• expired

Free Rideshare for COVID-19 Frontline Workers To Vaccine Appointments (Workplace ID required) @ DiDi Australia


Looks like some little encouragement for people to take the vaccine


To say thanks, we’ll go the extra mile for Australians getting the COVID-19 vaccine during Phase 1a by offering safe and reliable rides to vaccination appointments for free.

Check your eligibility and apply for DiDi’s Vaccinate programme below.

To help the priority populations access Australia’s COVID-19 vaccination program, DiDi has created ‘DiDi Vaccinate’ a programme offering two free rides for anyone in Phase 1a travelling to get vaccinated. It’s our way of saying thank you..

Eligible Persons under Phase 1a:
• Quarantine and border workers and all staff working in the hotel quarantine program
• Frontline healthcare worker sub-groups for prioritisation
• Aged care and disability care staff
• Aged care and disability care residents

Check the National Rollout Strategy for Phase 1a eligibility

What you’ll need to complete this form:
• Information about your work
• An image of your workplace identification card. (your full name must be visible in the same image)

Referral Links

DiDi: random (328)

Referrer & referee get 2 x $10 ride vouchers

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closed Comments

  • +39

    Oh damn, gunna need some popcorn for this thread

      • +19

        The US not even thinking of return instead ripped those local small restaurants off.

      • +1

        Interesting, what does non-china Uber do here?

      • +4

        why not make it: How dare the Asians are breathing my anglo saxon air?

      • +1

        Lol. You know what. The founder of OzBargain is Chinese as well. https://www.linkedin.com/company/ozbargain/about/
        Oh sorry.. you are a loser and never use LinkedIn.

    • +22

      The antivaxxers are going to be out in full force. Expect a lot of negs as their feelings are hurt.

    • +13

      This feels like the type of thread where you need to spend your 5 negs wisely.

    • You won't need as much as you think though, after a few drop like flies.

    • I can give you a free ride to the popcorn shop?

  • I want my vaccine now not in 6 months

  • +7

    Vaccine AND a Chinese company? These comments are going to be wild

  • Sinovac vaccine?

  • +37

    "Didi Chuxing Technology Co., formerly named Didi Dache and Didi Kuaidi, is a Chinese vehicle for hire company headquartered in Beijing"

    An image of your workplace identification card. (your full name must be visible in the same image)

    Ummm…. no thanks…

    • +27

      Hey jv start your own rideshare service. Call it jvjv

      • +7

        jvjv, do u love me~

      • +1

        Ummm…. no thanks…

      • +1

        A fleet of tuk-tuks ?

        • A fleet of whatever you like jv CEO.

      • or the other way around….

    • You should use term 'no thanks' only if you are eligible to choose 'yes'. Are you qualified as 'Frontline Workers'?

  • +6

    Gimme the sputnik

    • +7

      It's just a concentrated shot of vodka

      • +4

        I'll take two then.

      • Skol handsanitiser it's basically the same thing *

        • Don't do it. It's not
    • +17

      OK i'll bite. They say that the rollout will be completed by October. Which means that all the places that will be getting the vaccine in stock (Hospitals, GPs, Chemists etc.) will have it by October. It's like saying the PS5 rollout will be completed by 2021. Not everyone wants a PS5 but it will be available to all who want it.

      • +38

        I agree, the government should give everyone a PS5.

        • for everyone who gets the vaccine?

        • Yeah but then there would be a bunch of Wackos saying ‘I don’t believe in PS5s I want an XBOX !’

        • +1

          They pretty much did with Jobkeeper and double dole.

    • +7

      Critical of ScoMo and accusing others of fake news. Username checks out.

    • And because you cant get vaccinated, you cant travel internationally. Hurray for more restrictions.

      If you dont want to get vaccinated, you wont be able to travel anyways.

    • +7

      They aren't aiming for a literal 100% vaccination rate. They know some people will reject it for various reasons, some medically legitimate, while others based on conspiracy theories.

      "Rollout complete" probably means something more like "We'll have finished the vast majority of what we want to achieve".

      • +14

        Sounds like the NBN

    • I love how the fake news media are going on about how the "vaccine rollout will be completed by October".

      Curious. The news from my state's health department is November, but that doesn't mean "everyone" as there will be catchup years to come.

      • +1

        Chances are there will be 2nd and 3 rounds of new vaccines because the variants will still keep coming for a long time.

        • Yeah that's how it's heading.

    • -1

      ahem ahem - is this DJT?

    • Pete Evans is who i go to for real fake news media anyways


      I love the irony of that stupid term

    • +1

      No idea why the neg fest. You are right. It sounds as if come October it'll all be done. Even when they say rollout there will be plenty of people reading that as meaning everyone got the shot.

  • +3


    • +4


    • +1

      Do your research. The vaccine has been developed since 2003 when the original SARS virus came out. All that’s happened in the last 12 months is they’ve honed in on COVID-19

    • +2

      Generally if there are issues it's found in very short term (days after injection) or medium term (up to 6 months after).

      The vaccines for covid are reaching the 6 month mark and no reported side-effects have been linked.

      There is always the tiny risk with people who may have a preexisting condition and there may be cases of people dying after the injection, but the majority of the time these deaths are not caused by the injection but we're going to occur anyway.
      These risks are no different to taking a panadol and someone's body rejecting paracetamol because of a rare condition.

      • "The vaccines for covid are reaching the 6 month mark and no reported side-effects have been linked."


    • +3

      Well, look at it the other way - we don't know what the long term side effects of having COVID are going to be, either.

    • +5

      they stated it hasnt been proven to stop spreading -
      and also it stops people dying. i think thats a pretty fair vaccince?

    • +3

      You should learn how vaccines work.

      Only a small number of vaccines stop a virus completely, called Sterilising Immunity.

      The majority of vaccines prevent symptoms and slow the spread of the virus.
      This is what the current COVID vaccines do, so you will still get the virus, but the body is armed with the knowledge to fight it thanks to the vaccine so you generally won't know you have it, your body will fight it off and you won't spread it.

      • Why won't it spread? Current meta is that it spreads while symptomless and that is part of the reason this virus has been so difficult.

        • +3

          I should have said will slow the spread, not stop completely, although that is the aim.

          But if you're not sneezing, coughing or wiping a runny nose it generally means you're keeping your germs to yourself, to a degree.

          Plus you will be rid of the virus sooner, typically, so less time for it to spread.

  • +1

    This offer is such a weird PR I feel like maybe 25 people would actually do it…

    • +12

      Therefore excellent PR. Coverage without having to do anything.

  • +3

    in b4 anti vax

  • -2

    I'll only get the one injection vaccine…..Even my gaol mates only get to inject me once

  • -5

    Okay so like Getting the vaccine now is a little bit experimental. This vaccine has been rushed in one year we don't really know the long term effects of this. Health care professionals say its okay but they cant really explain what will happen in 5 years time. The initial trials show no side affects but we don't know the long term affects until its too late.
    Anti Vax or Pro Vax should both be concerned about this vaccine. 1 year of trials is very short! Even long term researched vaccines still have side affects, it is rare but happens. These have been researched for a long time and still aren't 100% safe/perfected. This is my biggest concern about getting the jab. Of course the most important thing is its your decision to choose to get it or not. Don't wanna start a war just putting out my opinion, peace ✌

    • -2

      That's exactly why my friends,family including me will not be taking the jab. We won't be anyone's guinea pig.

      As for our choice to get the jab, I don't think so. I can see the government implementing a no jab, no work to force our hand. Only time will tell

      • Well its an abuse on human rights to force someone to take something they don't want. There will be riots if the government tries to force everyone to vaccinate. They don't want riots do they? I don't but it could possibly come down to that.

        • -2

          Riots 😂😂😂 please Aussie's have turned to jelly.

          Riots should of happened when they made masks mandatory especially during the long lockdown in melbourne

      • -1

        Another thing I can't figure out is why people are so keen to get the Pfizer or Moderna jabs.
        They do not prevent you from getting the virus.
        They do not prevent from spreading the virus.
        They are not traditional vaccines, they do not use an inactivated virus.
        The only thing the mRNA treatments do is lessen mild symptoms.
        You still have to wear a mask.
        You still have to social distance.
        Some of the side effects include blindness, deafness, prions disease, bell's palsy, death. https://www.openvaers.com/covid-data?start=10
        All this for a virus with survival rate of 99.75% if left untreated.

        Please explain your downvotes. Educate me.

        • They do not prevent you from getting the virus.
          They do not prevent from spreading the virus.

          From what I understand they did not set out to test if it did prevent infection or spreading, so your statement maybe correct if proven but its not proven yet.

          Results from Israel so far has been promising …

          "Data analysis in a study by the Israeli Health Ministry and Pfizer Inc found the Pfizer vaccine developed with Germany’s BioNTech reduces infection, including in asymptomatic cases, by 89.4% and in syptomatic cases by 93.7%."


          • -1

            @ozcheese: Data from Israel.

            Do you believe everything announced in main stream media?

    • +5

      I'll be taking one for the team in phase 1b. I'll have to report back later in the year.

    • +18

      this 1 year trial has had more funding, more research, more volunteers than any vaccine added together.
      if the base of the vaccine and the foundation of the vaccine is based off another vaccine then you can roughly know the safety profile.

      would you buy/ try anything new? what if it has xxx issue 10, 15, 20 years down the track?

      • +3

        I get that it has lots of funding but research and trials are based around time and money. Of course the money is there but the time is lacking

        • +4

          Did you hesitate when 3g or 4g and 5g is being introduced? What if it causes you to have long term dry skin in 50 yrs ? Oh no.

          Can you also link to a past vaccine that has so much data on it? So much pre, post and current trial and vacc data ?

          And if you were to look up mRNA vaccine and the science behind it, you'll understand the so called "long term" risk that you're trying to link them with.

          • @astarman: ah dude all that 3g, 4g and 5g stuff never got into that. I personally think its ridiculous. Only possibility is quickens the onset of cancer but I'm a little skeptical of that theory. So no didn't hesitate for the rollout of that stuff.

            Back to the vaccine. The mRNA vaccine is highly experimental I won't go into too much detail on this forum. But I find it a little concerning this is the first time we have had a vaccine that works like this and its gonna be used to vaccinate a lot of people. We are talking about this globally. Imagine if these vaccines cause cancer 5 years down the track, just as an example, it probably wont but lets just say it does. We will literally wipe out a large proportion of the globe. This is why its critical we get this right because this will have a global consequence, like this is huge if we don't get it right!

            It will defeat the purpose of the vaccine which is meant to save people from COVID-19.

            • +3

              @RetroMetro: mRNA is not "highly experimental"
              they didnt just invent this technology in Feb 2020.
              It has been years or research and development, but lacked the urgency and funding to push it for completion.
              you seem to choose what theory youre skeptical to. lets say "if" in 5 years a large portion of the globe is wiped from the vaccine. but if you dont take a vaccine now, a larger portion will be wiped away now.

              fortunately for you as well, you will only have the chance to take the viral vector vaccine, aka oxford. aint no mRNA for you there :)

              • +2

                @astarman: Well like I don't think a large proportion of people will die from Covid, the survival rate is like 99.75% or something around that value. We've probably had more people die from suicide than covid in 2020 due to lockdown. Its not healthy to keep everyone isolated from each other yet its for the benefit of our health. If the virus had a survival rate of 90% I would be more concerned and willing to take the vaccine ASAP to save lives including my own.
                If I had to take a vaccine I would probably take the Oxford one, not the mRNA one cause its first vaccine ever using it.

                • -1

                  @RetroMetro: Should we look at survival rate if countries where covid has taken over their hospital systems?
                  Didn't a report come out in Melbourne, suicide rate decreased in 2020?

                  So now you're saying you will take the vacc. Cos I doubt you'll be taking pfizer.

                  But yes take the vacc, to support your suicide argument

                  • +2

                    @astarman: I never said I was gonna take vaccine please read what I actually said. I said if 'I had to take it'.

                    I also have my opinion on the media and what comes out but you are pretty much gonna disagree with everything I say so there is no point talking super in depth. In terms of your arguments you take your evidence from mainstream media which is why everything you say makes total sense but the way I see it is absolute nonsense. Like the buzzwords with covid are overwhelming hospitals, protect the elderly, flattening the curve, lockdown, deadly disease, new strain. Sounds convincing but use reason and something starts to sound really off about this whole situation. The fact that the survival rate is 99.75% or something around there, sounds really strange why they are going through so much effort to contain this "deadly virus". My two cents on this okay but don't try attack someone cause you don't like what they say like I said at the start I don't wanna start a war.

                    You see my arguments as a suicide argument but I see yours as a blind follower of the media.

                • @RetroMetro: I'm going with the Oxford one too. Less effective, but more like the standard flu jab.

    • +6

      That’s great saves doses for us

    • yeah if you ever believe anti vaxxars you are a moron

      • -3

        Let me guess. Your the type of person that thinks the masks stop you from getting covid or reduces the chances of getting it 😂😂😂

        We wore masks in Melbourne for months and covid rates were going higher by the week instead of coming down

        • let me guess, you are a dumbass who never went to University and likes to spread his hot takes as if he's the expert in every topic


    • +24

      The vaccines we have now were synthesized 48 hours after the covid-19 genome was mapped back in February 2020. The period between then and now has been spent evaluating vaccine effectiveness and safety across countless well-funded trials. It's not like any "shortcuts" have been taken in developing these vaccines, it's just that global governments are funding and streamlining the process. They're not using any experimental vaccine fillings or mediums that we haven't used before, and the mRNA vaccines we have now are the safest to date, as they use inert protein structures found in covid-19 as opposed to inactivated viruses. The only side-effects we have seen are the expected allergic reactions or strong immune responses in a small number of people across hundreds of millions.

      There is a LOT riding on these vaccines being effective. Politicians and world leaders were amongst the first to receive it, and we are in the midst of vaccinating the entire world to eradicate the virus (not the first time we've done this) - the only reason the vaccines have taken this long is because we needed to be 110% sure of their safety. Nothing in these vaccines remains in your body for a long period of time, there isn't an avenue for long-term unexpected issues.

      I think some skepticism is healthy, especially when we are all concerned for the health of ourselves and our loved ones. But refusing the jab and putting members of your community at risk by impeding the herd immunity initiative is not really fair to all those who have died thus far and never got the chance to be vaccinated, and the frontline workers around the world who have often given their lives to slow down the spread and damage of virus to get us where we are now - our one shot at eliminating covid-19 before it mutates further.

      • +10

        People think this is a rushed vaccine

        Maybe the focus should be on why other vaccines aren't rushed and funded like this ?

        The medical research world has proven if funded properly then research and vaccines can be made faster…

    • +14

      Don't worry.. like most things. The majority will be doing the heavy lifting for those too precious/opinionated to do their bit.

      Minor side effects like a sore arm and possible headache are nothing compared to the long term effects of covid on the human body.

    • +7

      It's good to be careful, but it's not experimental and it's not 'rushed'. A vaccine needed to be develop and we're lucky there's something, rather than nothing.

      Also, if you think about it, if you're going to get all of the frontline medical work force vaccinated, you wouldn't want them having significant problems/issues. There's no logic in killing your first line of defence.

      Just my opinion.

    • -4

      Remember when all the old people in Norway died after getting the shot. Then so many people on this site said the who investigated and they would have died anyway due t o age and death rate.

      Then a week later a who scientist said corona virus may have come from Australia.

      • +2

        Came from Australia? According to whom???

        • who?

    • +1

      You're an uppity one. Your opinion on this is unfounded nonsense with zero relation to the facts.

      • I'm not being uppity more concerned. Also you don't agree with someone doesn't mean you have to try insult, that's how you lose an argument

    • -1

      This vaccine has been rushed in one year we don't really know the long term effects of this.

      Comeoooonnnnnn zombie apocalypse! Living in a real one rather than watching films, series or animations based on this would be epic!

  • +1

    I’m booked in next week for my shot

    Travelling Sydney airport to Liverpool hospital for it

    They’ll drive me for free??

    • With that distance, good luck on getting a safe driver who doesn't drive like a vomitmobile.

      • Yeh good point. I think I’d rather just get the train

  • I doubt that Aged care and disability care residents will have a workplace identification card.

    Then again, I'm yet to find any information about when or how the vaccination programme is rolling out (apart from a high level phased approach). Unless you are in a photo opportunity.

    Does the government advise me when I am able to get vaccinated? Is that the Feds or the State?
    Do I need to arrange my own vaccination, or will someone allocate me a time / location?

    • +1

      Depends on which category you're in.

      If you're at risk the government, either state or local will contact you and arrange a time.

      If you're not in a high risk category it's likely you'll have to book your own appointment after a certain time. But the details are still being confirmed.

      • Thanks.
        Wasn't there supposed to be a multi-million $ campaign by the Feds to get this info out?
        I can identify which 'phase' I am in, but there isn't a timeline or a process outline.

        • They haven't started full-scale general public rollout yet. Pfizer is in early rollout and isn't likely to make it past health, quarantine and aged/other care centres any time soon with the limited supply. The big public rollout is the AZ vaccine which is likely to be via pharmacists and GPs, hundreds of thousands of doses a week, maybe a million a week as that is what CSL is going to make, but that rollout is still a few weeks away.

          No doubt the advertising blitz will start ratcheting up in a few weeks.

          • @CookieJacker31: Thanks.
            I just heard a Fed parliamentarian say that the first 'phase' will take six weeks. Not sure if he was speaking from a place of knowledge, or if he was supposed to say that, but to me that seems to be a long time before the next 'phase' even starts.

    • I saw some pic maybe it was on reddit that in qld the vaccine roll-out was in LNP electorates.

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