Private Health Insurance, HCF Vs MediBank Private. Need advice.

Health insurance premiums will go up on 1 April, 2021 (not an April's Fool joke :)).

We have been with MediBank Private (Top Hospital Essential) for over 20 years. After talking to iSelect, they suggested an equivalent HCF policy with about $1500 saving per year. Has anyone done a similar switch from MediBank to HCF? Please share your experience.

From an old OZBargain post, there seems to be some issues finding dental clinics accepting HCF in Victoria. Is it still the case?

Any advice would be much appreciated.



  • The government designed the Gold, Silver, Bronze system to make it easy to change providers. I would suggest that you review the PHIS statements from your current policy against the the suggested new policy.

    I would also encourage everyone to move away for the for profit insurers to those which are member owned. Member owned funds have a history of returning more funds to members than the for profit insurers.

    To save even more, move your insurance between funds more frequently, taking advantage of '6 weeks free'-type offers.

    • I would suggest that you review the PHIS statements

      This. Reading the PHIS for your current and new policy ID (found on bottom of PHIS) is important than just relying on a broker's word. Remember, iselect gets commission if you switch through them, and they will call you until you submit.

      There will be nuisance when it comes to claiming, but that's with every provider not just HCF.

  • If I am not mistaken, you might become eligible for Medibank Gold Member.…

    Also, certain workplace can give you up to 7% discount. Example:

    Certain loyalty programs like Reward Gateways members can get this discount too. Not sure %.

    Medibank Private also has this LiveStyle Apps thingy that if you work out or walk x steps you get points which you can redeem at best, for $200 discount in premium.

    I used to be HCF member. Worth it if you are Govt worker back then as it gave you 12% discount but in terms of claiming, pretty much ordinary. The ancillary coverage is horrendous though. Not quite good RoI recovery.

    At least with Medibank, I could always claim up to $6k per annum in Ancillary guaranteed if I want to. HCF is impossible to get this.

    • $6K a year in extras claims? I hope that’s one family and not one person unless you’re claiming all the expensive dental stuff.

  • I'm with HCF in Victoria, switched from MediBank a couple of years ago.

    My dentist based in Surrey Hills accepts HCF, twice yearly clean and one flouride treatment covered.

    Extras wise haven't noticed anything different from MediBank, accepted without issues.

  • HCF have their own Dental Centres…


    you can see if your regular Dentist is on their list:…

  • Are you comparing same level of cover? I think iselect is being sly and comparing different covers.

    Private insurance is a very specific personal decision which depends on

    Income and Tax implications

    Things you should ask yourself is do you really need to get top cover and or can you very easily afford it otherwise ?

    I am more on the tax implications and I change funds every year or so to get the 6 weeks free or the $200 or so promotion

  • Actually talk to your dentist and optometrist, they (I mean the front counter person who does the charges) see plenty of people on different PHI covers and they ought to know which gives them the most cash then get quotes for stuff that maximises cash for them.

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