Hi guys
Tldr: Food truck has set up shop down the road in western Sydney suburb - littering has increased dramatically - owner is not doing his part. Options?
EDIT: thanks everyone for lots of ideas but also confirmation that they have to do their part here. Just checked out the area and they have definitely cleaned up the area - removed, cups and cans - so talking to them and eating there has definetly helped. Just tidies and torn up receipts now - not that much of an eyesore and also a nightmare to pick up. They've put a sign up: 'DO NOT park in neighbors driveway' after this queenslander who moved in across the road had a bit of a freak out 🤣
We live in a row of cottages and on the corner of our street a food truck set up shop on a disused car lot. It's a major busy Sydney road.
The food truck is doing well - which is great - 5-6 people have jobs over there. The patrons unfortunately are chucking cups, cans, bottles, plates, receipts out the windows of their cars and in two weeks the street's turned into a dump. It was actually pretty tidy before as residents were looking after it). Some of their stuff is even making it into our garden (plastic bags).
I've spoken to the owner and he said he can only tell the people to not litter (which he doesn't). I suggested they should clean up once a day. He wasn't enthused and they pick up rubbish once a week, but are not very thorough.
The residents of our row of 5 cottages usually pick up rubbish when they see it - but their shit is too much and I feel this might have kicked off a downward spiral.
Not only are the patrons thrashing the place, in the eyes of one of my neighbours, they're casting a bad light on the ethnicity of the patrons (98% of their customers). Another neighbour has actually gotten into a fight with a guy who parked in his driveway.
EDIT: did a bit of digging as advised by some of the users here and found a form they need to fill out. Bottom right of page 2 states some of the waste responsibilities of the owner. We' re just about 10meters from the location but patrons park all the way down the street.
Littering is in fashion?