AutoCAD LT Special Bundle Offer - Get 4 for the price of 3
For a short time only, when you purchase 4 subscriptions of AutoCAD LT you’ll get them for the price of 3. That’s a 25% discount on each subscription. Choose either a 1-year term or a 3-year term
4 AutoCAD LT subscriptions
*1 year: $2,480 $1,860
*3 year: $6,700 $5,025
Direct to cart 1-year link: https://checkout.autodesk.com/en-AU?priceIds=25492%5Bqty:4%5…
Direct to cart 3-year link: https://checkout.autodesk.com/en-AU?priceIds=25494%5Bqty:4%5…
If you don't use the direct links above then once you enter increments of 4 in the cart, you need to use the promo codes below at checkout
1-year code: 1yrlt4pack
3-year code: 3yrlt4pack
Offers valid until 11:59pm 13/04/2021 AEDT.