hi i was just wondering how much money i will get from ebgames if i trade in my original 2ds
How Much Will I Get from EB Games for My Original 2DS?

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yea its just that i want to trade in my 2ds tomorrow at ebgames depending on how much i get
Probably not much. Call them tomorrow
ok thanks ill call them tomorrow
Have you called them yet? How much are they currently paying for a 2DS?
Like $6
Probably very little if anything. Better off selling it on gumtree or FB, should get about $50.
They will ask “what did OzBargain offer when you try to circumvent posting it to the classified section?”
I give u the price of a Sydney home. 2m
Tree fiddy.
God dammit loch ness monster!
think of the lowest number you would trade the console for and divide it by 6.
better off just keeping it, especially if you have the box
Call your local.
I would rather see a topic 'Called EB Games - they offered me $6 for my Original 2DS'.
than 'How Much Will I Get from EB Games for My Original 2DS?'OP created an extra step just by asking
So what was the trade value OP?
Troll left the building
The original poster
Original post was:
hi i was just wondering how much money i will get from ebgames if i trade in my original 2ds
How is that trolling? If he was trying to troll someone he did a pretty bad job considering he posted a total of around 30-40 words in the entire thread.
Ozb has a really weird definition of trolling. Basically it's come to mean anyone with a new account or slightly different opinion.
Member Since
10 min ago
Good question