This was posted 3 years 11 months 8 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

[Android, iOS] Final Fantasy VIII Remastered $26.99 (20% off RRP for Launch Week) @ Google Play & Apple App Stores


As per the title, with FF8 Remastered now coming up to 2 years old, it seems fitting that they have just launched new ports to Android and iOS with launch specials of about 20% off until 5th April according to The Verge. Note that most articles online quote $16.99 down from $20.99 but this is US pricing - i.e. Australian pricing is currently $26.99.

A great deal if you are a huge fan (yes I am, and I am aware it's controversial) but keep in mind that it is already included in Xbox Game Pass and is usually quite a bit cheaper on other platforms other than Switch.

Historically the FF games on Android/iOS get much more substantial discounts (eg 50% off in April 2020 ) and I've also seen it during launch windows of newer titles but this does not seem to have happened this time around. I suspect that FF8 Remastered will get a 50% off discount in the not too distant future as well but if you're like me and just want to play it on the go now, and you don't want to carry a Vita (or rely on emulation), this is a good option.

Android Google Play link
iOS App Store link

Other notes
  • For those who are interested, PC Remaster on Steam (and by extension, original PC/Steam) save files are compatible with the Android version if you copy/paste to the savedata folder.
  • The launch release of FF8 Remaster on Android/iOS is missing some features such as controller support and cloud saves but these are coming soon
  • DigitalFoundry video comparing Remaster (PC/console) with original:

Related Stores

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Apple App Store
Apple App Store

closed Comments

  • +8

    Sometimes I’d just randomly load my save at Fisherman’s Horizon and let it play the song for hours. Good times..

    • One of strong reasons to like is the theme song

    • +4

      it brings me back to simpler times. none of this adulting bs.

      • took words out of my mouth @Itwo

        beautiful game

    • +2

      Love the soundtrack for this game.

      My top 3 best themes were "Seed", "Julia" and "Eyes on me"..

  • +3

    $27 for a phone app? Ouch.

  • +1

    I’m OOTL, what’s so controversial? I love(d) this game, only reason I’d not played it since high school was knowing i couldn’t invest the same amount of time in it that i did.

    • +1

      it's a remaster of a 22 year old game, and the remaster job is pretty lazy. They basically polished a turd, as is Square Enix's style when it comes to remasters. And it's being sold for $30.

      • I was actually referring to the whole FF8 junction system hate but all those points are valid too… and in all honesty I actually enjoyed the remaster more than expected even if it still looks like crap. It might also be partially due to your recollection of how it looked when originally played! (I actually did buy it on PS1 back in the day, and PC too)

        There’s some good videos showing the differences on YouTube.

        • +2

          I can see why the Junction system got so much hate, the game never really explains it in the required detail. But I found it to be one of the most versatile systems in any Final Fantasy game. So many ways you can play through the game if you know how to properly use the system, Max level and Stat play through, no magic play through, low level high Stat play through etc.

          • @eckymosis: +1 - I don't really remember the system as I played this through probably over 15 years ago, but I do remember enjoying it despite the negativity around it.

        • I disliked the fact that using spells would lower the stats they were attributed to, and also the levelling system. Enemies level up with you - I guess it’s something different, but I always preferred the other PSX Final Fantasy games over this.

          Quite enjoyed the story and settings, though, as bonkers as they got at some points.

          • @Shenannigoat: Yeah it created a disincentive from using powerful magic since you'd lose the stat benefit. I didn't mind since it just meant I kept drawing/grinding and storing surplus magic with the other characters not active in the party.

            • +1

              @jace88: 100 Aura's to luck, baby!

              So much time drawing off Seifer on Pandora to do that.

            • -1

              @jace88: Drawing 100 was a tedious process. And like you said, you aren't meant to use your spells, which is an ill thought out system. But it wasn't the worst thing about the game. I didn't like the characters or story.

              The way this Squall guy is an asshat but the girl still falls for him for no good reason is total wish fulfillment by the writer for the audience. In real life, girls are attracted to men who are one of: handsome, wealthy, smart, funny, or kind. He is none of those things (he has a massive scar running across his face btw) and is a cold jerk and ungrateful sod, but is still a chick magnet because that's what the writer wishes he could be, and what the audience wants.

              He's probably my least liked ff protag, but with drivel like XIII and XV, he's got stiff competition now.

              • +1

                @lostn: I feel like you're missing the point of a game with the name 'fantasy' in it.

                For me, I actually liked the story (however nonsensical it is in hindsight) and the characters - probably because they were human, Rinoa looked to be of Asian descent (at least that's how I viewed it - and this didn't seem that common back then in the 90's other than cliched or stereotypical characters) and it's essentially a bunch of kids in a school where their assignments involve going out and battling…. something which again appealed to high school me. Triple triad was addictive (especially once you amassed some decent player cards) and with the 'rational' strategy of avoiding using magic, it made it very clear how you should spend your effort either attacking or summoning GFs.

                As for Squall being the way he is - he still appealed to me alot more than alpha male Seifer did. Again, probably high school me appreciating this character.

              • @lostn: it's all part of the story though? Squall is good looking in an anime kinda way. a seed and a gunblade specialist, all attractive qualities in the FF8 world.

                He was cold and distant due to his past, and without going into too much spoilers, he grows as a person.

        • It looked good for the time, but at the time we were playing on SD CRTVs which hide the low resolution. We were quite well aware that the PS's resolution was a low 320x240, which isn't going to upscale well in a remaster because the backgrounds are prerendered. They look good, but Square and other JP developers stupidly like to delete the original assets once the gold master disc is pressed. If they kept the assets for posterity, it would be easy to do a hi res remaster.

          Now your choices are leave it as is and use bilinear filtering, leave it pixellated, or use AI upscaling techniques. Square prefers the first option which is the worst option and quite lazy.

          • @lostn: Keep in mind that holding onto assets wasn't necessarily the norm back then. Sega was notorious for being careless with source code in the 1990s. This remaster came from reverse engineering the retail version, which is why it came out so much later than the other PSX rereleases.

    • is it the Junction system? is that what you don't like?

      • +1

        That's only part of it. The story and characters suck.

        I own four copies of this game and all purchased at full price back in 1999.

        • +1

          I own four copies of this game and all purchased at full price back in 1999.

          Whilst it sounds like you aren't happy with the game, both the number of times you've purchased it and your passion for describing what you didn't like about it makes me think you actually did enjoy FF8!

  • +2

    i spent ages on this on ps1 days but got stuck at the bit when the garden lifts off and you need to find the other base or something? Spent literally hours just floating around the world trying to find where to go and gave up in the end.

    I liked the story overall and the card mini game was quite addictive.

    • Good reason to get back into it!

  • Hopefully they did a good job and it's worth the money

    • +1

      The FF9 port was way better than the FF7 port to phones. Couldn’t say about this though. I will probably get it eventually.

  • My fav FF after FFX

    • I can't pick a fav between 7, 8 and 10. All so good!

    • Hopefully you've only played two FFs.

  • Great game, I still have the original PS3 version on disc

    • There was a PS3 version?

      • There was at least a PSN version on PS3 and VITA. From memory it also worked on PS4.

        • The remastered version was released on PS4, the other versions are the original. Also has a physical release on PS4.

    • I dont think there was a physical release on PS3? There was however a physical release of remaster on PS4 in December 2020 through the Square-Enix store

  • +11

    Downvote me all you want but FF8 is the best Final Fantasy game. Come at me you FF7 fan boys

    • +1

      I don’t agree with you but I respect your opinion. Though the PSX Final Fantasy games are the only ones I’ve played through and enjoyed.

    • +2

      FF8 is my favourite, but at the same time I don't consider it the best.

      It's mostly my favourite because it was my first Final Fantasy game, so it holds a special place for me :)

  • +4

    FF8 is one of my favourites, played through the remaster through a couple of years back and realised as an adult how cooked the story really is with a few plot holes and convenient twists, once the credits roll there is a lot to unpack… but thats all part of its charm haha! :) Really enjoyed the Junction system too, cos making yourself overpowered on disc 1 was fun haha.
    For fav soundtrack, I think The Castle - particularly the intro section has stayed in my head all these years.

  • Still play the soundtrack on a monthly basis

  • +4

    FF8 was the first Final Fantasy game I ever played and till date, its my Fav. I really liked what they did with the FF7 remake. Hope FF8 gets the same treatment.

    • Same here! Maybe that's why I never minded junctioning.

    • that's unlikely. It's not the most endearing in the series. 7 got the remake because it's the most popular.

      But the rate at which Square makes games these days, don't expect the 7 remake series to be finished before 2027, and then you've got another 15 years wait for FFVIII Remake part 3 to finish. That could be more than 20 years away!

  • I just realised the save files from my incomplete play through of the remaster on PC are compatible with the android game too! Just copied them in and continued off. Nice!!

    • Damn! Wonder if the Switch version works like that?

      • Doubt it - it involves a bit of a hack where you copy the FF8 save files (which haven't changed since original PC release) and put it in the relevant folders on Android. (hack is probably giving this more credit than this actually is).

        Keep in mind the remaster is based on the PC version.

  • Did they add anything extras from the original Japanese version?

    • If you mean Chocobo world, then no. Chocobo World was removed in the Remaster.

  • Im still planning to do a sixth playthrough sometime soon. Its been about 8 years since the last. Currently playing XII zodiac version for the first time.

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