Why should it? Discussions evolve, why freeze them? Why stifle them? The show must go on. And people may change their minds.
Scrap "Voting not allowed on comments posted more than 30 days ago"

It may, or it may not. Or while searching for a topic, you may find an old comment you agree with. Why create restrictions where none are needed?
you may care about a 30 day old post, but nobody else does. move on.
and your poll has no specific question - what are we voting YAY for? to allow or disallow?What the hell, some things I find the answer to on a Forum post that's year's old
3 days has past since this post, can already see the tumble weeds… forget 30days.
Sure, discussions die out. Why freeze them, though?
Yeah, scrap the rule
I think that the 30 day rule should stay, because people could go and vote on really old things that receives almost no attention, but if deal or forum post is still relevant a new post can be made.
I think it is mainly to help stop the mods getting overwhelmed.
I sometimes get alerts for messages on dead threads and they are often spam.
I imagine a 2yr thread being open for comments would just be asking for more spam, which then isn't reported because who is looking?It has to stay, otherwise we can't have the monthly recaps with members of the month, deals of the month, highly up voted comments, controversial comments etc.
Voting not allowed on comments posted more than 30 days ago
As the error message suggests, it only affects voting on a comment that people posted over 30 days ago. You can still post comments, post replies, etc. There's also a limit voting on older deals (180 days). We do use number of votes for various stats, and the reason we put a limit is trying to prevent people inflating votes on old content that is no longer relevant.
The show must go on. And people may change their minds.
Yeah, please just let the show go on. You can also comment on the fact that you have changed your mind.
Your comment is only 6 hours old and I can't upvote it :/
You can’t vote on mods tagged comments
After 30 days a post has usually gone into the abyss.