Looking at buying a house in Sydney's Northern Beaches… will be my first 'house' purchase, but certainly not my first property purchase.
The agent has provided a Building and Pest report (pay $99 upfront and the balance being $299 if you are the eventual buyer), just wondering if there is any reason not to trust a report provided by the seller? For example if the house has building issues, could the reporter omit this information on behalf of the seller?
Basically wondering if i should ignore the one provided by the vendor/agent and go and source my own… Of course if I'm not the successful bidder, i'll have paid $400 when i could have just gotten away with $99… but certainly would be happy to lose $400 if it avoids being lumped with structural/pest issues that the vendor's report hid!
Get your own. In Canberra the seller has to provide the report with the buyer to pay for it if they proceed with the purchase (so it is normal and building inspectors do their job without trying to be biased to the seller) but not in Sydney. That's not normal. Feels dodgy to me.
If they weren't being dodgy there's no reason for you to have to pay upfront for it (even if only partially) when you haven't committed to buying