Need Help Have White Dust Mites Things Coming out of My Controller

Stressed out, not sure where they came from or what they really are but I have white little dots looks like dust I think they are baby spiders? Moving around on my PS5 controller and PS3 controller and now my headset which is worth $300. I don't want to throw them out, they are stored in a opened box on a book shelf next to other boxes, it seems that's the only box with them in it. I can't see them on anything else since I got cables and more stuff in that box and cant see them on the box itself or in it

Anyway I was doing some cobweb cleaning around the house, didn't have much cobwebs its not that bad, few days later I notice these little white things on my controller.

I'm not sure what to do! I can open the controllers but not my headset. Do I bomb my room? Will it kill them if they are inside my controller? Never seen this before nor had this problem before again. I'm not sure where they even came from or how they got in one box but they might be in more

Also did use fly spray on my controllers and put them in a bag but does not seem to be helping much next day saw few white dots moving around again on the controllers.

Also no eye sight jokes I really need help with this

Update: After spraying on my controllers and leaving them in a bag i wanted to open my ps3 controller up cause its easy , opened it up andddd i could not find any of those bugs so maybe they got out before hand or moved in front of the controller where i was to lazy to open rest of it up or im going crazy but i did notice one or two on my headset and my ps5 controller. gonna wash my bed sheets and clean up a bit where they were, also did bomb the room hoping that helps.
The bomb didnt kill them unless they will die slowly. not sure what else to do. So I sprayed in a bag. Put them in sprayed again and zip tied have to leave them for 3 weeks it might work hopefully


  • That sucks. No matter how effective the treatment you wouldn't catch me putting that headset over my ears again. I'm sorry for your loss OP :(

    • -2

      I never knew this could happen or would happen to me its weird and i only had like two spider webs in my room and they were old and nothing in them from what i could see

      • I don't think it's necessarily spiders but whatever it is I would be too worried that new ones will hatch after you've treated the headset.

  • +1

    Take out batteries, put it in a sealed container then into your fridge This will kill them.

    • -1

      cant take out the ones in headset.. and the fridge will make it get moist and damage with water wont it?
      looked into this it will damage the controllers and headset. not smart

      • stick them in a bag to keep dry, then air outside the bag or put outside

      • +1

        The fridge is no colder than leaving it in a car in winter. You can use some moisture absorber if you are worried about moisture - but the only moisture will be whatever is in the air in the container.

    • +2

      you need to put things in the freezer not the fridge to kill bugs

      put them in a bag you seal VERY WELL and if possible put some moisture absorbers in too

      leave in freezer a couple of days

      the only reason this would cause damage if done properly would be if they contain some kind of fluid part that could form ice and burst - do they contain anything like that?

  • +3

    Need photos

    • you wont see anything it looks like tiny white dust and also not that many. hard to spot myself.

  • +6

    vacuum. might be mites

    • good call

    • Do they look white and like dots/dust? would a bomb get rid of them?

      • +9

        Yes, a GBU-24 would get rid of them along with your home.

  • Do you have any plants around? There's the furry white bug that infects some of my Partner's plants.

    • no none

  • I’d bomb the room, leave everything out so it’s easy for the poison to get around and inside things (not right next to it) then wipe it off when it’s done, perhaps give it 24 hours before turning it on for any moisture to evaporate

    • just brought some gonna do that.

  • Be careful, baby spiders can crawl into your ears and live in there. Saw a pic a while ago with a large one being pulled out by a doctor. Avoiding this would be worth more than $300 to me lol

    • +2

      Downvote because disgusting

      But a good point nonetheless

  • Its nits

  • +1

    I have a sudden urge to insect bomb my whole house.

    • LOL they come in 3 packs, coles has one for 7. i think its worth it

      • +9

        I’d be more concerned about toxic chemicals on the surface of all of your possessions than a few bugs.

  • +5

    Probably book mites.
    They are harmless and eat mould/mildew so are probably doing well if you are on the east coast.
    Main issue is to remove the damp that is the source of the food, then they will die out.

    They are harmless otherwise.
    Putting your gaming stuff out in the sunshine is probably where I would start, then maybe a dehumidifier for that room?

    • Yeah I have these. Can't get rid of them but pretty harmless.

  • an alternative to bug bombs would be the automatic indoor bug sprayers you can get. they contain pyrethrum which is less toxic, but they forget to tell you that they also contain some synthetic chemicals to 'make the pyrethrum work better'. anyway they do work for mites and any kind of insect. do not work for spiders which are arachnids.

    if you have bought bug bombs read the label as chemicals that kill insects generally dont kill spiders and visa versa.

  • Time for a shower, OP.

    • Did just have one this morning lol

  • around on my PS5 controller and PS3 controller and now my headset which is worth $300

    Chuck them

  • +2

    Sure it's not something else like dandruff maybe?

  • -2

    Microwave for 3 min on high or boil with lid on for 6min.

    It will kill the bugs….

    Sorry about your controller though…….

    • I'll be th one dying if I microwaved a headset and controllers. It will blow up and catch on fire.. don't know if your trolling or not. This is the worse idea I have heard

      • You have no sense of humor.

  • Place in large plastic bag… spray fly spray into bag then seal. You have just performed a fumigation.

    • this is what i did, and going to wait 3 weeks, or should it be longer?

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