I see many posts about tutoring, and then this SMH article yesterday about money not being able to buy grades and gave the example of Hurstville. (Blind Freddy can see a linear relationship, and the comments re Hurstville vs North Shore Suburbs are insightful).
If you had tutoring in your primary/secondary years, did it help you or hinder you in your later education, career, life, etc.? How did it?
My parents explored tutoring for me in late high school (but I didn't want or need it - I'm not a rote memory student; I'm also a lifelong learner and prefer studying by myself and do so to this day with my broad personal interests) and I won't be sending my kids to tutoring (I plan to send them to a play based school for primary).
*Neutral option (leaving aside the financial cost to your parents and opportunity cost for you such as less play time)
Doesn't work for everyone.
Society focuses too much on standardised academics but nobody wants to admit that tradies make more than most university graduates these days. The smarter we get (just answering standardised questions) the dumber we get (can't problem solve).