Small Roof Leak - What Is The Next Step?

G’day all,
Thought I’d ask the question to find out the next steps.

Had a repair under warranty for evaporative cooler (from manufacturer) two times during last few weeks. It rained today (saturday) and realised there seem to be a small leak in the roof possibly a tile broke while traide was walking on the roof.
Which option below would be the best to take?

It’s saturday so response from builder, roofing and cooler company will not be until monday.


Poll Options

  • 19
    Contact the cooler repair servicemen about it.
  • 0
    Call the mob that did the roof and discuss it with them.
  • 2
    Call the builder and take their advice (house is less than 2 years old)
  • 2
  • 1
    Call other qualified professional and have the tile fixed soon.

closed Comments

  • +3

    .6. go up yourself and replace the tile.

    • +2

      But OP could break other tiles whilst at it…

  • Had a repair under warranty for evaporative cooler (from manufacturer) two times during last few weeks. It rained today (saturday) and realised there seem to be a small leak in the roof possibly a tile broke while traide was walking on the roof.

    How does a evaporative cools repair correlate with a tradie walking on the roof 🤔

  • +12

    What Is The Next Step

    Obviously… you calmly and methodically beat the ever-loving sh*t out of that air conditioning guy.

    Then, you crack some Schwarzenegger-esque one-liner, like: "Chill out… aircon guy" or "Looks like your will to fight has… evaporated" or "I was never a fan of your work".

    And leave some bad feedback on Google reviews.

    • +1

      And leave some bad feedback on Google reviews

      Nah, they had not done it on purpose. Plus they’ve been very helpful with the repair so far. I’ll ring them up and explain the prob. It sucks that it’s raining today as well and they are closed till monday (tomorrow)

    • And leave some bad feedback on Google reviews.

      At least give them a chance to fix it. It may not even be their fault to begin with.

      An old roof can leak in multiple places, won't always leak when it rains, etc.

  • -5

    Obvious next step is to inspect the roof and find the leak. You can do that can't you?

    All your other ideas seem preposterous - why waste the builder's time? Or find out the roofing mob and describing the problem - oh yeah, I realise it's been a couple of years since you built the place, and I suspect a tradie installing aircon is responsible, but I've got this small leak in my roof - cue gigantic laugh and a hearty, 'well good luck with that mate, oh you want me to come and look at it? Ha ha ha ha! Oh you're serious? Well I charge $120 an hour and I wouldn't be able to fit you in for at least a few weeks. By the way we are talking about a small leak here - not replacing the whole roof? Yeah well go to Bunnings and get a tube of that silicon gel - then buy a bucket and drill a small hole in it and go **** it'

    • Well I charge $120 an hour

      And a $1000 call out fee.

    • why waste the builder's time?

      it’s not really about the $, just that wasn’t sure whom to contact first.

  • +1

    I'd first go and identify where the leak is coming from. Is it a broken tile, a tile thats not been put back properly (and you can just slide it back into position), or something else…

    Got any spare roof tiles?
    If not, I would be off to a roof tile place this weekend and source a few (good to have some spares anyway)

    Then if it was a broken tile thats the source go up and try swapping a tile (youtube video can show you how im sure), or call the cooler guy (though likely they dont warranty for tile breakages… its not like they broke them on purpose and some tiles/tile types are weaker than others)… If you have spares they might drop by and swap it for you after checking its not their unit leaking

    • Yup have spares. well to get to the cooler they gotta go past the section of the roof which is not leaking.

  • +1

    If you can safely get onto roof to inspect and take a picture that is the first thing I would do.

    If you can't get onto too or do not feel safe to do so, maybe call evap ppl as obviously they may have broken a tile. Assuming no leaks previous to their visits

    If leak really bad where coming through ceiling you could even try your home insurance emergency care if you have that as part of your insurance policy.

    Just some ideas

    • Thanks. I will try and go to ceiling space and check if the leak is not too bad and there aren’t any electrical connectors near that needs urgent attention. Bit afraid to go on to the roof itself tbh it’s slippery from rain and I havent been up there before 😅

      • +1

        Remember to turn off the main power switches at the switchboard before entering the ceiling space (for your own safety).

  • House is less then 2 years old and you already got a leak! that is no a good sign….

  • +1

    If I had a house roof leak the first thing I’d do is post on Ozbargain. You nailed it mate. If you’re not confident on the roof don’t go up there and wait for trade to return.

    • If I had a house roof leak the first thing I’d do is post on Ozbargain

      Could have been worse, Would have created a fb or twitter account to post all about it 🤨

      But yeah, just getting some community feedback
      on what’s next as I don’t want to do anything that voids warranty.

  • Is it a flat roof? I learned while reading another discussion here a few weeks ago how susceptible flat roofs are to leaks.

    I had a leak develop in the flat roofed extension to my home. It turned out to be too narrow flashing. Got much wider flashing. It was flood-tested a fortnight ago with no leaking.

    • Standard tiled roof, not flat.

  • Cooler people are unlikely to admit any fault or damage, and there's no way you can prove it was them (on assumption the leak is from a broken tile or similar). They're also unlikely to return in the timeframe you want them to (e.g. might not be for weeks)

    You may have had a leak for ages and it's only now just manifested to something you see or hear in the house.

    Go or have someone more qualified inspect the issue to see where source water is from.

    If from cooler, then contact those people. Or let them know that it's been determined they caused damage and you're getting it fixed on their cost or they nedd to come vack immdediately etc etc.

    Edit: house should still be under warranty if only 2 years old. Contact builder to address and if they say it's the cooler, then contact them with earlier provided message/position

  • WHY is no-one suggesting the pot under the drip solution?

  • Thanks all for suggestions

  • Wait until you have actual details of what where leak is from, and then start thread again.

    By then who ever found the exact fault, would have given you the best course of action to take anyhow.

  • Just go to Bunnings and buy a cartridge of sealer and go up on the roof and squirt it round the leak. Then empty the bucket where you were catching the drips and see if it stays empty. If it still drips go up and have another go.

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