Credit Card Application and Joint Mortgage

Could anyone please advise about how to apply for a credit card (as a single applicant) when a joint mortgage is involved?
On previous applications, the following expense categories were halved: joint expenses, mortgage repayments, mortgage loan.

Track record is 2/2 (single applicant) applications rejected in 2y. Only one application, so far, was accepted (joint application with wife). But really would like to apply on my own.

I do understand that it could be unrelated to the inputted values and could be any number of reasons e.g. credit score/report, no. of previous soft/hard credit checks (not many/next to none tbh)

Wondering if indeed it's related to the expenses being halved, if I'm doing this wrong?

Happy to hear your thoughts.


  • Are you trying to get a 2nd credit card with the same financial institution ?

    They have all your financial info for the mortgage and your joint credit card, its very difficult to get a 2nd card unless your finances are fantastic.
    They much prefer you to change the available credit limit on your existing card. Its all about if you can service the debt.

    • Thanks garetz.
      Looking to get a card with a 3rd party lender, mainly to get bonus points. Not interested in the card linked to the mortgage, as I can't get the bonus points (dont qualify as I've previously held a card with them in the last 12 months).

      Likely i will either cancel the mortgage credit card or not apply for it.

  • I feel like this shouldn't be so difficult….
    Is your issue insufficient income to support a second credit card?

    • I agree, it shouldn't be so difficult. Perhaps you're right as I applied for the ANZ FF black, which has a hefty $15k minimum limit. However I did satisfy the income requirement (min $75k)

      • They'll also take into account all other debts, including your mortgage and expenses. Perhaps try for lower cards with a lower minimum limit.

        • Good idea, thank you

  • +1

    ANZ has the most sophisticate application ever, they ask you about your spending in 15 different ways, sometimes even their staff don't know how to explain all the spending without duplicating.

    Forget ANZ, waste of time. Go with Westpac much easier

    • I agree, there were far too many expense categories

  • +1

    If you have cards that you don't use, cancel them. It's your total possible debt that is being assessed = credit card limits + mortgage.

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