Sony PlayStation 5 Disc Version $749 Harvey Norman Stock 15/03/2021
Not a bargain but an opportunity for those that haven't got one yet.
Be quick!
Sony PlayStation 5 Disc Version $749 Harvey Norman Stock 15/03/2021
Not a bargain but an opportunity for those that haven't got one yet.
Be quick!
I am early today but not buying.
This. Why pay $749? Don't need it for a year or two.
it will still be that price in a year or two.
Price will go up in a year or two the way chip shortage is going.
That is ridiculous. How can there be a chip shortage? You're always bound to find one on some commenter's shoulder.
@Morbo66: US government is now looking into whether consoles and GPUs are causing the shortage which in turn in impacting manufacturing of cars worldwide.
If someone finds a way to mine crypto on a console you probably won't see a console in store for a number of years to come. Console will then go down the same path as GPUs.
@JoBevo: Etherium can be mined on the PS5 supposedly.. and preformance is around 90MH/s, so expect PS5s to be even less available if that is the case.
@gizmomelb: My 2070 can do about 50MH/s and isnt feasible given power costs. There may be money to be made mining PS5's but you'll do better buying 3080's instead.
@JoBevo: A car uses heaps more than any console or gpu.
An ev uses 5 to 100 more than a standard high spec car.
Find a culprit that has always been abused like gaming.
Lupin! Lupin!
And how's that a reason to neg a deal?
something gone wrong already lol
Looks like it's gone
Was that even real?
Probably a bait for web traffic lol
What so stock expected from one of the scummiest retailers in Oz is a bargain ?
its more because they're so limited, a lot of people are grateful to be made aware of stock availability. but honestly i think you know this
It's one thing they can't jack up the price on…
And yes, ps5 its worth the price tag, awesome piece of tech.
Almost 4 months on and it doesn't miss a beat.
Is the Sony Playstation, 5 disc version, like one of those cool CD carousels?
Oh boy did I love my 50+1 disc player
Was posted on Facebook so went instantly
Of course with there 5 stock for the whole of Australia !
So in other words, the stock situation is improving.
This made me lol… :)
I got one via Twitter. Post alerts on Press Start Au.
It’s ironic the PS5’s slogan is ‘Play has no limits’ when stock is so limited everywhere.
I'm gonna allow this as a valid form of irony
Definitely a bargain, since you can't get it anywhere unless you pay 900+
OP just posted in the description that its not.
OP can say it is a chicken, doesn't make it so.
It's definitely OzB worthy
when boredom strikes comment.
It’s not a bargain but if it gets sold out within minutes, it helps some of us,who don’t use social media to get our hands on console. It’s definitely worth to be here as I have got my ps5 from posts similar to this one last week.
For me it was a bargain as stocks are low and demand is high.
I see a bargain as something that you cannot buy cheaper, or at the same price, anywhere else. So this PS5 was $749… please tell me where you can buy it cheaper? 'Second hand' market has these for over $749. RRP or not, you can't get it for this price anywhere else, so in my eyes it's worthy of a post.
I will wait for PS6
We will be dead by then
At this point I believe the PS5 is a myth. No way it's real.
My september 17 preorder agrees.
Ah… you're also one of the EBGames peeps on waiting list?
At least they say the "estimated release" is 31/12/2021.
Hopefully they're not being serious about that… lol
Half a day to preorder on announcement.
I've had 3 so far, if I can get 2 more I've got a freebie out of scalping. You need a script of some sort alerting you of stock to have any real chance of being fast enough.
How much do you make on a flip?
I make sure mine are the cheapest on marketplace - bring down the scalping price a bit hopefully. Normally around 110-150 per item so far.
HN had Disc version this morning followed by the Digital.
As poster above said, Twitter alerts is the best way.
I estimate a 10-15min window to buy each drop
This may sound really dumb - but who/what do I set the alert for on twitter? The retailers or is there something else
Press Start AU
PS5 Stock Alerts Australia
How is it this sells out faster then Xbox? Xbox has the better hardware and game pass and will have better exclusives in the future
Because Xbox has no games. The Xbox one and by extension series has been essentially “waitbox” for its entire gen.
Wait for 2015 E3
Wait for Scorpio/Xbox X
Wait for 2018 E3
Wait for Halo Infinite
Wait for game pass
*we are here
Wait for Bethesda games to come out
Wait for 2024
Wait for game pass games
Lol better exclusives? What because they bought Bethesda? Bethesda hasn’t released a good game since Skyrim…
Microsoft have yet to release a so called exclusive that is better than any PlayStation exclusive games so far.
The Xbox One X was also more powerful than the PS4 Pro with Game Pass, yet which one sold more?
Nintendo Switch is weak as piss, yet has already sold more than the Xbox in half the time…
Software > Hardware
Ah actually there are suggestions that the XB1X outsold the PS4P in the US, though I don't think anyone can confirm exact sales figures because Microsoft stopped publishing them once the original PS4 got ahead of the original XB1.
The other replies are pure nonsense. There is one major reason why the PS5 might outsell the XBSX/S and that is because of the existing fanbase. If PS4 sold more than double of XB1, then there's double the existing fanbase more likely to upgrade to PS5 than switch to XBSX.
Both new consoles perform more or less equivalently right now. Both consoles have very limited next-gen gaming as of Q1 2021 - at best they are cross-gen games. Both consoles are leaning heavily on performance upgrades for back-compat. The current console generation has years to go and nobody knows for sure which console will produce the best-received exclusives or show best hardward performance on true next-gen games.
Better exclusives like…??
Crackdown 3, Halo 5, sunset, Gears 5 and Ori are all unique at least it's better then generic linear over the shoulder or open world doing the same thing
Yeah God of War, Bloodborne, The Last of Us pt2, Horizon Zero Dawn, Uncharted 4 and Spider Man are just generic linear over shoulder terrible games….
Gears practically pioneered 3rd person shooters……
Did anyone actually enjoy Crackdown 3? Metacritic of 60 says no.
Sunset Overdrive I gave up on after a few hours due to a confusing movement skillset.
Halo 5 is Halo, you like it or you dont.
Ori was awesome.
I owned a Xbone (RIP) and a PC with Games Pass Ultimate. I bought a PS5 rather than an xbox se:x.
@Intoxicoligist: Crackdown 3…? Oh no he didn’t 🤣🤣 This man must be on crack
Crackdown 3 died before it even released and the only ones who pretended to enjoy it were die hard green eyed Xbox fanboys
And that’s the problem with the Xbox community, instead of standing up and label Crackdown 3 as garbage they do damage control and say it’s great. They then get more garbage games like it
Ori is the only good game on that list. But is it a system seller?
Exclusives are overrated
People want choice these days, and that’s what Xbox is providing over exclusives.
PC is offering choice. You can play xbox and PC games on it. Xbox is xbox only, and PS5 is PS5 only.
Xbox is offering choice by giving access to play Xbox Game pass games on PC…
@Danstar: you don't need an xbox for it though…. you could get a ps5 for ps games and a PC for PC games and xbox games….
It's microsoft btw, not xbox.
@Danstar: Yes, from Microsoft. Hence why you can run it on Windows PC. All current XBOX games run on PC. Through Windows. Microsoft Xbox.
@Danstar: Xbox is a service provided by microsoft for Xbox Consoles and Windows PC's.
An XBOX is a hardware device. Like a Windows PC.
@Danstar: It's for whatever system supports it. So Windows and Xbox….
It's why I play games on my Windows PC through Xbox game pass, and also through steam, and then play PS5 games on my PS5.
Damn.. Missed out on another $100 voucher! :P
Now the ps5 on Facebook market is about 765-800, so perhaps worth a try for those desperate
Which state. I'm in Qld and still $900-$1000
I've seen them go down a bit for us to disk versions ~$850 in the past week. Although I havent looked at many
Most of those were scams, you'd have to message a fake Facebook mobile phone shop page.. Facebook rife with them atm
Doubt it since Cex is still buying them for $850.
LOL. love these posts. equally love the "its nOT a bARgaiN" or "tHis is NoT deAL" whingers. now go neg meeeeeeeeee
No decent games released anyway
Exactly it’s peak FOMO consumerism. Wait until mid 2021 or later. I have a series X so im sorted for a while longer.
So basically you fell for the FOMO by buying a Series X? 🤣🤣
No, I was in the right spot at the right time when I purchased it. Otherwise I wouldn’t have been chasing after it
@Griffindinho: To be at the right spot at the right time, you’d have to go looking for it. It doesn’t just pop out of nowhere and end up in your cart like magic lol
It’s ok to though as we all suffer from ‘FOMO consumerism.’ I have just been diagnosed but there’s no treatment, they all out of stock
@Red Pandas: Nope. I never tried looking for a ps5 or even have alerts set up on my phone. I was at a shopping centre last December and found an Xbox series x. Not that difficult to comprehend. Btw before that I never even tried to pre-order both consoles.
Some people like to play old games in 60 fps and love the fast loading times.
PC can do that.
And probably better to wait them to address the first hardware issues spotted
If you didnt have a PS4 the Playstation Plus Collection that you get with PS5 offers a serious amount of gaming. God of War, The Last of Us, Days Gone, Ratchet and Clank as well as Bloodborne gives people who were on Xbox for a generation (or 2 in my case) to get a chance at playing some of the best exclusives of the past 10 years.
I'll just play the Xbox exclusives on my PC with Games Pass. I can't do that with PS5 games.
What will be quicker, OOS or somebody commenting OzRRP. Find out next time on DBZ…..