it. It's all down to chance. 1 or 2 generations of biological patterns could see the gay community shrink considerably and undo all this supposed trust-building wokeness you praise so highly.

      Meanwhile, the ultra conservative types are statistically much more likely to get married and have plenty of children. Not hard to guess who the next generation will belong to.

      • +1

        😂 Are you saying that homosexuality is genetic? (ignoring the other letters in LGBTQI+)

        Oh you troll so badly

        • Are you saying that homosexuality is genetic?

          No, I said the exact opposite. Whereas conservatism can be taught and passed down (thus ensuring its continuation), homosexuality cannot. It relies on a biological anomaly. You cannot teach or induce gayness.

          The simple truth is that almost all of the LGBT community will die in the next 50-60 years and their is no guarantee that they'll be replaced.

          Heaven forbid scientists discover a way to manipulate a child's sexual orientation during conception (much like they can do with gender or other personal traits). If we ever got to that point where parents could choose their child's sexuality, the LGBT community would die off completely. Most parents, if given the choice, would rather their child produces children of their own. It's a natural human desire to seek the continuation of your bloodline.

          • +1


            The simple truth is that almost all of the LGBT community will die in the next 50-60 years and their is no guarantee that they'll be replaced.

            You realise people have been gay/bisexual for centuries yeah?

            • @spackbace: Yes, based purely on biological chance.

              • @SlavOz: So… Centuries of people not being straight, and you think it'll stop being a thing in 50-60yrs? Your delusion knows no bounds 😂

                I'm still curious, how do you feel about lesbian porn?

        • I thought it was partly, even mostly genetic.
          Although probably a recessive trait, obviously not requiring any immediate relative to express the trait.

          If it's learned behaviour let's go, my dating life could use some more options.

          • @ozbjunkie: Holy hell man. Would you like to swap your shovel for an excavator?

            • +1

              @HelpMeiCantSee: I'd swap speculation and uninformed opinion based around what would make people feel comfortable (that sexuality is not at all genetic and is all a product of environment) for some well-conducted research and some recognition that just like my straightness isn't a choice - didn't choose to be straight, and can't really explain why I am, despite being brought up around members of the gay community in a way that completely normalised homosexual relationships and humanized homosexual men as loving and caring human beings, I still feel no sexual attraction to other males, despite their capacity for compassion and companionship. My experience, and the available evidence, suggests that homosexuality is not entirely learned behaviour, and may instead be largely or even primarily genetic.

              How's that excavator coming along?

  • Quite the different reception to when Gillette made that advertisement. I guess because OP mentioned two of "sacred" movements in his post.

    It's just like how people want to keep politics out of sports.

  • +6

    Another SlavOz classic. Are we doing SlavOz NFTs yet?

  • +2

    You might want to look into China… and by that I mean moving to China.
    If you're sick of ethno-diverse compatibility, they may just have what you're looking for (on the ethnicity limiting front anyway… you may find that culture a bit too 'woke' on the gender equality front however..)

    In line with that, as others have said, you'll find that the majority of the Chinese banks will be quite anti-woke.
    HSBC, China Construction Bank, Bank of China, Bank of Communications Co, China Everbright, Oversea-Chinese Banking
    The Arab Bank might be worth a look in… I'm sure they'll be all in favour of stamping out any gender/sex non-conformity
    Or HDFC

    • With the attitudes that SlavOz has, he'd frankly be a perfect fit for a position as a member of the CCP!

  • Is "trust" still too woke if it's mutual douchebag trust?
    That may rule Crypto out then.

    If it's a proper B&M bank with a history you seek?


  • +1

    so much murdoch inspired shit - truth rot at its finest

  • When I want to avoid supporting redneck organisations, I do my own research rather than annoying the good people of OzB, who are usually too busy researching bargains to care about your/my political leanings…

  • The only "woke" people I know of are the ones who think that getting a COVID vaccine comes with a free 5G chip or something and/or that COVID is a hoax and/or that Agenda 21 is a plot to take over the world. No banks believe that, so you're pretty much good to go with any of them.

  • I think your are confusing “banks that are woke” with “banks with a PR team.” CBA and ANZ for instance might “talk the talk” but they funnel billions of dollars into the fossil fuel industry. Would you really call that woke, or rather, simply lying to their customers?

  • +1

    woke is a red herring, blm is another red herring.

    whenever someone in the news is screaming out something to do with either its a diversion. Look at the NSW police Commissioner.

    The police force that went out of its way to prevent a sexual assault statement being taken from a complainant because of the political links.

    no interstate travel exemption being granted at the highest levels, and blocking another force from taking the statement.

    dunno about woke being anything, people need to WAKE up, and stop talking about made up nonsense to distract from national vaccination disasters to serious police corruption at the highest levels.

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