Health insurance premiums will go up on 1 April, 2021 (not an April's Fool joke :)).
We have been with MediBank Private (Top Hospital Essential) for over 20 years. After talking to iSelect, they suggested an equivalent HCF policy with about $1500 saving per year. Has anyone done a similar switch from MediBank to HCF? Please share your experience.
From an old OZBargain post, there seems to be some issues finding dental clinics accepting HCF in Victoria. Is it still the case?
Any advice would be much appreciated.
The government designed the Gold, Silver, Bronze system to make it easy to change providers. I would suggest that you review the PHIS statements from your current policy against the the suggested new policy.
I would also encourage everyone to move away for the for profit insurers to those which are member owned. Member owned funds have a history of returning more funds to members than the for profit insurers.
To save even more, move your insurance between funds more frequently, taking advantage of '6 weeks free'-type offers.