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Tefal RK732 Fuzzy Logic Rice & Slow Cooker $75 Delivered ($55 via $20 Little Birdie Voucher) @ Amazon AU

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$55 for new Amazon AU users via $20 Little Birdie Voucher offer (Add $4+ worth of stuff sold and shipped by Amazon to make it $79+ in order to use the voucher).

First of all cheers to @doweyy for the $20 off $79 Spend Voucher for New Amazon Users @ Amazon AU via Little Birdie deal.

From there you can grab a $20 Amazon voucher code if you haven't done so already - Tested and still working.

Note: Need to create a new Amazon AU account or have one without any purchases in order to use the $20 voucher.

Already own one of these and been using it for close to a year now no complaints. Nothing fancy but does the job. Takes a fair bit longer than conventional rice cookers but for me at least the rice seems to cook and taste a lot better.

Yo TEFAL let's kick it!

Rice rice baby
Rice rice baby
All rice stop
Collaborate and listen
Rice is back with a brand new invention
Fuzzy Logic technology grabs a hold of me tightly
I use it daily and nightly
Will it ever stop?
Yo I don't know
Turn off the lights and I'll glow
To the extreme I cook rice like a vandal
Light up a cigar and stir with the handle
Word to your mother
Rice rice baby
Too hot
Rice rice baby
Too hot too hot

~ Vanilla Rice circa early 90s

Price History at C CamelCamelCamel.

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closed Comments

  • +5

    Is that song real, I feel like I heard it from a commercial 30 years ago, as the op suggests

    • +7

      Maybe but if not it really should be used for a commercial am I rice.

  • Ummmm Teflon yummm! 😋

    • That sounds rice.

    • teflon is inert except at high heat and even used in some medical body implants, so if you ate it it would pass through your body unchanged.
      not to be confused with people overheating teflon in fry pans and breaking it down chemically via heat to other things that aren’t inert at high temperatures.

        • downvotes speak for themselves

    • For cooking rice it's probably fine, IIRC the issue with Teflon comes when it's heated well above 100 degrees. A rice cooker shouldn't get much above 100 degrees…

      • +4

        the issue with Teflon comes when it's heated well above 100

        It's more like 250-300 degrees

  • +7

    Upvote for the rhyme 😄😂 nothing like cheesy 90s rap 😂😂


    • Remastered in HD! Very rice!

    • +2

      Here I was hoping for Vanilla Rice — Rice rice baby!

  • +1

    Anyone have this? The dual purpose rice and slow cooker ability of speaking, but I'm getting mixed reviews when googling it.

    • +1

      Have used one for around a year now but only to cook rice. It's a bit chunky and takes awhile but for mine pretty good definitely a lot better than conventional rice cookers.

    • +1

      That's because rice requires 'fluffy', not 'fuzzy' logic.

      Damn the French…

      • +2

        Too rice!

        {I'm having a blast here}

    • +4

      Rice cookers are seriously 10/10 at cooking rice. There is VERY little intelligence that's needed for rice cooking and actually consistency is way more important than skill. Hence most Asian restaurants will use rice cookers (and very often low end rice cookers).

      • +1

        Tiger rice cookers are rolling all around the world at your comment

        • +1

          And if tiger is too steep, then Panasonic's got your back.

  • +2

    Is there a keep warm function?

  • +1

    Do you drive a “rice boy” too? :)

    • Sounds kinda riceist but I'll allow it.

    • +6

      You should be banned.

      • -7

        For saying what a lot of people are thinking?

        • +1

          How is $59 for this rice cooker a bad deal? Find me a better deal on this then?

          • -1

            @j0hnd0e: It's the point of if we allow one post like this then we'll get flooded with heaps of posts of random items with the store voucher code on here. It's not needed. Look at what happens when ebay has a $5 voucher. Suddenly the whole front page is full of "deals" with the voucher added. It's not needed

            • +1

              @Jake17: A deal is a deal. If OP hadn't post this then many people (including myself) would have missed out on it.

              • -1

                @j0hnd0e: If the item in the post is a deal in itself its fine. But the point I'm saying is we don't need a heaps of posts of stuff that will be $20 cheaper with the coupon.

                • +1

                  @Jake17: This is actually a pretty rice deal at $79 itself. Amazon looks to be matching Kogan but with free delivery. Rest are defo pricier so not sure what the rice you are on about buddy.

                  • -1

                    @dins: Then fair enough. My downvote was for before got edited and had the birdie coupon thing for the discount in the title. How its worded now is good. But if the site allows how it was initially titled as a deal then we'll get flooded with heaps of random items with the discount added. Ive already blocked ebay deals because of it. I don't want to do the same here

                    • +1

                      @Jake17: If it's a bladdy rice deal not sure why that would be an issue?

            • +1

              @Jake17: Karen17

              • +1

                @Sabrex: They are certainly starting to rice up again.

      • +2

        You got that rice. Put him through a potato ricer!

  • +1

    I'm using an old National rice cooker but very interested getting one of these. Just want to know how long it takes to cook rice?

    • Haven't timed it but defo takes a bit longer maybe something like 15-20 mins extra. Worth the wait tho. All in all it goes all rice and for $59 it's a steal for mine.

  • +2

    Fuzzy logic? I'd like precise logic when it comes to cooking rice.

    • +2

      Fuzzy Logic artificial intelligence provides exceptional precision, offering automatic adjustment of cooking time and temperature for optimum results.

      Sound like a bunch of marketing spin 🤣

      Btw, it is fuzzy and precise as per marketing.

      • My guess is that they were initially going for fuzzy wuzzy but then later decided that it wasn't logical. Hence the combination. Can't really be anything else so it has got to be rice.

        • +1

          That’s some fuzzy logic

        • +1

          Fuzzy wuzzy was a bear, if my memory serves me correctly.

      • +1

        The marketing spin is the artificial intelligence part haha. I am surprised they mentioned it because the only people who I would imagine would know what it means is engineers and programmers. I suspect the marketing department asked the engineering department what makes this rice cooker so special and then all they talked about was how they were using fuzzy logic.

  • I have my grandmother's old pot which was free, cooks perfect rice!

    • +4

      That's kinda worrying are you all rice?

      • +1

        I know it's a bit against the grain, but it's an allrice way to cook rice.

  • +1

    tell em the cup sizeee

    • -1

      Shouldn't judge just on the cup size alone all rice. It's also about how it feels in the hands.

  • +1

    Love this rice cooker.

  • +1

    Thank you! Picked the last one and got the $20 off.

    • -1

      No worries have a rice day.

  • +1

    Doesn't inspire me with a lot of confidence in this product when they market it as having "fuzzy logic". Does anyone even use that terminology since Sims? Lol

    • +3

      Why not? Google fuzzy logic washing machine

  • +2

    How does it compare to the Tiger one that someone else posted?

  • +2

    Surprised there aren't any Uncle Roger comments yet…….

    • +2

      Pick one:

      • fuiyoh!
      • colander
      • msg
      • auntie hersha
      • sorry children
    • +1

      Roger that.

  • +1

    The $20 still Woking and the rice cooker is $75 now, just add some items make more the $79 and it work.

    • Rice to know good stuff!

  • +1

    I’ll be honest, I clicked on the thread because of the cooker, but I stayed for the rice jokes.

    • +1

      Rice to see you here pho sho!

      • +1

        Rice to see a positive attitude

        • -1

          At the end of the day we're all human beans.

  • +1

    I'm using the $13 rice cooker and ordered one. Will see if it worth the extra $42!

    • I think you'll be pleasantly supriced. It's very rice.

  • +1

    Our current tefal still going strong after 11 years. It is also fuzzy logic, an earlier model in the RK series. Funny enough the price was also around 70. Works great if you cook white rice only. Not so great if you combine white/brown at the same time.

  • Rice & shine!

    Looks like it's available for purchase again (dispatched within 1 to 3 weeks).

    Have a rice weekend.

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