Looks like the Game & Watch is back up for pre-order at Big W.
Pre-order - estimated delivery on 24th to 26th March.
Better get in quick as the initial pre-order sold out in mins.
Best of luck.
Looks like the Game & Watch is back up for pre-order at Big W.
Pre-order - estimated delivery on 24th to 26th March.
Better get in quick as the initial pre-order sold out in mins.
Best of luck.
April I reckon.
but with postage. no pickups from my area.
online only lol
Why do people want these?
Speculative hoarding?
Honestly I have one and really dont get the hype, people complain about having no money and yet pay big money for things like this.
They were excellent in the 80/90s (whenever it came out) but no requirment for them now.
You have one and are asking why people want one?
@chiprillis: I bought one for myself (not to be a reseller) preorder before I knew what they were about…. Im thinking a select few are just buying them to sell.
You got it!!
You'll find that just the way people operates. They will complaint about poverty and lack of fund but their priorities are cigarettes and booze and in some cases, drugs.
I had these when I was kid in the 80s. I imagine a whole bunch of oldies like me are reliving their youth.
And there’s a bunch of people who simply love collecting all things Nintendo, Mario etc.
This last drop looks big enough that it's hard to see a huge price rise due to demand. If you want one, you can get it.
People trying to flip these things now are gonna end up with burned fingers.
Grey market price is close to retail already. People aren't able to move them quick enough, and here comes the retail resupply…
To buy now, sell later.
with 100,000 of these being made by "later time", you might just break even.
if they were rare of hens teeth then maybe, but not in this MASS PRODUCTION MARKET.
with-holding stock to make it appear there is a shortage, does not make it a shortage.
did they also say, limited supply, only 1,000 being made… ever?
if not, then unlikely to be worth much as they can just keep manufacturing… as they are.
It’s a bit like the NES Classic Mini. It had a small first drop, and units were selling for 1000% markup. Then Nintendo realised how much demand there was, and there were a series of much larger drops later. Now, anyone can find one.
The final shipment of these seems to be quite large. Preorders aren’t selling out, and many people who are buying them are doing so in the hope of reselling. So it’s unlikely to be super-valuable down the line.
@Mrlrlpe: It'll probably be a decent longish term hold, ala their reissue of 'Ball', maybe it'd fetch $150-200 in 5-10 years. Unless, like you say..they keep making more!
@Mrlrlpe: I love the classic consoles and own most of the official released ones. I always stuggle with the nintendo ones as I refuse to pay scalpers asking price. I waited until the market was flooded with re-release until I was able to purchase one.
With the G&W my wife and kids went to most electronic retailers to place a preorder, after I told them about it during a nintendo direct presentation. This was meant for my xmas present but they couldn't preorder one, either too early or too late was what they got told. I've also tried to keep my eye out on OZB posts and every single time without fail it would be sold out after 15mins. So I'm glad they flood the market to stop these ridiculous price gouging. My wife and kids were going to pay 200% markup just so I could have one at xmas time, but I said to them NO WAY! I'd rather not own one if I'm paying more than rrp
Don’t be that guy. Nothing worse than a reseller
They're extremely small and light with buttons.
This makes for a good time-waster, you have better controls than your phone but not as bulky as a 3DS or Switch.
They can also be hacked fairly easy to play other games.
They can also be hacked fairly easy to play other games.
This Game & Watch cannot be easily hacked, unlike the Mini NES/ SNES.
The USB C port only has charging pins in it, preventing data modification and instead, requires disassembly and extra equipment to do so.
I didn't say the USB port was functional for data, but it's still an easy process.
Every man in australia has a set of screwdrivers and it's cheap to get the probes to flash to the board.
No soldering or intermediate electronic skills required.
I didn't say the USB port was functional for data, but it's still an easy process.
it's cheap to get the probes to flash to the board.
Flashing a board via probes would be well beyond most people's level of comfort. As is soldering on a new header as many people do when they hack these.
Definitely nowhere as simple as hacking the NES/SNES minis.
@kapone: Agree definitely not a straight forward hack. I did my snes mini and if it’s not as easy as that then no point imo
For me its nostalgia. Not looking to profit from it.
80s nostalgia
Poor resale & collectible value compared to the original
If they can suck people in with a modern cash cow of a NES Classic Mini as "classic" - which isn't even designed to be replica of the original - then they can call it anything really.
Nostalgia for me. I bought one to play and one to display on my shelf. I play it a few times a week so I have found the value in it so far.
Pre order from JB HI FI has delivery at $4.99. Slightly cheaper option. Obviously depends on location.
EB still has pre order and has for a few weeks now, the hype around this has died down. I have one and honestly save your money for a new Switch game, the novelty wears off pretty fast.
I enjoyed this for a quick fix, finished both games but haven't touched it since. Crazy these were selling for $150 to $200 during the FOMO hype last year
All the other places are still taking pre orders . Nintendo flooded the golden goose seems to be the new policy .
Cheapest little birdie voucher at Amazon $62 delivered .
Snagged my 5th, not for selling, but for family gifts!! :)
Brother… i haven't seen you in ages. :)
This price is halfway to a game boy micro, i wonder how they compare spec wise.
Given advances in processing power, it's probably got a higher-specced processor in it.
However, it's far less useful. The Gameboy Advance has a massive library, as well as convenient flashcarts for homebrew.
For those of you who have one, would it be a good gift for my 7 year old Mario-crazy son? Don't own any consoles, trying to hold off owning a Switch as long as possible..
Yes. Simple device that's ready to go from the box.
2nd hand 2ds xl can be had for same price
Thanks for the feedback…Harvey Norman allows for free C&C, so going down that route..:)
what a waste, a complete hardware with just one game.
Any trick for unlimited lives in this machine?
On the title screen, press and hold the A button for 5 seconds to start the game with infinite loves.
Infinite love is all any of us can ask for in life.
Finally got one, thank you
Meh, RRP and still available for pre-order at multiple places, not just Big W.
Can you link it somewhere cheaper?
If you don't mind waiting a little longer, Amazon UK are selling it for $82.61 (in stock) and free shipping if you have Prime https://www.amazon.com.au/Game-Watch-Super-Mario-Nintendo/dp…
Works out cheaper if you factor in shipping.
Edit: And it just so happens that CR still have 4% cashback on video games category.
Thanks for playing
Current price is avg, but is AU stock.
It was selling for $65 shipped on Amazon AU on Mar10 day. Got mine delivered today. After CR cashback it comes to $62 which is closest to the price when it was first announced last year afaik. Better than paying over $100 just a few weeks ago.
wow, my dad got me one of these on a work trip to japan in 81.
Which game was it?
donkey kong
Me too, I suspect we have the same dad..
are we all related????
Bah my dad couldn’t find stock so I got Chef instead. Years of watching that mouse eat my sausages.
Why do I want one but haven't even bothered to open my snes/nes minis … I know I will not open it but I want one
Personally I wouldn't mind one for the collectability/I had the game & watch as a kid so fond memories, I'd prob use it more as a desk clock, but can't justify the cost for that sadly.
Good to see collectors able to get them without having to resort to stupid reseller prices though.
Out of curiosity does anyone remember buying the original g&w in the 80s? What was the average price for them?
Got a DK one at Paddies Markets for around $50 BNIB back then, if my memory serves me correctly. Prolly equates to ~$80 or more in today's money.
Closer to $200 today.
When's the next ps5 drop?