- MGO 50+
- Contains at least 50mg per kg of methylglyoxal (MGO)
100% New Zealand Multifloral Manuka Honey 500g $13.98 @ ALDI

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Any references?
if you want to read the PDF
Out of the abstract
"After 8 h of in vitro digestion, only 5–20% of the initial methylglyoxal was recovered. This indicates that dietary MGO is rapidly degraded during the digestion process in the intestine and, therefore, exerts no influence on the MGO level in vivo."
it works great on mouth ulcer too.
So what's the best honey then? Local producers that sell it around $15/kg?
I'm not personally a fan of the taste of manuka.
It's 100% down to personal taste. $15/kg is a reasonable price, that's around what I charge though I'm purely a hobbyist.
Taste wise, I prefer metropolitan area honey. You tend to get a far greater mix of flowers from parks, peoples gardens etc. I find that many of the single variety honeys can be rather overpowering.
I like the single species dominant honeys, so much variety in tastes. It is hard to get bored when the flavour keeps changing.
Funnily enough if people actually bothered to read up on the active compound they would realise its a terrible idea to actually have any additional amount of it circulating your body.
MGO is formed as part of your bodies regular processes and is generally a bad compound.
It promotes aging, and is often associated with degenerative diseases and diabetes sufferers have more of it floating around their blood causing problems. Higher blood serum levels are also associated with atherogenesis (heart diseases basically).
Are you saying MGO is sugar?
I'm confused by your statement and the link.
-MGO becomes an Advanced Glycation End-product (bad stuff for most cells)
-MGO is a by-product of glycolysis (cellular respiration - making energy)
-Table sugar is 50% glucose/50% sucrose.
-More glucose means more production of ATP - which is more cellular respiration
So I suppose to some degree increased consumption of sugar increases cellular MGO levels…
Its probably more a case of high consumption of carbohydrates/sugar -> more glycolysis in the cells -> more potential MGO formation -> more cellular aging through Maillard reactions.
Its the same reaction that makes white bread into tasty toast and a good "crust" on steak.
Edit: Seems someone has already tested that hypothesis and it appears to be true, increased consumption of sugar led to increased MGO in blood and heart tissue
Administration of a high-fructose diet (60% w/w) to rats for nine weeks increases serum and adipose MGO while impairing adipose insulin sensitivity
I’ve got no horse in the race, this is just me googling because I had no idea what any of those terms meant, and saw this…
Research suggests that Methylglyoxal contained in honey does not cause an increased formation of advanced glycation end products (AGEs) in healthy persons. (Has 2 journal citations, but no links on the page)
Yes but if you read what I wrote it wasn't about MGO in honey, it was about MGO created by the body.
MGO in Manuka is irrelevant because virtually none of it gets into the bloodstream/in vivo (hence why consumption of MGO doesn't increase AGEs, because the stuff is almost completely broken down in the stomach)
@Telios: Yeah, fair enough; I definitely saw other text about MGO being a precursor to AGEs, but it was all in journal articles.
thanks mate
I loves the taste…gona get some for sure… thx OP
Why would you want to buy this?
Multifloral Manuka Honey
Mānuka honey is a monofloral honey produced from the nectar of the mānuka tree, Leptospermum
Bees probably got bored. SSDD.
Is this good for digestive disorders or any honey is ok?
MGO 50+ is way to low, don't waste your money.
Too low for what?
Manuka Honey
For the intelligent Chinese connoisseur my friend
This stuff is shilled at international airports like you wouldn't believe.
They've even been negging our analysis which was purely scientific and informative.
I've seen jars at airports selling at over $100/kg. Almost as expensive as an airport Mars bar!
Remember, if you're eating it, the MGO level is completely irrelevant. Its antibacterial qualities are only relevant for external wounds and maybe sore throats. Once it gets into the stomach the things the Manuka NZ marketing team claim are beneficial get destroyed by your digestive system.
I get asked if I test my honey here in WA. I don't bother as it's not worth the expense and my levels are too variable. Down south, the plants the bees feed on mean they can easily produce honey with far higher levels of the "magical" ingredient, we've just not got a multimillion dollar marketing campaign backing producers here.
If you like the taste of Manuka honey, go for it, just don't blindly accept the marketing fluff.