What Would You Do? Baby Peeing in The Middle of Bath

Here is the scenario

You were in the middle of bathing your 6 months old baby in the bath tub. All of the sudden, you noticed the baby were peeing in the bath tub. Would you
1. Take the baby out, wrap them to ensure they are warm while you are emptying the bath tub, quickly rinse the tub, refill the bath tub with warm fresh water and restart bathing the baby again
2. Continue bathing them without replacing the water

I have included in the poll whether the respondent is male or female, just in case different gender has different response.

Poll Options expired

  • 162
    I am Male and I would change the water
  • 508
    I am Male and I would continue bathing the baby
  • 36
    I am Female and I would change the water
  • 68
    I am Female and I would continue bathing the baby


  • +2

    No dash cam footage or microsoft paint diagram showing the problem. I can't help with this one.

  • -1

    The only solution is to cut the baby in half and leave the tainted half in the pee water. -King Solomon

    • These downvotes brought to you by people who have no Idea who King Solomon is :P

    • +1

      This is actually excellent.

  • i use an ikea basin inside the tub to bath him. so if accidents happen easy to clean up and you can use fresh water from inlet to quickly finish off the bathing.

  • Better wee than poo in the bath!

  • +1

    100mL of baby urine in a 300L bathtub is only 3.6 times more than what's in a public swimming pool (75L/832000L, according to this research https://www.researchgate.net/publication/314858352_Keep_swim…)

    • I contribute my fair share at the pool, that's for sure

  • This is why you start with a trick bath, let them do their business and then move them to the real bath.

    Or just put them in the toilet bowl and flush, easy peasy

  • +4

    wow, the real rub in this survey is the number of blokes to women on this forum. For anyone who's chatting up a girl, there's a better than even chance it's a man!

    • Spin out “OzBargain Dating”

      • I'm married and faithful, but even if I were dating, there's a word for pee being part of a date, and I'm not into that, I'm afraid.

  • +1

    If you're in the bathtub and you pee, what would you do?

    The poll options seem to be sexist

    • +1

      Agree, I thought gender norms were patriarchal and that gender is a social construct which scientifically doesn't exist???

  • +3

    Must be your first child?

  • Maybe the water is too cold, everybody always wants to pee in cold water. Are you trying to save money on bathing your baby? I mean, we are all OzBargainers here, no judgments!

    Also, if there is one thing I learned from Bear Grylls, is that urine is completely sterile as long as it is bottled in a hygienic way. So your baby's pee is only as bad as the water they are in. Just, seriously, don't let them drink it, it is not a life-or-death survival situation…

    • Pee is not actually sterile btw, but neither is the bath, the bath water, or even the air you are breathing.

  • I am a male and won't have a baby 😷

  • You do know babies pee in the amniotic fluid while in the womb? A little bit in a bath isnt going to hurt them at all.

    • I’m pretty sure the OP is on your side and his/her partner is not.

  • I'd remove my baby from the public fountain and go home.

  • +1

    This is the funniest thread I've read in a long time…

    The factors you need to control for in this analysis:
    - gender of parent
    - age of baby
    - birth order of baby

    I would probably continue bathing, and rinse off the baby at the end to remove any chance of residual pee smell. I can't remember it happening too many times with our kids.

    • +2

      More important factor: are you actually a parent at all

  • +1

    Under 6 months old baby is hard work. So it depends on my mood or how tired I'm unless it's poo.

    On another note, I hear that most people pee in swimming pools.I try not to but have done it multiple times.

  • whats that saying?..about throwing something out with bath water or something

  • If you pissed in your bath would you want to keep bathing in it?

    Why would it make any difference if it was a baby or a full grown human?

    • +1

      We've all peed in a pool or the ocean and kept swimming!

      Babies don't worry about something small like some wee on them.

    • +1

      Babies literally sit in their wee until you change their nappy.

  • +1

    OP, did you really write this at 11 minutes past midnight? I'm utterly surprised that you still have the energy and time (for that matter) to write another essay whilst having to take care of the kiddos. It's either you're a super dad or your wife is the real hero here. I tend to lean towards the latter, so please drop the tablet/phone and help your wife.

  • +1

    Potty time before bath.
    Taking off nappy usually results in wees if sat on a potty.

  • +3

    I'm assuming that all those people voting refill the bath don't have any kids yet.

    Refilling the bath because of a little bit of baby pee is madness.

    As a parent, baby pee becomes a part of your world, it ends up everywhere. The bath is actually one of the better places for it to end up!

  • Lol. Poor kid if you're the kind of parent who freaks out about a bit of pee in the bath. Better not let them ever play in the dirt or crawl around on the ground either if you're so paranoid about bacteria/dirt.

  • I am in the exact same situation. Just to get around this, I fill half the water than usually do, wash and drain and another half to rinse. If pee in the first wash just go as usual. if in second half, take him out and drain the water. occasionally final splash with few glass of fresh water.

  • +1

    Whatever you do "Dont throw the baby out with the dirty water"

    • +1

      I acknowledge and +1 your clever response.

      • I see you are the man of culture too.

  • Seems like OP doesn't appreciate all the replies we all been putting here,no responses at all.

  • +1

    As a nurse and a mum this is a totally natural reaction to being immersed in warm water. The pee is clean, and the majority of the time U won't even know..

    Keep bathing!

  • I can only assume this question indicates that you don't have kids of your own. You get desensitised to stuff like this pretty quick.

  • I pretend not to see that.

  • I am not dumb enough to hop in the tub with a baby so I don't care.

    Showering them is sooooo much easier.

    • +1

      dunno why you got negged, but here's a +

      I've showered with both my kids once they were strong enough to hold their heads relatively steady and is the easiest way to deal with a catastrophic nappy failure :-D

  • First thing my daughter does when she gets in the tub is take leak and she seems pretty happy with herself so who am I to rain on her parade…

    If she pinches a loaf in there, well then shes gunna have a shitty bath…

  • +1

    I am male, my wife and I both agree that we would continue.
    Although this is why we have been showering our 6 month girl as soon as she had head control.

  • All those that responded change the water have clearly never had kids. :P

  • Depends if I already peed in the tub beforehand or not


  • Hey OP here.. finally got a chance to write comments. Been busy in the last few days and a bit under the weather as well. The change in temperatures in the last 1 week has been crazy.. Hope you are all safe with the wild weather.

    Have been reading the comments and I enjoyed different views and some laugh. Thank you for writing them. I think there is no right answer to this context of question. Do what you think is comfortable and sit well with you as there are many ways to parent/take care kids, no silver bullet, no one correct ultimate way to raise up a kid.

    Here are replies to some of my fav comments:

    spackbace on 23/03/2021 - 02:10
    I feel like this was an argument between mum n dad, and dad is coming to the Ozbargain brains trust for support of his side…

    The background story is I asked my wife whether we should change the water in the middle of our bub's bath. Since I am the one who always bath the bub most of the time, she has a "informal" policy: if I am the one who is doing any "chores" (e.g washing dishes, ironing, bathing/feeding baby, etc), she wouldn't comment much on the way i did things, unless if she want to do it herself or it is definitely a wrong way of doing things. I have same "informal" policy with her as well when she is doing her chores that I prefer not to do myself. (We agreed to different chores around the house being split between the two of us, before we were married, according to our preferences. We stick to most of them until today but we also do cover for each other when the situation calls for it).

    So, based on the "informal policy" above, i think she may prefer those water to be changed, but it was up to me, she didnt ask me to. (Yes she is a nice person and I am lucky and blessed to have her.) Then i made a comment that most people who live in Australia might care less about a pee in a baby bath tub (poo is a different story of course, i would change the water without hesitation). If this question was asked back in my hometown in Asian country, I think the responses might be different as I feel like parents can be "over" protective towards their kids.
    Further to this, according to her opinion gender might come into play as well, where female are more likely to have them changed than male. Hence the gender option appears on the poll to see what most of you would do.
    This comment might not entirely answer your assumption spackbace on what is my intention in starting this thread, but i will leave it there, open for assumption, just like with any good movie. Something similar to "Who won the battle between Hulk and Thor (in Thor - Ragnarok), who is stronger between the two?"

    GnarlyKnuckles on 24/03/2021 - 03:57
    ….'and dad is coming to the Ozbargain brains trust for support of his side…
    Mmmyeah-but-nah, cause the OP's name is 'jejepz'. That's clearly a name invented by a chick..

    It was actually a nickname invented by my friend in high school, who is a female. Everyone has been calling me that since it was invented. So you are correct in that chick context.

    Jackson on 23/03/2021 - 18:10
    wow, the real rub in this survey is the number of blokes to women on this forum…

    Yeah i just realised that too there seems to be more male writing comments on ozbargain than female?

    jamessong on 24/03/2021 - 07:03
    OP, did you really write this at 11 minutes past midnight? I'm utterly surprised that you still have the energy and time (for that matter) to write another essay whilst having to take care of the kiddos. It's either you're a super dad or your wife is the real hero here. I tend to lean towards the latter, so please drop the tablet/phone and help your wife.

    Hey you came from my other lengthy posts and checking out my other essay..! :)
    Firstly, I totally agree with you, my wife is always the real hero. No matter how many things I do around the house she will always be the hero in our family.
    I usually have more time at night after my wife and all my kids are asleep. I usually start my freelance work at night as well (so I still get time to spend with my family, between the the end of my office work and their sleep time). I only do my freelance work as a hobby in writing codes, so not a priority for me. So 11 minutes past midnight is definitely not too late for me. Some of my freelance clients are overseas so midnight is when they start being active due to different timezone in a different continents. She sometimes let me take a quick nap and offered to handle all the kids if I looked too tired in the late afternoon, bless her kind heart! I tried to do it vice versa when she looks tired or not feeling well.
    Thanks for the reminder to always look for more things I can help my wife with (i take this as a constructive feedback and I am not being sarcastic here), but i definitely wouldn't drop my phone/tablet as it would be costly to replace. :D

    Gorgeousmorgeous on 24/03/2021 - 19:10
    As a nurse and a mum this is a totally natural reaction to being immersed in warm water. The pee is clean, and the majority of the time U won't even know..

    This might be out of context of this thread, but I just want to say THANK YOU for YOU and many other Frontliners who have taken risks in keeping the health sectors running during pandemic. God bless you all!

  • Given the selections I am going to assume you don't have a shower attachment installed in your bathtub, for which I would recommend, allowing option 3, the best option:

    Drain all dirty water and continue washing as shower or new bathwater with shower attachment


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