Just read that CBD Oil (150mg and under) no longer requires prescription.
Are we likely to see this sold at Chemist Warehouse for a reasonable price? Right now, dosage can vary and cost $200 and above for a 50mL bottle.
Just read that CBD Oil (150mg and under) no longer requires prescription.
Are we likely to see this sold at Chemist Warehouse for a reasonable price? Right now, dosage can vary and cost $200 and above for a 50mL bottle.
No THC so I doubt it
2% or less I think.
Medically I'd imagine CBD oil to be more popular than THC. Recreationally that is a different question but CBDs effect on anxiety, nausea, sleep, and tremors or seizures makes it the more widely effective medicine.
However, if chips aren't chippy enough and TV isn't entertaining…
My wife has terminal cancer. We use cbd oil to manage nausea. It works quite well. We actively avoid thc oil so she can drive.
Easier access to cannabanoid products (oils) is a good thing. As long as we don’t become like americas medical marijuana smokers- you burn it, you lose any health benefit.
@HelpMeiCantSee: Well, I would imagine that the health benefit of CBD would be smaller than the health cost of smoking. But I'm not so sure that heating CBD at smoking temps would destroy it.
@ozbjunkie: Plenty of studies show the health benefits are in the oil, not the smoke. Those that smoke “medicinally” are using the thc to mask symptoms (a-la get high) rather than any actual benefit.
@HelpMeiCantSee: I believe hedonic benefit is a real benefit that needs to be recognised alongside the potential for abuse. But yes, what you say can be true.
What is CBD oil?
Central Business District oil, from all the cars leaking into the stormwater.
Get it whist it's hot!
Anything like 'Baby oil'??
Yeah Baby!
Cat Bed Deodorant oil
Covid Breath Detergent
Cannabidiol - one of the active ingredients in cannabis.
You meant cannibals??
Nup, them be edibles!
Coconut Based Dollops oil
AFAIK they were always able to sell it just not for human consumption so it ended up labelled as massage oil.
For those who aren't up to date on all things weed, you don't have to be a stoner to get benefits out of CBD and it doesn't alter your mental state more than a coffee.
Personally I find CBD extremely effective at relieving anxiety, it also helps you get a really deep sleep (can leave you feeling groggy though). This is really good news.
Consuming CBD is not comparable to cannabis. For example THC increases anxiety while CBD lowers anxiety. You might be one of those people who smoked a joint once, had a panic attack, then swore never again - you won't have the same experience with CBD.
You seem like you know what you're talking about, what's the best/cheapest/easiest way to get CBD oil with no/low THC for anxiety?
Looking into it now that it's legal, but no real idea what/where to buy and the prices are off putting, scared to spend $250 on the wrong thing.
What's a good brand of edible 'massage oil'? Is there an easy way to get it in Melbourne?
Hey mate sorry most of my experience has been with consumbing ABV (weed thats been vaped, no THC left just CBD) and CBD oils that friends have had.
The last friend who bought it would buy it from Happy High Herbs but those guys throw a massive markup on everything and sell it to kids chasing a high. Now that it's legal there's probably much better options out there. Not sure about dosages but I wouldn't worry too much about a big dose, you'll just feel super relaxed, again you don't get 'stoned' from CBD, it's more a body feeling.
Just a note that it's 'AVB', acronym for Already Vaped Bud.
@Pry: Ok just a note that both ABV and AVB have a history of usage - Already Vaped Bud/Already Been Vaped. Don't try and correct someone on something unless you're an expert.
@Pry: No just sick of internet experts chiming in to correct someone, using knowledge they picked up off a random article they read once, while adding absolutely nothing to the conversation.
@Cheaplikethebird: That's like 99% of my forum posts on ozbargain. Are you suggesting I don't belong here?
@Cheaplikethebird: I vape and use AVB every day, I just haven't heard it called ABV before. Rather than being a pompous ass with your reply, you could have kindly educated me. Imagine if we were having this conversation in real life, and I had briefly interrupted you to correct your usage of ABV, would you have responded the same way? If so, well I'm glad I'm not one of your friends. But if not, maybe rethink the way you talk to people online.
@Pry: Yes tone can be hard to communicate online, similarly I read your comment in a snarky tone - guess we're both guilty?
In my experience, ABV is the more commonly used term which is why I had assumed you weren't very experienced.
@Cheaplikethebird: Fair enough, I only really got into it from a group of friends a few years back who only ever referred to it as AVB. Years on and I have a Volcano and like to make the most of it!
@Pry: Nice, yeah I have the Aromed which you get some real nice ABV from. Are you cooking the ABV into an oil or just eating it whole?
@Cheaplikethebird: Depends on how I'm feeling! Lazy me will just sprinkle some over some food, but I like to turn it into butter so I can bake with it.
@Pry: Yeah cool. My fave has been to sous vide it into coconut oil then make raw chocolates with the below recipe. It's good because it's no-cook so no risk of cooking off any active compounds and the cacao really helps cover the flavour which you probably know can get a bit much after a while.
1 cup coconut oil
1 cup raw cacao powder
1/3 cup maple syrup
1/4 teaspoon vanilla
1/4 teaspoon lecithin (if not already in the oil)
Mix that all up, pour into moulds, then refrigerate.
@Cheaplikethebird: Haha yeah when I'm lazy and sprinkling it over food it's definitely not the most appetizing that's for sure. Might have to give that recipe a go, could use something new to try.
@Pry: https://www.infusedeats.com/recipes/cannabis-infused-gummies…
There's many other recipes on that website for you to try too. It helps a lot if you dial down the temperature every 2nd pack, so there's more of a full spectrum of compounds in the avb.
@studentl0an: I wanna make BHO gummies but I don't have the balls. Friends in the UK rave about them.
@Cheaplikethebird: I've never tried BHO or other extract but from what I know about them, they are processed to be suited for vaporisation, while flower/avb/offcuts are more suited for processing into edibles. Avb has already been decarbed too so it's really perfect for coconut oil (or other fat) infusion. Of course it can be done, but it seems like driving a ferrari to the farmers market, rather than taking the ute.
@studentl0an: Yeah nah trust me, they're a huge trend atm. Definitely the most popular edible currently. BHO is just pure weed extract, the fact that it isn't bound to an oil gives you more cooking options. Also there's only so much oil you can eat before you'll regret it the next day lol.
@Cheaplikethebird: Had some friends interested in this.
I recommended making some coconut or olive oil and then going and buying a bag of gummy bears. Making gummies seems unnecessary. But if you can make them… Gumtree/gummies tree?
@ozbjunkie: Lol thanks but no thanks. Don’t worry it’s not hard and there’s heaps of guide online. SV method is very easy and there’s not a lot of room for error, you can grab an inkbird SV stick pretty cheaply.
I’ve seen the gummy bear oil recipe before and honestly I think the recipe I posted above is better. It’s simplicity guarantees consistency and it’s 50% oil so you don’t have to eat much. It’s also the best tasting recipe I’ve tried, the rest you end up getting sick of the weed flavour after a while but the bitterness of the cacao really helps cover that up.
@studentl0an: Cheers for that. I've always been pretty lazy with food and never been one for cooking. But I really should start to look into some more interesting food ideas like this.
@LFO: if you keep reading the comments they actually become friends and talk about stuff.
seems like these harmless substance can make people friendly.
seems like these harmless substance can make people friendly
Sounds like in a pub … up until someone had a drink too many …
Hope it doesn't here and become friends for life :-)
@Hirolol: Us stoners are at an elevated level of thinking, we're smart enough to realise that most online disagreements are just a simple case of miscommunication ;)
it doesn't alter your mental state more than a coffee
But then:
extremely effective at relieving anxiety, it also helps you get a really deep sleep (can leave you feeling groggy though)
It doesn't sound that harmless after all.
Those using it daily will, of course, disagree.
Coffee leaves me feeling anxious and wired for most of the day, is caffeine harmless then?
It doesn't sound harmless. Those using it daily will, of course, disagree.
CBDs effects are very similar to chamomile tea and not a whole lot stronger.
Hoping this is just the first step into getting easier access to full spectrum CBD (currently need a prescription for).
Keep in mind, this is a very low dose so not sure how much evidence there is on its effectiveness.
There are places you can get full spectrum CBD, delivered from Australia, already.
Yup, but I would still much prefer it to be readily available to everyone legally without a prescription. Imagine the potential and positive effects it would have towards mainstream health. Currently, many people still don't even know what CBD is.
Anything is better than the anxiety/depression meds available. People can make their own choice as to whether it's more important to be legal, or take that poison, I suppose.
@brendanm: I'm not disagreeing with you. I want more people to be taking CBD over big pharma produced medication regardless if it's legal or not. But looking at progressive countries/cities where cannabis is legal, they've made big leaps in producing and marketing its efficacy towards chronic illnesses.
For CBD to be most effective, we need to know its exact potency and composition, as everyone needs a different dose depending on individual needs. Looking at the (non prescribed) CBD within the Australian market, there's no official regulation to verify its purity.
Also, think of all the people out there who are worried about getting caught with illegal CBD. Making CBD legal through prescription has already removed this barrier, particularly my mother who suffers with a long term chronic illness. Through trained medical professionals, she was able to find the right type and dose for her needs - so imagine this on a broader scale. Also with the upscale of legal CBD, this should ultimately lower its price, as it's still extremely expensive and not affordable for many people; you're looking at spending $100s of dollars a month for people with serious illnesses.
@pjammies: Not sure on USA prices for CBD oil, but I'd imagine California and Colorado would he good places to import legal CBD which is somewhat regulated for purity and dose.
What's the difference between full spectrum and the oil that's the subject of this post?
Great! - Finally might have a decent treatment for my anxiety and depression. Very excited about the news.
Yes, its the only thing I would consider taking for these conditions so hopefully it contains enough CBD to be effective and reasonably priced
since it has no THC in it, isn't it just like Hemp oil?
No. Hemp/seed oil has very little medicinal purposes compared to oil and tinctures made from the flower. While hemp/seed oil can contain CBD and THC, it's in such minuscule quantities that you can legally import it for food consumption (around 0.005% CBD in hemp/seed oil)
When you read/hear about CBD/THC oil, the oil is specifically very high in that component and has a medicinal value.
that's what I mean though, the over the counter version is pretty light on the active ingredients isn't it? The PBS version is still hard to get and has the good stuff in it, so the OTC one is just a tiny step above Hemp oil? I'm not trying to start an argument, but I can't see the OTC version being of much use - it's like Panadol vs Endone.
The OTC stuff prior to the change was for hemp oil that contained around 0.005% CBD. It is not psychoactive in such low quantities. You physically can not consume enough hemp seed oil to feel anything. If you had 1L of hemp seed oil, you would have 0.05mg of CBD.
CBD oil is very close to 100% CBD, it is psychoactive and medicinal. The daily OTC dose is now 150mg.
Think in terms of alcohol content difference between 1L of an alcholic drink that was 0.005% compared to one that was 100%. If you had a litre of 0.005% alc, you most likely wouldn't feel anything, as it's orders of magnitude lower alcohol content than even Kombucha has. However if you drank 1L of pure alcohol you stand a good chance of death. Now 150mg of CBD isn't going to cause death, as you wrote it may not even have a noticeable effect in some people, I just used that comparison to illustrate how big the change in the law is.
The comparison with THC and CBD is big. The stuff you can get with a prescription does contain THC while OTC stuff does not. THC is associated with the feeling of being stoned, while CBD is associated with more of a body relaxation than a mental shift - however people are different and the effects are different between people.
There are other cannabinoids present in both CBD and THC oil, but the effects are not as well known. This will change also over time as more research happens.
There is some confusion on the nomenclature. Hemp oil can mean hemp seed oil with 0.005% CBD, or oil made from the hemp plant that contains ~1-20% CBD content. Going forwards hemp oil will most likely refer to just the oil made from seeds with very low CBD/THC for cooking/nutrition, while CBD oil will be hemp oil that is very high in CBD content. There will be some confusion in the naming for a while, but the important thing is what is actually in the oil and the concentrations.
CBD stocks going to explode like gamestop soon
Any good companies on the ASX to invest in in this sector?
CPH would be the best bet on the ASX. Search them up online, they're in a good position to do well in this sector. A lot of people getting behind them
I used this stuff a bit in Japan (surprisingly, it's legal there even though they're one of the strictest in the world against weed). It's not bad, but don't expect too much.
It doesn't get you high at all, in fact the effects are quite mild, barely more than a placebo. But it is a bit calming, eases anxiety etc.
I got the stuff mostly out of curiosity, and maybe to ease the temptation to pick up something with nicotine (I quit many years ago, but everyone still smokes over there)
Even though it didn't do much, I'd still pick up some more here. It did feel a bit pleasant, and no apparent side effects to be concerned with (ie I could still go to work etc)
+1 its not the magic bullet the media and the sellers make it out to be. At best (on a starting dose of 30mg) it just takes the edge off. May be it works wonders for a very limited set of people. The internet boards are filled with similar findings.
Anyone know when the pharmacies will be selling it over the counter?
So far there are no CBD oil products approved by the TGA for OTC sale, so it will still be a while before it’s actually able to be bought, it’s been known that it was being downgraded for a while though so there’s probably already quite a few products being tested awaiting approval and whoever gets it first is going to make bank. No idea what the prices will be like, but I imagine they’d start dropping as more products get approved.
It’s worth noting that the CBD oil can’t contain more than I think 0.5% THC so it’s not gonna get you high, or give some of the health benefits for things like epilepsy, chemo side effects etc.
I look forward to using this for sleep
Amitriptyline is ok but synthetic, doxylamine is fairly ineffective & synthetic, while melatonin has very little effect
Amitriptyline fails to help me sleeping. It actually makes me extremely hungry.
I couldn't keep taking it. Valdoxan has been of great help.
Did you also have depression?
Depression which induced the insomnia.
I tried anti depressants but they made me hungry, dopey didn't help the head much and I ended up being allergic to one so I was like a junkie. All dopey and scratching.
Then in was on Luvox for a while. It did help with the head but I just didn't give a toss about anything. I was quite apathic and lost sexual sensitivity.
Then came valdoxan. Which isn't cheap but it is the best of the bunch. One of the latest generation anti depressants. Less likely to cause side effects and didn't cause tolerance so you can basically stop taking it from one day to the next.
It is still synthetic but what a difference to the rest of the rubbish they prescribe.
BTW, marijuana usage should be legalised for personal use
It should probably be legalised for commercial production. Why make something untaxable and crime promoting for no good reason?
Apparently it will be at least six months before it starts hitting the shelves in pharmacies as it is still awaiting TGS approval. It is going to be very expensive they said. If you search online "CBD Clinic", there are places you can legally get it and it isn't really that difficult. The web pages will tell you what you need to be eligible to get it legally and the one here on the Gold Coast and Brisbane even do it without even having to visit the clinic physically, all done over via telehealth. This below is an idea of what the pricing is from Cannabis Doctors Australia whose site explains everything. Yep! It's not cheap!
Products cost approximately $4 to $10 per day on average, depending on multiple factors including: the ratio of THC and CBD in the prescribed product; the amount individually used; the product form (i.e. flower, capsules, oil). For e.g. epileptics are often prescribed doses 4 times that of those with chronic pain or other conditions. Condition is a huge factor in dosage and therefore cost.
Will be good to have an OTC alternative to melatonin for sleeping.
Benzos and stuff like Stillnox for sleep are terrible for you. Tried them once but they knock you out so hard even the next day you feel dopey.
anyone knows where in Oz this product is available from?
Anyone have any updates or experiences?
Not buying over the counter, but I have stopped the antidepressants about 6 months ago.
Now the Dr has me on Humacology 3 200 15 (full spectrum cannabis oil) it seems to be doing something. I'm not a believer so I doubt it is placebo effect.
There will be queues out the door!