This was posted 13 years 1 month 30 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Sign up to the 2012 Herald Sun University Offer: $10 for 52 weeks (save 98%)!


How it works

Taking advantage of this remarkable offer is easy. You can renew, now, online by signing up. Simply use your credit card to secure your 52 weeks of the Herald Sun for just $10 and save 98% off the full rate cost of 7-day delivery of the Herald Sun.

This includes Monday to Friday (pick up at the university) and Saturday and Sunday home delivery for 40 weeks during the 2012 academic year, from 20/02/2012 to 25/11/2012. In addition to this, you will receive home delivery of the Herald Sun, Monday to Sunday for 12 weeks during the summer holiday break, from 26/11/2012 to 17/02/2013.

If you have been provided with a user ID, please use this to log on as an Existing Subscriber, otherwise just click on the New Subscriber tab and sign up to the 2012 Herald Sun university offer.

You can also call us on 1800 680 640 (that's a free call) on Monday to Friday, during normal business hours. Then sit back and enjoy the latest world and local news at your fingertips right when you need it. Add in must have information on fashion, sports and entertainment, and you're sure to never miss a beat.

How to get your newspapers

Your copies of the Herald Sun will be delivered to your home every Saturday and Sunday during the 40-week academic period and then Monday to Sunday during the 12-week summer holiday break.

Your Redemption Card

In order to collect your newspapers Monday to Friday, you will need an official 2012 University Offer Redemption Card. Please ensure you provide us with your current home address so that we can post your 2012 University Offer Redemption Card once your request has been processed.

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closed Comments

  • Vic only?

    • +12

      Would make sense since Herald Sun is a Victorian paper..

      • -3

        • +2

          NEWS paper? What news?

        • +1

          Who said anything about news?

  • student only?

    • +1

      Yes and Yes. Got it last year for $20. Brilliant offer. Stuff the Age, boring paper and didn't home deliver when it was supposed to.

      • boring? didnt know newspapers were supposed to be exciting? guess the herald sun is as exciting as copping a mortar firework in the face?

        I got the age home delivered on weekends like it was supposed to.

        • +1

          The Age for students is so much more expensive for 2012. Also The Age doesn't deliver Mon-Fri in summer holidays like Herald Sun student offer does. This year, I'm sticking to Herald Sun only.

        • +1

          well you cant expect fairfax to outprice news limited can you?

          thats basically the problem with the herald sun - news limited.

        • @kirynflare, you get what you pay for….

        • +5

          I'm just not a fan of The Age. Not great for public transport reading.

        • +2

          first you say its boring, now you say bad for public transport - next you dont like the fonts?

          learn to fold the paper, broadsheet is actually better for public transport because you dont have a giant wad of paper in your hands that if you drop shatters into 80 individual pieces of paper.

        • @cheapy - lol, well, i only get newspapers for the comics and puzzles for boring lectures… soo :)

        • @kirynflare

          Yeah but you're paying for actual journalism.

          This offer is good if you're short on toilet paper or can't think for yourself.

      • actually now that I think about it, they could use comic sans…I keed.

      • -3

        actually now that I think about it, they could use comic sans…I keed.

    • Has anyone that is not a uni student signed up to this offer?

  • +2

    Please put VIC Uni Student offer in the title :)

    • +2

      I'm pretty sure the "student" part of the offer is a given and considering the Herald Sun is the biggest paper in Australia, people would know the location of the deal.

      • It's worth noting that University staff are also eligible. I'm considering purchasing just for the weekend papers at this price ^^

      • What about the daily telegraph? :P

  • +11

    My bet is the university will get stuck with a stack of unclaimed weekday papers. People will treat this as "$10 for a year of Saturday + Sunday home delivered".

    • +1

      I know last year my Uni used to always run out. They don't send the full amount of papers to the Uni.

      • +2

        Agreed. Melbourne Uni ran out a lot of the times. As for the delivered papers, I live in an apartment complex, many times my paper was stolen (or possibly never delivered).

        • +3

          I bet stolen by a fellow ozbargainer

        • +1

          No, that would be a petty thief, the Ausbargainer would be the one meeting you when you collect and picking up theirs at the same time (purchased through a deal similar to this ofcorse).

      • +2

        I believe they do actually send the full amount, however the collection is not monitored MOST of the time, at least at my uni…so even if just a few % of ppl nick them it is very easy to run out…

    • +1

      Agreed. At my uni (years back,not that long though) they use to leave a pile out in front of a student counter, unguarded, and people just go by and, complimentary, pick one up free. It could be that those HS papers were not related to these kind of deals but more likely without home delivery people just can't be bothered to pick their's up that there are so many left over to give away.

    • +1

      This is worth it just for the home delivery on the Sat & Sun as well as the 3 months uni students have off. Wish I was still at uni :(

  • +2

    I would even save the $10 and read news from my PC/App/TV =)
    Be a TRUE Bargainer1

    • Online news from Australian papers seems to be all moving to a paid model though :(

      • Only Newscorp for the time being (not inc. AFR).

      • +1

        You could always check the ABC website. Tends not to be so focussed on "53 year old mother of 4 discovers secret to eternal life".

  • Even for 12 weeks of "summer vacation" papers Mon-Sun its worth $10
    as well as getting the weekend papers.
    leaving the other papers for less fortunate Uni students.

    And i only need a paper a week to get the Coonarra started during winter :)

  • do you need to show your student card or something?

  • +1

    I'd pay $52 to have the Wednesday edition home delivered for 52 weeks so I can get my GWD vouchers. I don't want the paper other than this… I already get The Age delivered and don't want anymore paper to dispose of!

    • What's GWD?

      • +1

        Get Wines Direct. It's those $29.99 slabs you see posted every Wednesday.

  • +8

    Great Deal! Heaps of cheap paper for my puppy to pee on.

  • +1

    You had me at Hello!!

  • +1

    Does melb uni have the herald? I often only see The Age being displayed. Perhaps I've overlooked and they're right next to them?

    • They do indeedy. :)

  • Great find tonester!

  • +1

    Can't give this comic strip newspaper away it seems…

  • I wonder if they'll do the 40 week The Australian offer again this year?

  • +3

    Crap paper, crap price.

    I wouldn't read a Murdoch paper if it was the last paper on Earth.

    • -7

      Cool story bro

      • -4

        Cul stury bra?

        • +1

          Thanks for expressing your totally irrelevant opinion about this bargain?

    • 10 cheers for articmonkey.

  • +1

    Awesome. Hook uni students into a lifestyle of reading Herald Sun and watching equivalent TV trash like Today Tonight and ACA.

  • I'm a bit annoyed that my uni, ACU Ballarat isn't supported, yet ACU Melbourne and other Ballarat universities are. Still, $10 for the weekend edition is a good deal, ACU melbourne is just going to have an uncollected paper for me everyday.

    • sweet, il have yours at melb acu :)

  • I like the Herald Sun, come at me.

    • +1

      I so wish that you barracked for Carlton and would have "come at you". However, you must be a very knowledgeable and sensible person and assume that you but it for the form guide only.

  • Wikipedia listed Herald Sun as a tabloid format…. (

    I have also checked that RMIT City Campus is partipating. But checking the Campus Collection Points section only listed RMIT Bundoora's..

    • -1

      Building 9 in the City has a Herald Sun collection point for (I presume) students who subscribe to the paper.

      As a journo student myself, I'm deciding whether I should take up the offer.

      • +11

        Isn't that like a culinary student eating McDonald's?

  • Is it possible for non students to buy the offer, list a random Uni and just receive the weekend papers?

    • See the next post - appears so.

  • can anybody just sign up get the weekend + 12 weeks delivered and forfeit the paper during the academic period?
    When do they ask for proof that your a student?

    • +2

      They used to ask for some kind of academic number but I don't see it on their confirmation form. Don't think they bothered checking last time so maybe they are not even going to pretend to check this time round.

    • +1

      I signed up and I'm not a student. Got this message after I paid, so hopefully I start receiving the paper on the weekend

      "Your 2012 Herald Sun university redemption card will be posted to your home address once your subscription has been processed. If you have any queries, please contact us on 1800 680 640, Monday to Friday during business hours or email [email protected]"

      • I signed up as well. I doubt there even going to check.
        Note that it doesn't begin until 20/02/2012 so you wont be getting it on the weekend.

  • +2

    What's the internet for if your still buying newspapers?

  • +11

    Sorry but The Herald Sun is in two words: Tabloid CRAP.

  • +11

    Ah, yes, The Herald Sun. Without question my favourite newspaper; soft, strong and thoroughly absorbent.

    • you my friend are truly HILARIOUS !!!

  • +5

    The Herald Sun just wants to push their anti global warming rants and right wing BS from the likes of Andrew Bolt on Uni students.

    • -1

      And the SMH/Age want to push their warmy sales pitch:


      "There were some exceptions to the downward trends in media coverage.

      In Australia, debate over a carbon tax generated kept the issue in the news throughout the summer. The Australia Broadcasting Corp. published 60 percent more climate stories in 2011 than it did in 2010, while the Sydney Morning Herald saw a 21 percent jump."

  • A "newspaper"… is that kind of like a news site, except printed on paper?

    • +2

      Crickets Chirping

  • +4

    $10 for a year's worth of mindless propaganda … may be worth it for the discount coupons.

    In this case NEWSpaper is almost an oxymoron … and if Andrew Bolt is still around (does anyone care?) I am pleased I haven't seen his attention-seeking crap for a long time.

    Best places for real news: Google (ignoring the links to Murdoch), BBC & ABC, Drudge Report … at no cost (worst places … anything to do with Murdoch).

    • Well said. I like my news to be hack and propaganda free.

    • -1

      You turn to the ABC to be preached to as a believer?

  • My son will need the AFR while he is at uni - wonder how you can get 'em for free?

  • +1

    Everytime I subscribe to one of these I never get the home delivery :(
    although still worth it.. it would be nice to get the freebies that come in the weekend papers

    • +1

      "Everytime I subscribe to one of these I never get the home delivery :("

      It's a blessing in disguise. Trust me.

  • +1

    The T&C's say "The home delivery component is only available to a nominated residential, non-campus address in Victoria where normal home delivery exists, some areas are excluded."

    For a mere $10, I'm sorely tempted to ignore this, sign up and see what happens as I try to get weekend papers delivered interstate for 20c weekly. No longer being a gambler, I'll refrain from such a ploy.

  • Has anyone received their card in the mail yet?

    • No, haven't received it yet. I was going to ask the same question!

  • So anyone received their card or any of the weekend papers?

    • On the promotional website, it's mentioned the offer starts from the 20th of February. So the weekend delivery should begin from this Saturday!

  • Got my card today

  • FYI apparently you can sign off in your Uni-store. Like Melbourne Uni. You sign up, pay cash and they give you the card straight away. The Age is available too.

  • Looked for my paper this morning before I left for work and it wasn't there. Looks like I have to call up on Monday and kick some butt.

    • Same! I got the card earlier in the week, but never received anything at home Saturday or Sunday

  • anyone not getting the newspapers? i called my local newsagency and they say they havent got my on their list for newspaper drop offs and have never heard of this uni offer. Seems il have to call Herald Sun on Monday…

    • I got mine today after not getting it last weekend. I did call up on Friday though, and the guy put me on hold to try to call the distributor in my area (titan distribution). He couldn't get through but said he would try calling later in the day - not sure if he did or didn't but he gave me the number for my local distributor to call if I didn't get it this morning.

    • this uni offer was apparently put on hold until I had used up my 20week offer from ourdeal. I complained about that and said i should get both. So now there going to send me 1 saturday paper and 2 sunday papers. Hopefully it comes this weekend!

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