I cannot find any info about it online. Just wondering if anyone has purchased it or knows anything about it?
Very good price.
You are on the money!
It is a Chinese gaming brand - http://www.titanarmy.cn/
Some info here on the LTT forums - https://linustechtips.com/topic/1110232-monitor-brand-titan-…
If you've got the money - Give it a go. 3 year warranty
Looks like the brand is Quantum Sphere? - Not sure though
It's a 100hz 34" display so it's quite likely the very same B-grade reject budget panel found in the older Kogan KAMN341FQULA gaming monitors and the Titan Army N34QW as well as the Aftershock X340.
At that time the most common panel used for this was either a Samsung or LG panel (since they're the only two companies that had the tech to produce curved displays)
Google image search finds this one as well:
Which seems to have more discussions on Google.
Though do you want a monitor that seems to be rebranded everywhere?