Basically I cant be bothered going thru the whole building a PC thing. I have a recentish machine that i build last year (x570 mobo,ryzen 7, 16gb, 1080ti, quality 600W PSU, high end nVME SSDs ) but I don't think I have the energy to source a 3090, get a new case, new PSU, all of that.
I'd rather just buy a prebuild system but the only ones i can find are only one GPU and I am afraid if one GPU isn't enough, then i will be stuck with an unupgradable system. And if im dropping all that money, might as well get one with two GPUs now, because at that point i've already spend more than is reasonable.
The prebuilt 3090 systems ive seen are ok for price (around 6k) but they dont use a mobo that will allow a 2nd 3090 at full speed (x16) .. nor will the psu be sufficient im guessing).
I'm in perth if it matter.
SLI is dead. Why do you want dual GPUs?