Letter "B" on My Private Power Pole?

I live in South east Qld , I noticed the other day someone has stuck a silver metal letter "B" around 2 meters up on my private power pole , The power pole is 2 meters from the boundary and belongs to me . I assumed it is something to do with energex as the letter looks the same type as the ones that are on the street power poles .Has anyone any idea why it is on there ?

image here https://ibb.co/b2dRFmC

EDIT : It turns out Energex decided to mark each private power pole with letters , my neighbors have A and C on their poles . I got the lucky B .


  • +39

    B for Bikies. Did you scam $20 from someone here in OZB over gumtree?

    • I'm more impressed that OP has a Power Pole!!(dragonball.fandom.com)

  • +1

    B is for Bickies. We're you friendly towards the crew who did the install?

    • +18

      B is for Bickies.

      Maybe OP is known for giving out biscuits to anyone who asks?

    • +1


      • +1


        It's like the yore/yaw distinction.

  • +34

    B is a Pass, it is below A, but above C.
    (I'm glad we had this talk). :+)

    • +6

      B is for disappointed Asian dad….

      • Sad but true

      • I thought mum was the one to worry about?

  • +1

    probably the same guy that put a PV on my meter box

    • +35

      Well PV stands for Pervert..

      • +15

        how did they know?

        • +4


    • +1

      Is that a joke or do you genuinely not know why that's there?

      • I genuinely don't know why someone put a PV on my meter box.

        • +3

          It's a label for solar to tell fireys

        • +4

          BTW it stands for (P)hoto(V)oltaic ie Solar. As timthetoolman said - it's to advise fire brigade and electricians etc that there is a PV system installed so that they know to isolate it before accessing any part of your electrical system.

  • +6

    Something similar to Ausgrid?

    If so you are customer type B


    • +4

      Stop this logical madness immediately

    • +4

      Those letters don't have any special meaning, they're just labels for the examples. You'll note that some letters are re-used for the two scenarios…

      • +1

        I don't know why you're being down voted. You're absolutely right.
        The letters on the ausgrid website are just for making their examples clear.

        • +1

          People like simple solutions, even if they're wrong. Also hardly anyone reads links, they just take the word of the person posting… "Oh this guy has a link, he must be right!"


          • +1

            @abb: Yeah I read the entire page and while it was interesting, it certainly wasn't relevant.

            At least you're not at -3 anymore :)

            • +2

              @cheesecactus: Thanks cactus! Your comment has turned the tide of negs.

              I'd buy you a tequila with my restored internet points, but I can't figure out how to redeem them ;)

              • +1

                @abb: Haha someone further down who works for an electrical distribution company explained the real answer is due to Australia using three phase power.
                This would also explain why OPs neighbours have A and C on their poles.

  • +4

    Its known as a conversation starter.

  • they've cased the joint and you've been marked

  • +4

    I live in South east Qld

    Username checks out.

  • +9


  • +36

    There will be an answer,
    Letter B

    • +6

      Those are words of wisdom

    • This made me laugh out loud. Thank you Jonzay.

    • +1

      This comment reminds me of Ken Lee(youtube.com) :)) Love it!

      • Lol just watched it. That was hilarious.

  • +4

    I live in South east Qld , I noticed the other day someone has stuck a silver metal letter "B" around 2 meters up on my private power pole

    That is the initial of the linesman who inspected it.
    In South east Qld, it would be either Burt or Bart depending on which day of the week it was… They job share.

    • +5

      Did Brian finally retire?

      • +2

        LOL No. Brian had a gender reassignment procedure and as is now known as Elain…

  • +3

    If its a single phase supply pole, B likely means your supply comes off Blue phase.

    • Not B phase? IE A,B,C?

      I work in electricity distribution and this very thing has caused a few issues over the years lol.

  • +3

    Are you familiar with the book "The Scarlet Letter"? Basically you've been branded a Bastard. Were your parents married when they conceived you?

  • It’s the Alphabet Bandit; you’re obviously the B crime.

  • +10


  • +2

    I'd be more worried about the lack of guttering on that roof.

  • -1

    B notes the class type of the power pole…. Stop rubber necking and move on.

  • That's an interesting looking instrument to the top right of the B.

  • +7

    Take it off and see what happens.

    • best answer

    • +8

      You mean for them 'to B or not to B'?


  • +1

    Why don’t you ring your power company or the company managing the grid and ask them?

    It looks professionally installed, not by some random walking pass.

    Let us know what they say ok?


    B is the initial of your username buderim11

  • +12

    That's B for bulldoze. Probably your house will be knocked down at anytime.

  • Pity, you almost got the D… :) next time!

  • A "B" pole is a privately owned lead-in.
    An "A" pole performs the same task (keeping the service line from hanging too low or from crossing your neighbour's property) but is actually owned by the distribution company.

  • +7

    Today’s post was brought to you by the letter B.

  • +2

    Simple, you're getting second quality power. You want an A on your pole.
    Any pole with B has electricity that cycles more slowly (only 50 Hz) and is a lower voltage (110V).
    This is used in many parts of the world.
    Ring up the CEO of the electric company and complain. **

    ** Sorry, been watching Hyacinth Bucket on Keeping Up Appearances too much I guess. In reality, I have no idea about this.

    • Just get Onslow to pull it down and toss it in a boosh

  • +3

    Maybe it’s denoting that you’re on the B phase of the power supply? Neighbouring houses are normally on different phases.

  • +20

    Sorry to be boring, the above explanations are much more interesting. But here's the actual reason……

    In Australia as in many parts of the world, we use a three phase electricity network.


    Most regular customers are connected to just one of these phases which the electricity company knows as A - B or C phase. Some customers who have high power demands are connected to all three, known as three phase power, these could be homes with large air conditioning systems, or businesses.

    It's important for network efficiency and reliability to try to keep the load on these phases balanced, but usually when the customer is connected it's just the electrical linesman making an educated guess at balancing out the connections to each phase.

    When maintaining the network or fixing outages it's sometimes helpful for the electricity workers to be able to quickly identify which customers are on which phase. The electricity company will have network connectivity diagrams which should give them that information too, but as they strive for safer and more efficient processes putting labels on customers poles makes sense.

    Source: I work for an electrical distribution network company

    • Great to hear an actual answer. That would also explain why his neighbours are A and C.

    • As much as you may be correct, the placement of the letter B and its quality looks very sloppy…. and most likely will fall off in a year or two. Around Brisbane the crews use metal bands that go around the pole and hold the letter in place tightly and will last 20 years plus.

      • A lot of work is contracted out to the


        • lowest priced bidder is fine, as after all there is a specification for the project which details minimum requirements.

    • +1

      Not an energex/ergon standard as far as I know.

      Marking poles seems like a dumb way to manage load.

      It's my understanding that Energex and Ergon have a state wide simulation model down to the pole (and device for above 40kW loads and generation). Cables, cable voltage and phase should be attached to pole numbers. It seems like a complete waste of time to mark phases directly on a pole.

  • +1

    How do you have your own private power pole that you own?

    • +1

      Typically if it's a pole that stands within your property boundary then it's a private pole. Belongs to you and not the electricity company.

      • That seems weird. So you could just chop it down if you wanted to?

        • +1

          It would only affect power to your property so maybe you can

        • +1

          There's a whole lot of regulations about who can do what on things connected to the electricity grid, but providing you obey those and have it properly de-energized, yes.

          Say you lived on a rural property and you had a whole lot of private poles that you had to maintain to an acceptable standard (keeping the white ants out is a big one) then you might consider that it now might be cheaper to cut the cord, install a solar and battery system and go off grid than pay to keep your poles and wires going.

    • +1

      The use of a private property power pole is to avoid having an overhead connection to your house which can be rather unsightly. So you place the pole near the boundary and then have the electrical cable run underground from the pole to your house for a clean result. Also, on acreage properties the house may be a long way away from the road/ source of electricity, so you would either have one private pole and then run underground or use multiple poles to run the cable above ground closer to your home after which you can connect to it.

  • It might correspond to the power phase though I've never seen it marked like that before

  • +1

    Maybe there is a B on there because it is making a buzzing sound

  • Mine got an x. Several weeks later, they installed a steel thingy to support the rotting wooden base.

    • +1

      X = Condemned
      This means at the last inspection it did not meet the standards and might be subject to failure before the next inspection so it has been scheduled for replacement. Typically you'll see orange tape with black X's all around it.

  • I bet some obscure legislation states the pole belongs to Energex after all.

    Like a fat Telstra cable hanging over and across "your own private trees".

  • You lucky son of a B….

  • na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na Batman!!!!

    • Is the Batmobile electric now?

  • 🅱️

  • Because we all learnt as children to prick it and pat it and mark it with a "B"…

  • Bruh

  • Once the mark of an assassin has been placed, it cannot be revoked.

  • Boobs

  • Life's good when biggest worry is a B

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