Cheap new xiaomi gaming monitor.
Combined with Suncorp 6% gift card to bring it down to $393.86
Not sure what the difference is with the Chinese model though.
chinese model speaks chinese ?
Chinses model will stop working the moment you type anything against the Chinese Government.
or watch
how do you intend to type on a monitor ?
Found the Chinese governments. Trying to convince people you can't type on their monitors.
touch screen
@pharkurnell: on 34" monitor ???? i want to see how much we have to spend to buy 34" touch screen in the monitor form….
Chinese model works 996
Seems that being an international version, you are reliant upon Kogan warranty
lies, you'd be in a remote concentration camp before your fingers finished typing this
but they didn't finish typing it… O.O
If you really google it properly, u will find out the truth.
Truth about what?
Do you own research
Warranty/plug/Superstition that the chinese local models are worse as the international ones are cherry picked.
The bloody thing is called a Xiaomi lol, all of them are bloody chinese models
Proof of this? Or are you just making assumptions based on what ur brain says?
Looks to be joking to me although if it has AU plug or adapter would be useful cause I hate the adapters
I think it's a regular figure 8 power cable, so you can use a spare or get an Aus one very cheap
warranty based on intelligence/my own research before I bought mine, plug based on experience. bought one January plug was a two pin chinese plug to the block, an adaptor cable to three prong charger thingo from kogan arrived a week before the monitor in an envelope and wondered what it was for before the monitor arrived.
Do main page sheep mindlessly downvote stuff that legit helps shoppers just for ego?
im downvoting you because your post is barely coherent, just fyi
I'm a ninny, just got someone to send a picture of the monitor downstairs and it seems to be a straight cable from power brick -> monitor. It must be the LG monitor that I got confused with, apologies mates.
Is gaming on 34" too much, compared to 27"?
Nah it's about perfect imo. Just remember you need a decent GPU to push the 3440 × 1440 resolution.
My 1050ti runs it pretty well at around 100hz but waiting for the graphics cards price to drop to upgrade so I can utilize the 144hz
Of which you can't buy right now without being ripped a new one on price.
Depends if you think 7" is too much.
No, the bigger the more immerse experience you will have
If anything it starts feeling a bit small maybe an hour or 2 into using it. It's the same height as 27" but wider.
I have a 34" coming from a 27" and I think I would have been happier with a 38".
Went from a 27" > 34" > 38". Can confirm. More vertical real estate with the 38", it's basically the perfect ratio imo.
That said I'd still take a 34" over a 27" these days if your GPU can take it, still more immersive. But probably not this 34".
What 38" do you use, I have a 34 but also want that bit more. I have had/used/borrowed a Dell 49" but found it a bit too wide.
@Elijha: I have the Alienware aw3821dw. Terrific monitor. Expensive, but it'll live through a few PC builds so I don't mind!
@wintermadness: Lol exactly the same route here.
Went from dual 24" > dual 27" QHD > 34" UW > 38" UW (AW3821DW)
The 34" wasn't big enough to replace dual 27". But the extra vertical is nice on the 38" and it feels big enough, although the dual 27" still offers more pixels overall.
That's what I'm finding. Went from a 27" 1440p to a flat 34". When it gets wide you do start wanting more verticality. I think I would've preferred a 32" but there's a lack of high refresh in that size.
At 40cm away from my face it is quite immersive, at about 80 it's feels just about the same as the 27"
nope .. its actually very good
Some games support ultrawide you can see more.
99% of games, only Blizzard games don't as they claim unfair advantage.
it's not even close to that
Very few actually fully support it, most have stretched UI or cutscenes, or are a hack
Heroes of the Storm supports ultrawide and it's quite nice
Gameplay wise most newest games are compatible. However, most seem to play up with cutscenes, a lot of them will just have black bars on the left and right. Some games will have black bars on the left and right when you go into a menu or inventory screen.
Can be a little effort googling to get games to work in UW though, not a huge deal particularly if you only play newer titles.
This or dell s2721qs/ s3221qs guys??? @@ My MacBook M1 only supports 1 monitor so I've been struggling to choose one for studying
Probably this, ultrawide is nice for study since you can comfortably have 2 -3 docs open side to side
I do a lot of spreadsheet work. I was thinking of getting a WS for productivity but started using the 34 WS at my work and, personally, i find the 2x27 I have at home much better for productivity.
I find displaying one document on 34 excessive but 2 documents side by side is just not enough individually so youre stuck in a Goldilocks world.
Also the separation of physical space between 2x 27 monitors helps a lot for me.
I know theres software to help you get the most out of a widescreen but my work computer has program restrictions.…
maybe your IT team can help out? it's microsoft software :)
I just got the s2721qs and it's pretty sweet.
Are you looking for a gaming monitor that you can also plug into your Macbook, or just a secondary monitor for study? If the latter, just jump into the sub-$150 market with a 60Hz 1920x1080 IPS unit.
I'm looking for an extra monitor for programming study. I saw the 24in FHD monitors at uni, FHD is not enough for me, Gonna need 2k or 4k
I think a 4k 32" would be best for you. Not a programmer but don't you guys need a lot of verticality for a lot of lines of code?
This and a 27" would have the same vertical real estate.
32" is 2 inches taller than a 34"
34" is 3 inches wider than a 32"
I was just in the exact same predicament as you and went for the S2721QS in the recent eBay sale. No rugrats. Works great with my M1 MacBook Air and it’s a pretty decent saving over this.
I missed that deal so I'm thinking about getting the refurbished s3221qs for $360 :D
Does this monitor have firmware and can you flash english on it? Assuming every menu text in chinese
usually inside setting of my monitor there is option to change language
Every monitor I've used has a selection of languages baked into the menus somewhere.
Menu is shown in English, but if it's in Chinese they are still in the same spot.
I bought one of the Chinese models from a previous Banggood deal, you can change the language to English in the menu. Just look online where it is, easy peasy.
I went from 27" - 34" - 49". Once you go big you can't go back. That being said, the Xiaomi is highly recommended for the price, except there is significant ghosting.
People always say this screen has really bad ghosting.
I have been using it for FPS gaming and work for at least 6 months now, and never once noticed any ghosting.
Either I'm not sensitive to ghosting, or it's nowhere near as bad as some people claim.
prob./ you are an angel so ghost are running away
same have been playing games on mine for 6 months or more and dont see any difference between this and the Acer Predator x34p i have also.
Great value monitor at this price…shame it got ozbargained woulda grabbed one!
Chinese model is probably just the plug type and Chinese language set by default.
The amount of time Kogan hasn't sent the item I ordered from them, I wouldn't risk getting the gift card discount on this one.
Finally, a vaguely decent price for this monitor.
back to 525 price now
Kogan First still OP price
Great timing, my AOC 34" Ultrawide (new last week) has dead pixels & is going back for a refund, so just ordered this one - it's the same panel, but over $100 cheaper.
Thanks OP. Order placed!
Thanks. Not purchased. There is not first to NT
Just be aware there is no GST collected in the price. So you cannot claim the 10% that you would otherwise able to if use for work purposes.
That’s not true, my order clearly shows GST.
The monitors are “Chinese market parallel imports”, I believe they ship from a local warehouse.
Ah, the GST statement is available online.
Just sold out a few minutes ago
Are these really that good since it pops up every now and then..what about other brands that in the same range?
It's not that the screens are particularly marvelous in any way. It's just that it's the cheapest 34" model around to combine Freesync, a high refresh rate and WQHD resolution (3440x1440).
Thanks matey for the explanation
Yeah this isn't anyone's dream monitor, but it is pretty decent.
Super decent for how much they cost, love mine
I'm using this monitor for cad and gaming and it works great. I was really tempted to buy a second one of this monitor.
I bought a 2nd one and run then vertically - i love it! They work well together and so handy having the extra space for secondary tasks.
put curve vertically ? hmmm dont think it will be good for eyes ??
I've used it for up to about 8hrs while working, and haven't had any issues, the top one sits angled down a bit and slightly behind the lower, which sits just off the desk and works well together
@GeorgiaTheCat: very interesting.. 2 curves one vert one hor…
and me thinking one 34" curve horis and one 24" flat vert will be a weird setup.
hmm pics please :)
@GeorgiaTheCat: so to clarify are they both on top of each other like = or are they like ||
I've been considering a similar set up but was worried about the curve
@smmoove: Sorry - yes they are on top of each other - using a brateck vertical stand - was worried to as i couldn't find anyone who had done it - but im loving it
Nice price.
I bought this monitor on Black Friday, was working great till this week where it just went black… A quick google search found that a lot of people have the same problem. I'm now trying to deal with the warranty (emails, pictures, videos of the problem). Beautiful monitors but be aware.
My Kogan Aus power cable arrived today… like I needed another IEC lead for the pile!
Monitor has “shipped” but no tracking update yet.
i cant (profanity) believe they sent them in different parcels. i rocked up to auspost and said it was a big box. ends up being a (profanity) power cable. ive got infinite supply of those at work why the (profanity) would these retarded (profanity) send it as two different parcels (profanity) me dead
Yeah exactly… surely it's easier to get the power cable added to the box at the warehouse… maybe it's a drop-ship arrangement or something.
Anyway, my monitor's due for delivery tomorrow, just under a week from ordering.
Now i know the lowest is $419, hard to justify buying over $430… ok the waiting game begins..
Even $450 would be a good price if it's local stock, rather than the "direct import" from Kogan or Banggood.
ok then will wait for it
Chinese model will take longer?