So the leaks for 3080Ti's have started coming thick and fast, and it appears they will be showing up soon. With the clusterfuck that happened with 3080's and people not getting theirs for months, I want to hear from people who have pre-ordered cards recently and what your experience has been, with a view to hopefully buy a 3080Ti on release.
Best Place to Pre-Order RTX 3080 Ti

Last edited 23/04/2021 - 13:40
What Retailer?
they increased their prices too so I am holding.
Fulfilment is up to 74% until end of October - I think you'll get yours (or at least a date) soon.
Good Luck
The only Good luck here is not playing the game. Save time money and stress and pass OP.
PLE is your best bet. and evga cards. good luck.
Id be keen to see the pricing and cost per frame. If its like the 3090 performance with 12G vram, the 3090 is +15% performance over the 3080..
I somehow don't think the 3080Ti will be 15% more than the 3080….
At the original evga 3080 ftw 3 ultra price of 1259, +15% is $1447… and at current prices +15% would be $1654.
I think we'll see the starting prices be at least 2k (speculation) which means that 3080 should be the better value for money still…
I think its some royal stupidity of Nvidia to even attempt a "Ti" variant when you have such a large backlog…
Oh yeah definitely. They're taunting us at this point.
I read an article that quoted an insider that said the Ti would be delayed or not happen until the 3080 cards are under control.
But i agree with you 100%The release is just for the media publicity and nothing more. To show they have a card that performs on par with the 6900XT and at a similar price, but good luck to those wanting to buy one at those MSRPs.
I will probably buy one of those if the prices drop to MSRP, or will squeeze some more FPS from the GTX1080 till next gen is out if mining craze continues.
Fair assessment. It will all come down to what the retailers price it at. If it's RRP plus Aussie tax I can deal with it to get a high end card, but if they price gouge (and why wouldn't they) I'll hold off until the madness stops. My 2070 is still going strong at the moment.
If 3080 Ti FE MSRP of 1099 USD is correct, then that's 73% of the 3090 FE.
73% of current Australian retailer prices of 3090 would put it at around $2200.
I reckon that retailers knowing that people will shell out over $3k for a 3090 will lead them to put it closer to $2500.
Lol sad as it may be - you're probably right that's where it'll end up. Maybe base evga cards for $2100 and asus rog strix cards for $2800 or something like that.. and everything else in between..
which at the point, I'd just pay the extra for the 8gb vram to get the 3090?
Best place will for sure be PLE with their EVGA cards. They can price them lower as they get them straight from the manufacturer without a distributor markup.
I pre ordered a 3080 on day one and it took me 2 months for mine to come. This was before the absolute mayhem that’s happened now. I can only imagine how long it will take if you get a 3080ti.
Any one knows the possible price range for 3080Ti here in Australia ?
look at lawyerz post just a tad up.
Why is everyone here suggesting PLE, what's wrong with other retailers like PC Case Gear , Scorptech , Centrecom , Umart etc ? Does PLE have any special supply channel with regards to Graphics card that I am unaware of ? Please advise.
I believe some are known to be marking up more than others.
My reading of it is that PLE have some sort of ability to get them from manufacturer directly (rather than an assumed 3rd party? I thought most importers got them from the manufacturer directly?).
here's a good explanation of distributors. Whilst an Aussie channel, they often talk about these things in the USA context so I'm not 100% sure if it applies to Aus market.
TLDR: Essentially there's manufacturers -> distributors -> retailers and distributors are the reason why you see "bundle" deals as they force retailers to buy them in bundles in the first place.
@gamebunny PLE & EVGA were the ONLY retailer/brand combo that had prices anywhere close to RRP on launch night.
EVGA 3080 XC3 was about $1,100 at launch. $1259 for the ftw3 ultra version. It's since gone up in price.
You may see here for the kind of price gouging some retailers are doing for the exact same card.…
vs…just about every variant on card on any brand is cheaper on PLE than on any other websites, plus their communications were top notch - this site keeps track of where you are in the waiting list as well as a visual queue system when you were waiting (in your "my orders" page) - this page is invaluable. It can tell you exactly what % is fulfilled and up to which date orders have an eta date.
Emails to their customer service was answered quickly, promptly.
Orders placed were fully refundable and can be cancelled at any time - not locking you in.
When I finally got my eta - it was accurate, and came a few days earlier.
All this combines to be a great experience at the best prices when everyone else - especially scumtec trying to screw you for every dollar you have.
Cant speak for anyone else but PLE is my first place I'd check for hardware now and going forwards.
Thanks mate, your reply is very much an eye opener and appreciated. Sound like there is some sort of waiting list system in PLE with regards to buying graphics card. Can you please enlighten me on this please ?
Just place an order. You'll see a queue location indicator on where your order is in the queue when you go into your orders -> edit order.
Alternatively that website above rtx30 buying information - shows the date of bookings that's received and ETA. Just compare that date with the date you made your booking and watch it creep towards the date you made your booking.
EVGA 3070s dates are well in April, and moving relatively quickly which means I'd imagine you'll get an ETA within 2-3 weeks of placing an order then another 3-4 weeks before getting the card.
As long as the card hasn't shipped to you at the end of the ETA, you can cancel for a full refund at anytime online.
There are of course no guarantees on the timeline. Sometimes, there are breaks in supply. Like whole month of Feb, the supply for 3080 didn't move one bit at all, and that was supposedly attributed to chinese new year in China.
ummm ffs, the PLE link is for a card swap option, it is not a retail price, it is only in a whole system. but you are an expert i assume
Why are people so desperate to pay such silly money these days for a 3080/90 there's hardly any demanding games out atm or is it to run 200 fps or something to flex on ?
It's ridiculous.
I put buying a card for a VR beast machine on pause indefinitely and just got myself an Xbox Series X instead for $749.
because they get good hash rates for mining and can essentially pay themselves off in 6 months.
I heard some rumors that the 3080Ti will be crippled here so gamers won't have to tolerate the mining premium. Heard similar?
They put anti mining as part of the 3060Ti but apparently a work around was figured out within a month.
Idk more than that but I'm sure it'll put off at least some people from buying them.
now there is already drivers for the 3060ti if they use the same method of crippeling there will be beta drivers that will support it or at worse linux drivers but hey what would I know
Doesn't 4K @ 60fps with options mostly maxed require a 3080? Not talking basic games.
Cries in 4k 144hz
Any chance the FE cards will be available anywhere?
none in AU but weird AU youtubers getting them..
11:00pm tonight - 3080 Ti cards can be swapped into by those who have pre-orders for 3080s or 3090s
11:30pm tonight - 3080 Ti cards (whatever is left) can be purchased/pre-ordered by general public.Limited to one 30 series card per household.
Are there even AU prices out yet?
Mwave prices:
Gigabyte OC $2799
Zotac Ti AMP $2899
Asus TUF $3249
ASUS Strix OC $3499Thanks for that. Screw that I'm going to bed. Just saw the tech jesus video. Definitely not worth it at that price and I don't want to reward/encourage Nvidia's dodgy behaviour.
Glad PLE exists. Going to buy off them if possible. Every other
retailerscalper can go (profanity) themselves.
well that went poorly. $2300 for a EVGA FTW3 was a great price at PLE. I even managed to get one in my cart
Didnt manage to pay in time tho….guess its all over now unless u wanna pay $3k - $3.5k
Its extremely unlikely there will be any available at $2300 again, certainly not this year at leastYeah same here. Had a 1920$ in the cart, and it disappeared. Confident that the stock was diminished by robos :(
Finally managed to pick one up for $2292 from PLE.
Here's hoping they actually have stock to sell.
Good to see at least one OzBargainer actually managing to grab something!
Like many here, I wasn't too lucky/internet wasn't stronk enough.
Used both my phone with cellular 4G and PC with NBN50/20, both were too slow as PLE website went laggy af for those 10 minutes =/.Contemplating selling off all my other computer parts now lol…
Gratz, I hope u get it (you lucky bastard). Did they come back in stock? Or did you just get in quick when they initially went on sale?
It was within the first 5-7minutes after release.
@xuqi: damn, it wouldnt let me check out about 2 mins after release. I mean 9:30AWST though, i wasnt eligable to buy at 9:00.
Ahh well, I probably saved myself almost $6k by not getting one (by the time i buy the rest of the parts i would have bought along with it)
Swapped my 3090 Kingpin order to FTW3 Ultra. When I opened the swap card page, it is the cheapest available option and click x2 done. I know there were $1920 cards, and Zotac one looks good, but I cannot see that as an option. This also explain why people did not have time to pay, since swap card already paid in front.
damn, sucks u had to give up the kingpin, but at least ur still getting a kick-ass card. Id love to get hold of a card with pre installed water block so i dont have to pull anything apart myself. There were pictures of a kingpin 3090 with WB going around the net a few months back, i bet they were near on impossible to get hold of :)…
I love the Kingpin, but it seems no new stock coming since 14th Jan, and can be forever, I was at the middle of the existing queue. EVGA Hydro Copper cards (3080~90) are not available in AU. This 3080Ti Ftw3 Ultra is IN STOCK, so hopefully get it in a few days, I also ordered a set of double sided water block, designed for 3080/3090 but should be OK on 3080ti.
Any news for 3070ti?
Pre-order from tonight as well?Tomorrow 11pm EST
3080 pre-ordered Dec 2020… still waiting.