Found this on Aliexpress in case anyone was interested.
Don't forget 5% cashback.(Shopback tracked $1.77 within 10 minutes)
Found this on Aliexpress in case anyone was interested.
Don't forget 5% cashback.(Shopback tracked $1.77 within 10 minutes)
lol why 4wd speciafically?
It's good for all vehicles
Lol because they're off-road and can't use a servo
From what I've read this is very underpowered for 4wd use. Good luck getting 4 tyres from 25psi up to 40 after a day on the tracks. You're carting a substantial power supply around in your car already…just get a 12V plug in compressor and leave these battery jobs for topping up bikes at home.
Looks like it'll take a long time to inflate 4 4WD tyres. Will the battery hold out?
Might be good for 1 x flat and battery will run out by then and expect it to take ages. There are some vids on youtube.
Are these generally strong enough for car tyres?
Car tyres are generally low PSI (35)… the question you should be asking is, should I believe the description which states… Charges 5 Car Tires ( 6 Minutes Charges 1 Tire ) so 30 mins runtime.
Is also states it gets to 150psi… which is very good.
Am I going to receive this by March 2022 since it's shipping from China?
When was the last time you bought something from China? 2005?
Chines new year
Last week I got an order from China in 5 days from eBay free shipping and from a seller w/ only 96%… I wasn't expecting it until April. Came faster than a Prime delivery from Melbourne.
just buy it local for $5 more
Where? Also, does this act as a gauge?
Xiaomi portable air pump $45.99 delivery @ Gshopper AU
Xiaomi mijia mini Portable Air Pump Global Version - Hong Kong
Currently unavailable…
@Andreu: It is available.
But if it's not urgent, it'll save you $7.29 ($1.77 shopback)
Stop being ironic mate
is it okay for bike tyre? or too powerful
Perfect for it imo
For bike tyres, does anyone know if it is compatible with presta valves?
Yes it comes with an adapter.
"It unwinds the presta valve cores, and the entire core comes out when you try to remove the pump. I've tried my darnest to be careful and its happened time and time again."
That doesn't sound too promising shaybisc. It also looks quite heavy to lug around on my road bike.
Yes my concern as well, sounds bad
Might not be a problem, depending on which tyres you have. The person who wrote that has Continental tyres.
Unless you are tubeless and clogging them up with slime, just get tubes without removable cores.
My order just got cancelled by seller sourcing ’pandemic’ restrictions…anybody in the same boat?
Yep me too. Will report to expire the post
Same here
That would be good for 4WD