Offer is back again on amazon. Restock time.
Pure natural coconut water
Natural hydrating
Rich in 5 key electrolytes
No preservatives
Zero fat
Offer is back again on amazon. Restock time.
Pure natural coconut water
Natural hydrating
Rich in 5 key electrolytes
No preservatives
Zero fat
No worries, just came across this in my recently viewed while browsing something else and thought i'd share.
What's everyone favorite brand for coconut water again, out of curiosity?
I don't pay any more than the Aldi one and dilute it 50/50 with tap water for workout drink so it lasts a lot longer
How much is the Aldi one? I didn't realise they had their own version.
$3/L but occasionally $2.50 super saver
cocobella.. tried the others, tastes weird.. this is the closest to tasting like the ones I had in Thailand.
Do the others taste like sock water?
Actually.. kinda.. its got that weird sour taste
Malee, always $2 each at our local asian grocer.
For me, this is my order of preference:
Cocobella > H2coco > Woolworths brand > Raw C
Chaokoh is by far the best coconut water I've ever tasted. I've only ever seen it in Asian grocery stores
Taste Nirvana Real Coconut Water is by far the best brand and the sweetest tasting. It’s also the most expensive. Their bottles are only 700ml and are the same price (or more) as the 1L bottles of others. Can also be hard to find sometimes to. CocoBella is my second favourite.
Fresh drinking coconut. All the other bottled stuff have a strange artificial taste for me…
Tipco the best tasting available from the Asian Groceries store
Same price as woolworth. 2.50 per pack.
Zero fat - still 10.5g of sugar per 250ml though.
You can’t be salty all the time.
He said zero fat, not zero sugar. Coconut water or king coconut (coconuts in orange colour)water is given to patients because it has the energy and can be easily digested in South Asian Countries.
Not low FODMAP
Coconut water is low FODMAP. I too can use big acronyms to sound smart except I actually know what they mean.
Don't go around bs people.
I didnt say anything lol, i just copy pasted from amazon. Also, 10g of sugar is not that much compared to the energy drinks and sodas. I barely take any sugar intake these days.
10g / L?
That's absolutely tiny, and it's not added sugar either which is arguably worse.
10g per 250mL. Not terrible, but not exactly plain water either.
Its sugar…. if it scares you, dont drink it.
Sodas? In Australia it is called soft drink. Too much American tv.
from where i come we call it cold drink or cool drink :P
Some (East coasters I think) call it pop.
coles special price is the same when its on… and kept cooler usually by supermarkets
how do people drink these? I use it to make smoothies. Banana + frozen berries + coconut water into the blender
raw dogging the whole bottle like beer while working or after small meal to make the stomach full :D
edit: btw how does that taste?
It add to the taste of smoothies. I make smoothies with berries, mango, and dates and use coconut water. That makes an awesome smoothie for breakfast or lunch.
Drop 2 disprovable electrolytes and mega B vitamin into a pint class and down it in one first thing in the morning… After over indulging the night before
Waste of coconut water.
I drink coconut water for its taste and it's electrolyte nature.
Smoothies are already a sugar bomb with nutrition. Why spend more money?
Yes and no. I'd rather the pure coconut too. I tried the blend once myself but I found it's just too sweet once you add more fruit with it. May as well just use filtered water and enjoy the coconut the way it was meant to be.
Get it from your nearest woolies.
Coles also have 2.5 bucks coconut water on sale this week too
my nearest woolies run out of stock after the first day of sale usually.. last time I drove around to 3 different ones and all OOS too.
Unlucky both my local have been in stock the few times we've been since Wednesday
Highly unlikely. If the shelf is empty it'd likely be on an off location/promotional display, or there'd be stock in the storeroom. Promo stock is generally allocated to stores in abundance so we don't run out as happened in the days of manual ordering.
@karteej available again if you are quick.
Am I the only one who can see Coles sells 250 ml bottles and these are 1L bottles ?
Coles sells the 1L as well
Yep 5 bucks a bottle hence the reason this is a good price
Seems to be back in stock. I just ordered
Back in stock, bought 2x6
it's also 2.50 each at Woolies so bought all 6 for $15 rewards point went to Qantas FF
Qantas? What's that
An airline?
Everyone who bought one of these.. would a thank you to the OP kill you ? Whats with you people… if you want bargains the least you can do is thank the people who take the trouble of posting it .. if you want this product then this is a great deal if you feel too much sugar crappy product do not buy it … Either you say thank you to a good deal or no one posts a good deal here ..why would they ? And everyone of you who buys this product from any retailer.. this is a good deal so stock up
Okay boomer
Wtf haha
Also available in Woolies for the same price if you'd rather have less/sooner
or coles… or iga or all those other places
They not local… they are bigger than amazon au.
Nah man rather support Amazon than Coles or Woolies…. why? they've looked after the consumer for so many decades before competition came in.
I do support and shop at IGA/ Foodworks
Snapped 6 for $15. I have tried all other brands. This is the best followed by the ones at Aldi.
Back in stock not available in colesworth anymore
I prefer the raw c, but they never on sales on Amazon
Bought can't be F'ed to go to supermarkets with covid
Thanks OP ..good price..bought some