Historical lowest price for the 2nd Gen Google Nest Wi-Fi 3 Pack. 2 points that aren't directly connected to your router also act as a Google Nest Mini speaker.
[eBay Plus] Google Nest Wi-Fi 3 Pack (1 Base & 2 Points with Built in Speaker/Google Assistant) $381.65 Delivered @ BingLee eBay

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Just a note that only the Nest that plugs into your router has ethernet ports. the other 2 don't. With my tplink deco I have my computer plugged into 1 of the extenders, this gives me my full 250mbit internet speed, on wifi speed was lower and fluctuated. It basically works like a very reliable wireless ethernet cable
What TP-Link Deco do you have? And what would recommend for lag free gaming?
I have the M5, I don't do any online shooter type games where the constant low latency is important and always monitored. I don't have any lags with web browsing but that doesn't tell you much
Can anyone confirm if the 2 smaller points can be connected to switches?
As has been mentioned. No.
They are wireless only.
This or Deco M9 plus?
Can you sell off 1 of the points if you don’t need 2?
There are 2 packs.
I figure this is cheap enough and if I can sell 1 point I can come out better than the 2 pack.
If you work from home then you'll be able to claim a tax deduction of a mesh WiFi system. However, you would be much better buying one less than $300 as it can be deducted in a single year instead of three.
I brought this about a year ago, upgraded from standard isp router, much improved performance in a long double brick house with the router at one end and a ps4 at the other end with about a 30m house in between.
Pricey it is worth it i think
These are actually pretty good and almost worth it at this price. Just be aware that the 2 points do not have Ethernet (so no Ethernet back-haul if that's important to you). Very handy having Goggle assistant at each point and audio quality when streaming Spotify was surprisingly good.