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2 Pack of Fortis 24kg Smart Adjustable Dumbbells $249 Delivered @ Kogan


Pretty good price for a pair of adjustable dumbells, and a great saving on delivery charge.


Two dumbbells, for two arms!

If you have two arms, chances are you probably want to work both at once. That’s why we’ve created our great value 2 Pack of the Fortis 24kg Smart Adjustable Dumbbell!

Don’t clutter the house with dumbbells!

Lifting dumbbells is a classic and effective way of strengthening your upper body and while dumbbells are great for working out, a complete set of traditional dumbbells are expensive and takes up valuable space in your home.

With the convenient Fortis 24kg Smart Adjustable Dumbbell you’ll enjoy the functionality of 15 weights in 1 easily compact and adjustable device – it’s as simply as turning the dial!

Equivalent to 15 different weights, the Dumbbell enables you to gradually increase your strength and weights for different exercises quickly without wasting time or energy between sets! When you’re done, it’s a matter of placing out of the way – no need to invest in expensive weight stands.

Simply turn the dial to change weights

With the Fortis 24kg Adjustable Dumbbells, just one dumbbell is all you need to work out, for any fitness level at any intensity. Simply place the Dumbbell on the rack, turn the dial to adjust the weight and lift to work out!

Weight increments are (in kg); 2.5, 3.5, 4.5, 5.5, 6.5, 8, 9, 10, 11.5, 13.5, 16, 18, 20.5, 22.5, 24.

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closed Comments

  • +7

    Have to admit it is a good deal. Still can't forget Kogan was trying to scam people with 'Don't pay $1198', "Only $999' in the description…

    …Always wary anytime 'Kogan' is mentioned.

  • +3

    anyone recommend these

    • Here is a review on Bowflex SelectTech 552 Dumbells(nytimes.com), which I believe a clone of this dumbell.

    • -3

      $10/kg that's the price of strawberrys. All I can say is they better be smart and not dumb bells.
      20kg concrete bag $4.59 @ bunnings.

      • +4

        Quick math…$249 for 48kg actually.
        Good luck changing your bag of concrete between weights quickly, not to mention cleanly.

      • -1

        buy the blob - 30 kg each and fit on a standard bar. Been training with these for deadlift and farmers walk through gym closed lockdown. Cheap way to use lots of weight.

    • +1

      I'm also interested to know about the reliability of adjustable dumbbells. I heard a common fault is the bearing seizing and locking.

  • +2

    Good price with free shipping. Careful doing overhead exercises though. These are also not ideal for those who like to drop weights as the mechanism that holds it all together is not fantastic, even in the middle road brands . You really want to place them down quite gently.

  • $213.98 when using amazon via Kogan with free shipping

    • For 1.

    • seems like the amazon listing is only for one dumbbell?

  • +1

    this is 10 dollars ($10) a kilo. nope, I can't, won't, don't recommend.

    • +3

      It's 24kg x 2 though, making it $5.19/kg

      • -4
        • +1

          ^fwiw I got this deal last time it was on special.
          If it wasn’t for my worry the quick lock mechanism in OP was going to fail I woulda went that instead.

          The dshop set I find the spin lock at the end come loose very easily, and because the bit where the plates load is so long, you kind of have to offset the alignment when doing two arm exercise like bench or ohp. And super set with progressive overload and under load, quickly? FORGETTTTT ABOUT IT.

        • Spin lock collars are terrible and a PITA. At least get the quick release collars

    • +1

      EDIT: beat me to it

  • Devastated, doesn't ship to Tassie :(

    • It said it doesn't when I put postcode in on the item page, but let's me add to cart and the put tas address in and hasnt said no yet, haven't put in card details yet tho

      • I've got a popup which says product is not available in your selected address. However, the confirm and pay button is not greyed out…hmm.

  • +1

    If you don’t lift then maybe these will do you, 10kg for $24.99


    • +1

      Agreed. And if you need extra weight just get some at kmart at around $2.5/kg, or even less on gumtree.

  • Thanks for the post

  • -4

    If you're a true ozbargainer you'll go to gumtree and get weights at $2/kg. But I guess if you're lazy you can pay this absurd price.

    • I applaude you for negging a Kogan deal, but sometimes a true ozbargainer like me likes to be treated with all the money saved from scrounging around, wearing clothes made from discarded supermarket hessian potato sacks, or my shoes, which were 95cents each, but on 2nd looks are simply Home Brand tissue boxes.

  • +1

    This is a pretty good price for these dumbbells. But I'm not very comfortable doing any overhead exercises with these knowing how the weights are held by a delicate mechanism.

    I've been waiting for Ironmaster.

  • +1

    These are really good I have them, best for medium or light weight. I don't know how people lift 24kg? mucho, mucho man, I wanna be a mucho man!

    • Macho*

      • Much of a muchness

        • ok apay2000 ;-)

  • +2

    I have these and wouldn't really recommend them. I spent way too long fighting the mechanism to get the weight I wanted. I ended up just buying individual weights and they're much more comfortable

  • Interesting reading the comments. I have these and I recommend.

    I’ve had them for a couple of years, I have never stressed about dong overhead exercises. Maybe I should :)

    I did have a time where the mechanism was hard to change (after not using for a while) after a hit with Inox they were moving freely again.

    I still prefer a proper gym with individual weights, but at home these are perfect if you don’t need more than 24kg.

  • +1

    Also, if you’re a new user use code APPLOVE for $5 off. This has free shipping without the code as is.

  • I've been paying for gym membership despite not having gone in the last 1.5 years, what a waste.

    I just bought this on impulse too.

    The adjustable bench to go with it (via Dick Smith for $20 Latitude + something cheap).

  • +1

    Paid twice as much for these during covid :(

    These are pretty good if you have a small home gym area and don't have a lot of space (or money) for an entire rack of dumbbells.

    They're not as good as just having individual dumbbells though. The main flaw is no matter the weight, it's still the same size so for the lighter weights so they can kind of get in the way on same exercises.

  • I have had the original Nautilus brand of these for 15 years, used consistently and they're still going.

    They're my favourite home gym item. I love that I have just two dumbbells doing the job of a whole rack of them, which is what you would need if you want to be able to change weights in a few seconds (a set with removable plates is a pain to change weights on repeatedly).

    The only wear they're showing is a very small sliver of plastic plate covering has broken off a plate which was my fault for 15 years of clanging them together at the top of the arc of chest flys.

    If the clones are half as long lasting they're a good buy, mine cost 700 back then.

    • I remember buying the Nautilus with the stand for $400 so many years ago, from the regular price of $800+, from Rebel Sport.

  • Paid $359 shipped two weeks ago, dammit! Good deal, decent adjustable weights.

  • Pleased to report it was less than 2 days shipping. Very well packed and 100x less janky than I thought it would be.

    • Hey mate, just wondering if you think these are worth it?

      • Yes but only if used responsibly. For easy for a weight to dislodge and hurt you when doing anything over body or overhead. Eg shoulder press or bench press

        • Thanks mate, that worries me a bit because I would use them for overhead presses

          • @donkcat: I check mine very thoroughly before during and after sets. Also I put them down very gently and actively try to not hit them together on contracting during overhead press or bench.

            • @Jimothy Wongingtons: Thanks, I've bought them, I've never been one to throw weights around at all, but I do find it hard not to bang together at the top of a bench or military press, will try and be careful, the thought of a heavy plate landing on head is a bit off putting lol

              • @donkcat: Im personally thinking about trying to fit off some quick release chain or something to provide a smudge more protection. Even though the plates are only about 2-3kg each its no joke if one falls on your head from a distance…

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