Kewpie Mayonnaise 300g will be discounted to $3 (from $4.70) from Wednesday.
Other flavours:
Kewpie Sriracha Mayo
Kewpie Wasabi Mayo
Kewpie Mayonnaise 300g will be discounted to $3 (from $4.70) from Wednesday.
Other flavours:
Kewpie Sriracha Mayo
Kewpie Wasabi Mayo
Love the sriracha kewpie mayo. Also the sesame dressing!
Anyone who has never tried Kewpie really needs to get on it. It's especially good with grilled chicken in a sandwich.
Sometimes when I’m hungry at night I just squeeze a bit of kewpie into my mouth 😏
Hahaha. My wife showed me this comment. Because she knows how much I love Kewpie. Just wanted to tell you that.
Tried kewpie didn't like it. There's apparently two kinds and they don't sell the better version in Aussie stores. Prefer my Turkish mayonnaise any day of the week. Maybe I got a bad batch but it had a weird taste.
Also, I'm looking for the sriracha with the goose on the front. Anyone know where they sell that apart from Costco? The one with the rooster tastes like blended green tomato pickles.
What's the turkish mayonnaise? Think I tried it, it was the best, but forgot all about it? What's it called?
Where in Australia can you buy Calve?
@jazzza: Maybe you can, maybe you can't. Maybe I'm mixing it up with when I was over there. Maybe I was in Holland picking tulips.
you're an absolute legend. thanks. it was tamek that i tried before and it was fab.
kewpie was a great disappointment compared to that. not even close.
The one you get at Woolies, Coles and Costco comes from Thailand. You can get a version that is made in Japan, usually found at select Japanese grocery shops.
Thanks. I'll try this one. Then I'll see if I can source the actual Japanese one.
You can't get real Japanese Kewpie, not legally at least. Actual Japanese one has 14% egg yolk content and can't be imported to Australia. You can find made in Japan in Oz, in Asian groceries, as mentioned before, but it'll still be 9.5% egg yolk.
There's apparently two kinds and they don't sell the better version in Aussie stores.
This gets mentioned in every single kewpie thread.
Weird but Delicious Japanese Instant Ramen Hack
Sapporo Ichiban Miso Ramen
1 Tbsp Kewpie Mayo
1-2 Cloves of Grated Garlic
1 Egg
500ml Water
No Sapporo Ichiban Ramen, Miso on Amazon Australia.
Thanks. I'll give it a try.
Hold on - people say they are extra hot.
Can you suggest something not that hot ?
Waiting for amazon to price match
Please don't let Amazon kill the local stores.
If they are taking business away from the duopolies (Coles/Woolies) no love will be lost. I fear for the smaller independents that will be affected by Amazon crushing the competition.
I put this on everything.
do you just throw it on top of food like bbq sauce or tomato?
It goes with anything. I mix it in with rice or noodle dishes. Also sandwiches, burgers. If something doesn't have flavor, I put it on like salt.
I remember years ago when you couldn't really get this here I tried to bring it back to Australia with me… customs threw it in the bin :(
Chugging it on the spot would have been the power move.
I think you would spend more time in the plane toilet than your seat.
While maintaining eye contact and letting it dribble down my face and body, for sure.
whenever I see customs trying to throw stuff in the bin, I always think to myself can't you guys at least take it home lol
Tastes like the mayo from subway. Which i prefer over the run of the mill bit too sweet mayonnaise.
Now i need to find something similar to the southwest chipotle sauce that subway uses and im set.
Any help is appreciated, will send 0.0001 btc as reward for good leads.
I'll piggyback on this, to try and get a lead on the mayonnaise that goes on a McChicken burger.
Are u also offering btc?
If you Google “southwest chipotle sauce” there are recipes out there. No idea if they are any good.
THOMY mayonnaise is the real GOAT.
Takes the toasted BLT to another level. Love this stuff