Hello fellow OZB'ers,
I'm looking to move from my beloved Pixel 3XL (great phone, have loved it) to the new iPhone 12. When I bought the 3xl Google were offering unlimited original quality photo storage. Apart from the obvious storage advantages the integration with the phone itself was great. I believe they have changed this part of the deal and I would love if someone who knows what the changes are could summarise them for me!
My question is that if I move to iPhone is there a particular 'hack' or work-around where I can still utilise the storage capabilities of my Pixel. I remember reading somewhere you can use your Pixel as a 'server' or something to that affect. Can anyone shed light on this? Or has succeeded?
Additionally, what is the integration between Google Photos and IOS like - it is perfect with the Pixel phone but want to know what other people's experiences are like?
I would love to keep my photos original quality. Is it too much to have my cake and eat it too?
you can install Google Photo to on iphone and it can still do automatic backup.