• expired

20% off Vietnamese Spiced Beef Jerky + $8.80 Delivery @ Kim's Beef Jerky


Dan Lee(facebook.com) is the founder of plum property and shared a hilarious review of KBJ(facebook.com)
after reading that, I saw in his stories that he got a discount code with them #danleeforpm

The discount code is for one-off purchases only. Which means you can try it without having to subscribe.
Although, I think KBJ allows u to skip and cancel at any time. This technically means you could subscribe for one order (and get the foundation membership) and then cancel or skip until you want it again.

You can read his review here(facebook.com)

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By Aunty Kim
By Aunty Kim

closed Comments

    • +4

      After seeing the pic I was going to come and say they looked like dried sliced cockroaches or a crustacean lol, but that's pretty spot on too.

      Don't get me wrong, I love jerky and totally would buy this, even if just for the description haha!! Never tried a spiced version, looks interesting. Otherwise, I totally vouch for the Korean bulgogi flavoured pork jerky sometimes found at Costco

      • Is that the Golden Island Korean BBQ jerky or a different one?

        Really like that stuff, not the best I've had, but up there in this country.

    • +1

      Look like dried fish

    • Where's the lie

  • +3

    cheaper to go with subscrption then if can be cancelled at any time?

    • +1

      yea you can cancel anytime

  • +4

    Ordered some. YOLO

  • +22

    What a bizarre advertising post from a fresh account, can't tell if Dan Lee is being advertised or the beef jerky.

    • +9

      What does Dan Lee taste like?
      Is that where the jerk flavour comes from?

      • +4

        hahahaha yeh basically he rubs his b@lls all over these and gives it that authentic flavour

    • +2

      I think Dan might be looking for a new job after saying "what you got goin on in that little packet of yours"

  • +9

    Sellers have been using this site for free advertising since beginning. Usually those Amazon, Aliexpress posts selling small made in China gadgets.

  • #danleeforpm code doesnt seem to work… was hoping was extra discount

    • +2

      Discount code only for one off prices, not subscription price.

  • +8

    What a long shit post for free advertisement

    Links is better

    • +2

      Jack links?

  • +1

    Perfect for getting my face on TV on Border Security.

  • Is this good value? 77/kg?

  • +6

    Maybe if they made a version with less sugar (even basically unflavoured) I'd be in. Price is good, but over 30% of its mass being sugar is insane.

    • Probably needs it for preservation purposes

      • +1

        I'm not privy to the particulars of the different ways to make jerky, but Mariani (which you could sometimes get from Aldi as a special buy) has a variety with less than half of this.

  • +2

    I grew up eating this kind of jerky in Vietnam. They are much more affordable with the exchange rate advantage. Too bad it's illegal to bring them into Australia or I would bring with me a few kilo everytime I visit Vietnam.

    • +5

      Doesn't stop the people on border security from trying

      • I like that show, does it make me a racist?

        • It's ok. Some of us Asian watch it too.

      • yes even if you say no and get caught, it doesn't matter if you bring 1 illegal food item or 50 illegal food items its still the same $220 fine (if going by what i just saw on border security lol)

  • +5

    This jerky is pretty good. But for the price, better to diy. 2kg topside ($31) + herbs & electricity ($4) gives 1kg jerky. 1hr prep time + 2.5hr oven dry time on 100C

    • Do you know of a successful recipe? Would love to make my own.

    • Care to share a recipe please? Sounds better value than I thought it was to DIY.

    • +2

      Where do you get topside for 16$/kg ? Both Coles and Woolies have 20$/kg and of course when it dries, it is only 1/3 of the weight. I don't find diy is more economical.

      Disclose : I regularly make beef jerky myself. I use blade roast to reduce the cost (sign).

      • you can get topside in asian butcher shop for that price. Your jerky must be pretty dried for 1/3 weight.

      • Literally bought topside last night at coles for $16kg, got it couple months ago for $14. Marinating RN, going in the dehydrator tonight.

    • +21

      1kg beef sirloin steaks or top side
      4 stalks lemongrass, fresh, trimmed
      2 clove garlic, chopped
      2 table spoon dried chilli flake
      1 table spoon chilli powder
      5 table spoon sugar
      1/2 table spoon salt
      1 table spoon oyster sauce
      1 table spoon hot curry powder

      • reduce chilli if your stomach can't handle it.
      1. slice beef - 2mm
      2. mix all ingredients & beef together. Cover and let it marinate for 2 hrs in the refrigerator.
      3. place beef on oven wire rack and heat oven for 100 degree fan force.
      4. 1hr, then turn beef. Repeat twice
      5. Check jerky dryness to your liking. I normally dried for 2.5hrs


      • Thanks but Is sugar and salt necessary ?

        • It's what made them so tasty.

        • Sugar does change the flavour profile, not just adding sweetness

      • probably a bit different recipe, the Vietnamese one also has turmeric powder for that light yellow colour.

        • As I used the jerky with korean noodle soup, so I left the turmeric powder out and also not a fan of it.

      • Looks tasty, you can almost sell these.

      • If you make a youtube video of the whole process, it will be a big hit.

  • Bought to try it :)

  • +1

    i thought i was looking at a picture of a frog from the top

    • i saw "vietnamese" and expected noodle dish

  • +1

    Thanks OP. Just ordered to try it out. I remember as a kid getting beef jerky from the local Asian grocer and it was so good. Hopefully this is along the lines of the same one.

    Also remember getting dried cuttlefish and it was the bomb.

  • -1

    …cant they make it look a little more appealing?
    just like at least edible?
    i mean ….really(cdn.shopify.com)??

    • -1

      Yeah, it’s got that “found behind the fridge when you are moving out” kinda vibe.

      • The best kinda vibe

    • +4

      This just meant u r not Asian enough to understand it is a sign of quality.

      The picture is super appealing to me because I know what a quality product looks like.

      • Spot on. I like it with a little thinner and more yellow with "more" turmeric :)

    • +3

      That's your opinion.
      I would much prefer to eat this delicious jerky over any of those clumsy sugar-loaded western style donuts/brownies/cakes.

    • +1

      looks like tree bark

  • +1

    for every kg of this there is 340 grams of sugar.

    same as Nutri Grain btw

    • +2

      This is a snack. You eat it because you enjoy it, not for its nutritional values.

      • +1

        I had to disagree. Nuts like Natural raw almond are snacks. They arguably healthier than most

  • +1

    Vietnamese beef jerky is da bomb. The Australian supermarket equivalents are… meh. You gotta try it to understand the hype.

  • +5

    Asian beef jerky > white beef jerky.

  • +2

    asian beef just built different

  • +2

    I can get the original Viet Beef Jerky in any good Asian grocery in VIC (especially in Footscray) for less. It used to be $28 per 500g last year! This post reminds me to get some to go with my cold beer. It's totally unique and once you have tried it, you'll never go back to any other jerky. The American ones in Costco are a bit …. meh :)

    Btw, the Viet Dried Shredded Squids are also da bomb to go with cold beer :)

    • +1

      How much in the Asian grocery? And where in it can you find them usually?

      • +1

        I'm not sure the exact price now for 500g but I think it is still under $38 per 500g (they also have the 100g packs). Just ask the person at the counter for Beef Jerky if you could not find it. There are 2 types of beef jerky, one is the "wet" type which is red with sesame seeds (which could be added to the cold vermicelli noodle dish with Viet spring rolls) and the "dry" ones as above. Down in Vic, Tien Duc Beef Jerky was "the pioneer" and famous in Viet beef jerky in Aust until it got taken over :)

    • It's even better if you try the ones selling in Vietnam ;)

      • must be da tasty MSG 🤤

        • Lol

        • +1

          Aged beef also produces natural MSG. A double dose of MSG, twice the Umami flavour :)

      • Can't wait to get my Vaccine shots to travel OS again:(

    • Chet definitely feels. Ever since I stopped dropping into the local Asian grocer I’ve had a hole inside of me. A sweet, meaty, dried hole.

  • +1

    White people beef jerky is like eating plastic. I can not believe first time I ate them, its made from like 70% tendon, so hard to chew and I had to spit out most of the time because of the tendon.

    • So what colour people jerky do you eat? ;)

      • +1

        Asian people (so yellow I guess). Chinese/Viet beef jerky are made of meat, not tendon

        • True, true, probably the turmeric that lends the colour.

  • This beef jerky is sweeter than any one I tried in Vietnam. Not tasty. I am still in the hunt for the beef jerky similar to the one I had growing up.

  • Has anyone got delivery?

  • Got this jerky to try it out and arrived yesterday. I like how they are digging at Jack Links for being all sauce. This jerky is more sugar than meat, it's even worse than JL.

  • Mine arrived today. Its great. I dont know how traditional Viet Jerky tastes like so I'm not missing out.

    Need to somehow hide it from myself so it lasts a week.

    For anyone wishing to know the stats. 34.4g of sugar and 41.9g of carbs per 100g.

    Will keep the subscription for the next month at least then decide.

  • more carbs than protein in a beef lol watch my review


  • Wishing I didn't order a kilo of this, probably the worst jerky I've had overall. Sugar and lemongrass overload, kinda brittle too..

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