Looking at starting a gaming internet cafe. I was wondering if existing Internet Cafe owners could share what Internet Cafe Software they use. Also what internet plan they are on and how much it costs them each month. I was thinking of running it 24hr, with the option of closing after 2am if there aren't enough customers. Also some stories about starting up and any unexpected costs they ran across.
Starting an Internet Cafe, Looking for Advice from Internet Cafe Owners!

The reason I want to start one was I was killing some time while the wife was in the dentist. I went to both my old haunts and one had been closed for 2 years and the other just recently due to COVID because the international students are away.
Yeah I'm looking at a suburb which have had both cafe's close recently one due to COVID.So… If they've closed due to lack of business, you think it's a great idea to buy into one?
Wow… 😂
There must have been a leak of happy gas into the waiting room at the dentist :)
You just walked into two reasons why not to open a gaming cafe lol
Invest in sufficient ventilation, is my only advice
All the internet cafes that used to be around the CBD have vanished, and there's probably a reason why.
Yeah I know the International students are gone but I'm opening up just before borders will open for students midyear.
But majority of students will have laptops
And FTTP to most of the student accommodation places that international students tend to stay.
@spackbace: OP reminds me of one of the last video rentals in Victoria that I knew. The owner had to do a day job to feed his family and only opened the store late in the afternoons but the secret of it's survival was the location. It was right next to a retirement village and that is where he found their only customer base. Few years later even the oldies decided to move on and the store had to shut shop. Internet/gaming cafes were already heading in the way where video stores went and COVID was just the last nail in the coffin for the few who managed to survive somehow.
Those students don't go to cafes because they didn't already have laptops. They go there because they can solicalise or get more personal space because they live in crammed in 10 person shared apartments originally designed for 3 people.
The slow death of internet cafes predates COVID. You sink tens/hundreds of thousands of dollars into gaming rigs, how long will it take you to start turning a profit at $5/hour?
Imagine the electricity a decent gaming PC would eat up, and he'll have more than several (assuming they get regularly used by customers).
Mine with them when people aren't gaming…
There's still a huge one downstairs from the block of apartments I live in, in the middle of the CBD. I walked past it every time I leave my building and wonder how they have survived this long.
Maybe it's a front
Huh? There's quite a few in the CBD and new ones popping up. Seems to be quite popular.
It might
easiersafer to just open a 'gaming bar' with a handful of game consoles but also a small crew of staff members to serve cocktails and pizza. Throw in extras like board games / card games / arcade machines like Dance Dance Revolution / Claw games. And if you can afford it, maybe even Virtual Reality.Assuming you live in Sydney — most people here will already have access to high speed internet and probably a halfway decent gaming setup at home (either PC / console) and generally don't have the need to visit a PC-gaming focused internet cafe to enjoy games.
By and large Internet cafe's serve the utilitarian purpose of providing a high end rig and fast internet access (both of which becoming less sought after when people are spending money upgrading their rigs at home) so it's a good idea to provide a place where normies can socialize and not just target the hardcore gaming crowd.
The problem with anywhere with computers is I'd hate to think of the costs due to constant replacements. Think of the number of mice and keyboards you'd need to replace, not to mention the constant cleaning
Nice and keyboards are inexpensive
Pizza & DDR = perfect cocktail mixes. OP just have to stock up plenty of vomit bags. :D
Yeah there are a few businesses like that in Canberra (Reload, Guild)
Yeah scrimshaw I like this idea I think you are into something. Spawn Point is doing pretty well and is only open 3 days. I would do arcade/modern games and less retro and maybe table tennis and pool/foosball.
I reckon you'd have a better go with just doing a dedicated claw game business. Saw one at my local westfield and in sure there's still at least one in the CBD.
The ones ive seen overseas are not even staffed!
There was one in Haymarket but it closed and is now a Gong Cha
How about asking for a business plan and balance sheet to be gifted to you while you are at it …
Why would anybody help if you aren't competent enough to research these sorts of questions yourself?
Gamers already have better home setups, students have laptops and everybody else has phones :/
I knew someone opened an internet cafe 1 and a half year ago in Melbourne now closing down and he in big debt.
You better forget it.Problem is, with government being trigger happy on closing businesses whenever they want and many people trying to save as much as possible because majority's jobs aren't secure, why would I go to game at a cafe, when I can freely (literally) do it at home?
Why would you drink at a bar when you can drink at home
Why would you eat at a restaurant when you have food at home
Why would you go to the movies when you have a TV at homeThat pretty much describes 2020 for Victoria
Those who opens bars or restaurants, have bar or restaurant experience already. Those without experience crash and burn very quickly.
They also move with the times. Evolve, adapt.I wonder how much thought you've really given this business idea
Why would you drink at a bar when you can drink at home
People go to a bar for the social element. They want to hang out with other people, and meet new people (in real life). Also the convenience factor of not having to clean up, and not needing to go shopping to prepare (fancy cocktail ingredients for example)
Why would you eat at a restaurant when you have food at home
Generally people go to a restaurant to have better food that they could not (or don't want to) make at home. Also the convenience factor as mentioned above with not having to shop/prepare/clean.
Why would you go to the movies when you have a TV at home
The screen at a cinema is bigger, and the sound system better. Also they would (or at least used to) have access to new release movies that you shouldn't be able to get at home initially.
However your heart seems to be set on starting up this business, so follow your dreams.
Please watch this episode of south park and consider that buying into a business like that is like being Randy in this episode.
Should open up a blockbuster next door as well.
I also have a bridge you can buy whilst you're at it
What is the toll yield and ROI?
Bout tree fiddy
Strewth. I thought internet cafes starting dying their natural death the better part of 20 years ago?
If you really(x10000) want to open one, I can share what I learnt for opening one for 9 years before closing it in 2012. I recommend you have really think it through as there may just no market for it anymore. There is other better business you can do for $100k investment including buying and selling online.
Hospitality industry is dying and people just aren’t going out like they used to. If you have no experience in hospitality don’t do it. It sounds like you are more attached to the idea of owning a place but the business expenses will absolutely crush you.
I have experience in both hospitality and the gaming industry and it is not a business you just blindly walk into.
Invest in something else.
They can be tricky to run from a legal perspective, some end up turning into criminal places to do business. Had a local one that lasted barely 2 years, 'some' international students tend to run side businesses. You'll end up getting visits from the Feds, wanting to check out your security camera footage regularly.
How about a Boyd/wfh kind of cafe where they would use the space/fttp to get away from home to work/study/play games
Internet cafe is so redundant with smart devices in your pocket
Lol are you a troll?
Do more research. Best to you.
Im not going to talk some sence into you. Your nuts.
this or a high yield bmw..
You keep mentioning international students…. internet cafes were dead a long time ago. Covid has nothing to do with it.
Interesting, was just discussing with friends the other day about the lack of internet cafes, and their lack of popularity…
Kinda seems like buying into a music CD store these days
You won't appeal to the pros, as they care more about the hardware and internet speed (which you'd never be able to fit in a reasonable budget), and the amateurs have their own, or a console, and can play in their own house.
I gather you've visited a few to see how quiet or busy they are?