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Drillpro 99Pcs M35 Cobalt Drill Bit Set 1.5-10mm US$31.25 (~A$41.21) + More Delivered @ Banggood

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This popular deal is now $10 cheaper than the last time it was posted.

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closed Comments

  • Just a note - it doesn't come with the 7mm drill - was extremely annoyed.

  • +2

    The smaller bits snap like twigs; good thing it ships with about 20.. I guess

    • +2

      That’s the cheap cheap philosophy, just buy more.

  • +2

    I don’t know the grade and quantity of cobalt in these but I’d imagine they are not as good quality as the $80+ sets by Sutton etc.

    Consider also that 70-80% of the world’s cobalt is mined in the DRC which uses a lot of child slave labour, before buying these. I imagine the Chinese couldn’t give two hoots about it as per other humanitarian issues. I don’t know if Sutton really do either.


    The drill bits are 5-8% cobalt by weight. Not sure that compares to a mobile phone battery.


    • Can you even get a Sutton Set in Cobalt Steel at all?
      My mental pricelist has a Sutton HSS set at about $80.

    • -1

      'Glencore is the world’s largest cobalt-mining company by a long shot, achieving total production of 27,400 tonnes in 2017. According to the Financial Times, the company is aiming to increase its cobalt output to 63,000 tonnes by 2020.

      To do so, Glencore has been taking steps to increase its presence in the cobalt space. It upped its involvement in the cobalt and copper markets last year, paying Fleurette Group $960 million for its stakes in Mutanda Mining and Katanga Mining (TSX:KAT), both located in the DRC.'

      Where did you get the idea that Glencore is chinese?

  • Anyone in Vic wanna go halves?

  • +3

    If you need drill bits, buy a set of Sutton's. These are not drill bits, they're drill bit-shaped objects.

    • +1

      Sold by a reputable store shaped object…

    • That’s actually very insightful! Funny too. :)

  • +1

    If you're an OzBargain junk collector, these are for you. Buy Frost or Sutton for decent bits.

  • If anyone in Perth wanna go halves, I got a set delivered about a month ago. Happy to split them.
    I wasn't expecting so many of the same bits in the set (should have read the description more clearly).

    • +1

      I'll buy some off ya. Check PMs.

  • work great for drilling chinese metal

  • That briefcase full of bits is exactly the same as the one you can get at Bunnings - they're not to shelf stuff, but they're usable. It's also quite a small case, only about 150x150 mm.

    • +1

      That set was mentioned in the other deal also. They're HSS titanium coated not Cobalt steel.

  • I bought these of Banggood last time and I didnt get them, somehow they changed my address to some random, has put me off buying of them again… :/

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